the nmrning -4er.rlée Theé u c1prograni for the moionng wor-ship service will be as tollows: Prélude, ,"Medi tation," Thais;. Anthem, "SPirIt Immortal," Verdi,' The Choir, wIth. Miss Breidenbach, Mr.' Rust, and M r. Otis; bSôo. "Mother ().%ine,", Tours, Mfr. 'Edward Otim; Pos;tlude, "Match n D.- Guilmant. Miss :Erhia Rounds Is d irector. Junior, church wlill tarefor, the ittle foiks during the mo rning service. IThis Sunday.the children wili bein 'the *or- qbip service for part of the woràhip per- Iod, and will present the fiowers for the altar. Mrs. Peterison la ,in charge. *Thie Sunday * chool meetms at 9 :30 o'clock. Mther's.Day will be observed In the sehool, and the parents are th- vited to attend. *The, Bible classes are studyingi c<'li leasmons which are of Interest at time. The Principles of Jesus are ing carefuliy examined *and aný effori -make theni the basis 'for, daily living encouraged& We invite the adults join ojie of, these classem. They n at 9:45 Sunday., The Chrfitian Endeavor societY mieet Sunday at 5:30 o'clock with Jý Lamprey, 730 Washingtoin avenue. % H. O. Von der Hoff will lead the ni ing. and the topic wili be, "Overoe ing Problems ln the :Home.', Our midweek serice Is held ont W nesday evening a t 8 o'clock at the Wc an's club room.m. We are studying s cially the Letter to the Hebrews,4 this week will a;tudy "The Supei Prieetliood (if Je.sus." We invite-you join u!$. Tlie inen and boys . iill con-àplete1 'Clean-Up bee at the new chu rch t] Saturday, 'May 13, which was delay of the rain. Come in the.afti noon with rakea, and shoveis, Ruglisk L >utheran Seventh street at Oreenfleaf avenue, * . Wilrnit'te "A& House of Wrhp Rev. Dkavid R. Kabele,> pastor Ni ITNIAY SERVICES4 Sunday ,eool . . .9,:46a.j Mother's dvy erviéee.......... la.i Wha.t fluer tribtite could we pay oui, Mothueristhantn atte~nda sev this ouwausa', Mvay 17 at s6:45 o'clock. 't to* Dr, James M. yard 0fd Evanston liseto t o Mrs. Oscar Thomas Olson 3i11 be the g sspeaker at the evening, meeting of the be the speaker. A men's quartet Will to High School league .Sunday at. 5 :I5. sing.,*The business of *he church : »ill iepýt AIl higli school students are invited. lie considered and officers, for 1933-3 amie ThoWomaV~ 0 gt M1~io1arv elected. Make your reservations eariy. wil vety muiets today. Thursdav, at 2 B. Y. P. U. o'lokat ehre. *T h e You ng people will meet at 5:30 .10oc o Sunday evening and.will lie- The Young PeobPle's group wili h eg nénw serles of meeig ne h 1)i a. oe Saigpat 1oroF1- l eadership of the service comimission. dae. Those desiring to attend this Tefiosi omsinwl e-m e Pruty a a:kedPtoMeu.a teVhr hrge 0fthe first one thiâ Sunday. oed-.rmtîat71P.J. The series will consist of four mneeting-, * in which we wlll discuss -Life Work."> pe- The First division will have a "Bake May 18, there will be a Camp Gray and Sale" Saturday of this week at the rîy eeîe h odtew a rIor National Tea Store on Centrai avenue rlty er at Oa Park? o me to his The Woman's Home Missionary io ~n at the Second Baptist ciiurch In cictY wiil hold its annual meeting, mi te- Cicago. the box opening. and reception to new mnt- lis bers Thursday, May 18, at the-home of WOIWAN'S SOCIETY yfed Mrs. Albert Page, 901 Ashland a.venuje. The annual luncheon of the Wom- Lr- C. Rollin Smith will be the soloist. Tiiere 1ng5 ocîety 'will be held at the chut-eh wiil be annual reports and election of t bis Friday, May 12. A play will bu. officers. Ail women of the cliurch are presented and a guest singer will fuit- Most cordialiy invited to bc present. The nish thie music for the afternoon pr'o- assisting, hostesses. will ie %Irs. Monsl grain. *group and Mrs. Nyland's group. __________ The Wesleyan Service Guiî' will muet St. John's Lutheran TuesayMaY.16, at the ehurcli. "For a Spirit of Feailessnes"......Mbel Teal. Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette. This will bce the gift box opening meef- tierman W Meyer, M. A., pastor ing and election of officers.. 406 Prairie avenue Telephone. 13-16 Churcli telephonte 5379 Ail wonîen having coin ,carda, for M. the 11lhodi.4 Old f'eoffle's Home ma%-EVIE _.leve thinm at the church next Sunda. Fourth, after Ea.ster (('ait- Morning.tate) tornThe .usual 9 :15 service wili I..ý FUvis Con gregational 9 :30 A. '%.-Sunday school and B3ibi. 7111 classes.*. of John G. llindley, minister Il A. NI.-$ervh... and cnfimaton .4 IThe regular rnonthly mieet- Iilo h Womnen's ASso0ciated gulld, wiii be hed Friday, May 12, in the clul, hou-se. This will be the last busintss meeting until fall. Mrs. Staley, the dioeSan treasurer of the UnitedThank ofering, wlil be present and wii give ;j taik. Al woinen Of the Pa-elsb areîmost cor dially Invlted'fto be present. There 11< Much sewing to be done, and the heli of everyone b; needed. Mtkodist qChru rch Re'. :Oscar Thomas Oison, D. D., The minister'sç sermon theniefor th'! IX o'clock worship service next Sundac 1 morning will be "A Christian Worlà Alil members andfriends of the ,churvh are urged to attend. the 8 o'cloek servù4 Sunday evening. Because -of davlight savinig time, the. hour'of the evening servielias been cha.nged from7.:30 ti' 8 o'clock. The minister'sermon theme wil be "Testing the Moods of Life."1 '-4 p. m.-uirl Seouts,- Camp -7:30 p. m -Troop No. 2, 1, Y-.- P.I.J no hi t *Thunsday-7 :15 P. M. Senior Chotir rehearsal. Thursday-7 :30 . ni-Troop N.1 BOY Scoute. Priday"3 :15 p. m.-Brownîes FridaYý-7 :30 . u n.-Senior Camip Ft Salurday-"9:10 .A- m.-Cub Scouts., Saturday-10 la. m.---Junior Choir re- .hearsal (for those who cannotcon Thursday iafternoon). Bapisthurich' Wilmette and F'orest: avenues .George D. Allilson, minister A great Prograniis 18pianned for the ainnual dinnet of the churcli to be held Ill çmPoitongruw out !or tesire of the COMPOSer to wrijte a Cantata base4 on the astory Of' a promi- nent Womaàn of the Holy B3ible. The dramAtîc and' appealing 'Incidents--ôr- Miriam'slte are very eamtifulnypor-> tiraYed ln, Mre. Garon'a work. Corne and hear.. .,Kenilwüortk Untion *'The Divine, Laugliter" will be the subject of Dr. Herbert L. Willett on.* Sunday morning, May. 14. The sprlng churcli dinner and annuai meeting will be on Wednesday, May 17, at 6:30 o'ciock ln the Kenilworth As- sembly hali. Announce Honor Roli Puils in Stoip Classes SNames of pupils ini the seventh and eighth grades at the Stolp school who are on the honor roll or wvho have re- ceived ýhonorable mention for their scholastjc work %verte announced tbis. Week. rwenty-six seve.ntia graders and twenty-two eighth graders are on the honor, roll. Nine pupils ini the eighîh grade. and six in the seventh grade received honorable mention. 'lo be on the honor roll a pupil must have an average of 3.25 or higher for ail of his subjects. Pupils who have averages from 3.00 to 3.25 re- ceive honorable mention. In the grad- ing systeni, 'E" in any subject counts four points, *VG" coulats three poi *nts, --cowlits two points and ', cowts u n e o i n t I n h e m n ù r u b j e c i s t h credit-is divided by two. Following are the naimes of the Stolp honor puùpils: MloiýRoBll 7th grade - l'iances .Xkeley, Jtain. l2hiisMaeleneClark, Xtkxmnani Deno, BeUvy 'aire Elijean Everséfn, Mar- jorie. Von Frankenberg, David Geppert, ZCifford G.oodman, Charles Gregory. H-elen Hall,. Ramond Hallet, Shirley H-auseanian, Elizabeth Hoesii, Harriet Lagerlof, Jarvis Lingie, JaneNaethans. nis cli beR'uncneon meeting. thi7ea I I July, fo jThe izlosing ChUrch Night 'for thej been as .Present. seaion is Wednesday, May 17.I or two Se a muai. member. iad-O- ic - M rs. Gordon Bull, 524 Maple ave-' on of nue, is eÎtertaining ber luncheon riy in bridge club at'the Georgian tomor- have fond row. After luncheon she will take ber fond gpests home for, cards. 'announq T