the annual, commencement exercises to be held Thursday; june 15. With only a montb of scbool remaining, the seniors are busy with plans for their pre-commencement activities. 1The senior play will be presented Friday and Satur*day night.9, june 2. and 3., Barry's,"TIhe Y»uingest" is heirig given this year. june 10, the Saturday preceding co mmencement, bas been set as tbe date for the annual senior hop. Com- mittees already are bùsy planning thisevent. The junior prom, another social event to which the seniors arl invited, will be beld, on, Saturday, May 20, it was announced at the hig school. this week. Ci«& > Day June 14 Alumni day and senior. class day wil be observed on Wednesday, june 14, the day, before commence- m rent. The last classes of the pres- cent. school year at New Trier will be on Tuesday, jpne 13.. Supt. M.' P. Gaff ney bas annou.nced thiat there wil be no commencement speaker. This same policy was fol- lowed last year. Registew FreeLmen Asý the 1932-1933 school termf draws to a close preparations are' being inade for the 1933-1934 term at New Trier. Registratioin of ail fresbmen who wiIl enter the higb scbool next fail from the public grammar schools and the parochial schools of Ne-%% Trier township is being completed Thursday and Fridav 'of this %%eek.i Olde Towners I-bld A nnual Dinner Today' Members of Ye Olde Towne Folkes, villagers who have resided ini Wilimette for at least a quarter of a century, willIhold their atnnual iîieet- ing in the, auditorium of the Wil- ý mette Masonfic temple tonigbt at 6:30 o'clock. The évent also commernor- ates ýthe .4th anniversary of, the founding of the organization. An cntertainment and social hlour will foilow the dinner. Ye Olde Towne Foikes now has a Rear Admirai Wai T. ,Cluveriu, commandant of thée U. S. Naval Traininp station at Great Lakes wil be the speaker at aý patriotic rally, tobe,held in the Stolp school au- ditoriium, Wilmnette, Monda y eve- ning, May 1.5, under thte auspices of Wil»iete- chaf'ter, T/e Paul Re- veres. I-is s ub jecc will be: "In- diiiduai kes>àtsibfl) vid N à,Aational Defeise." Admirai Cluverius and party, con- sisting of Mrs. Çhiverius, Commander Harlow T. Kays, executive officer of tbe training station, and Col. and Mrs. E.' M. Hadley of Glencoe, will be met at Tenth street and Sheridan road at 7:45 by an escort consisting of the Evanston Drum and Bugle corps and a detachment f rom Wilniette Post No. nue to the sehool. Admission will be free to ail. The programn is announced as fl lows: Cali to Order, 8 :15 ...The President Advance of Colors............. .PostNo. 46 Arnýerican Legion Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. .....Everybody Solo, "Star Spangied Bannier".... .~Mrs. Robert R. F'onthani Mrs. Paul MeKay, accompanist. Invocation .-Rev. Jame~s E. Shevlil, St,. Francis-Xavier church. introducetion of guest speaker.... The band is composed of Miîôre than sixty pieces and is considered one of the oUtstanding musical organizations at the high school. It is under the direction-of J. C. Schu- macher,. Who. has had charge of the band work at .New Trier. for, several years. Tickets for the concert this Friday are.beingsoid ,by memibers of the band. 'Ihere will 6be .no reserved sets, is announced, and residents of the New Trier communities have been advised to get to the high school auditorium early inorder to be as-ý sured of good seats. The program for' the concert, as anniouniced in this paper last week, is as follows: Brooke's Chicago Mlarine Band...... March............ Roland F. Seitz Concert waltz, "Wedding of the Winds" ..John F. Hall Trombone solo, "The M(essage"...... .E.. . ... .. . . . ... . Brooks Playedby Warn Cozzeone, accom- panied by Lewis Eldridge Tone poern, "Finlandia" (opus 26,. Suite by Sousa or by Nevin Grand, march, "Festai March linC ...........Charles Cadman The Bach Chorales John Sebastian Bach 0 Sacred Head Now WoUnded Soul, Array Thyseif wlth GladneSs Lord God. Wle Fraise Thee Qi erture, *N'abueodonosor" . .Verdi Exit march, 1tepasz Band March 250 School Children to the annual spring concert 10 De given by the combined junior high school- boys' and girls' glee clubs and the Wilmette school orchestra Friday night, May 19, in the Howard school gymnasium, Miss . MaryI. McKay, nmusic supervisor in the -local schools, anrnounced this week. The glee clubs are under the direction of Mrs. Agnes Clark, wbile Mrs. Catherine Wagner has charge of tbe orchestra., PubliC c ools IFriday, jufle 16, when the annual eigbth grade conmmencement exercises are to be hëld. For the first time in the history of the Wilniette school systesu the Highcrest school on' Twenty-third street near Illinois road, will be represented in the list of grad-, nates. There will . be ten graduates f rom, Highcjrest, ninety-three f rom the Stolp school and eighty-eight f rom the Howard school. District No. 39, the. Wilmette Public school district, absorbed the 'old Dis- trict No., 40 west of Ridge road, which. was served by the Highcrest school, several montbs ago. S 001o Clous« Jun. la The last day of school. for the WiI- mette pupils will be Friday, june 16, the same' day that commencement is to be held.. Several important events remain on the -sehool calendar bel ore the close .ôf the present terni. One of thein is the annual spring concert to be given by the school glee clubs and orchestra unider the direction of Miss Mary Mc- Kay, nmusic supervisor, on Friday, May 19, at the Howard school. Exhibits of work done by the pupils ai the various school buildings wilI be held the latter part of this month and early in june. Dates for these ex- hibits bave been announced as follows: -Parents are especially invited to at-. tend, these exhibits, it is announced. Art League Will Ho.ld A>nnu"al1 Dinner May 16 The North Shore Art league wil have its annual dinner Tuesday, May 16, at 6:130 o'clock in the evening, i Tyreli Memonial room at Comrnunity House in Winnetka. The exhibition pox will De clone I uesday afternooi May 16, beginning at 1 o'clock at th \Vilmette Health center, 1901 Schillt street, for, ail cbildren wbio presci certî ficates signed, by their parents. I,. Paul Fieberg of1 ýe rected "Your Unc ýr sented in Wilmette it coached the cast of Truth." "A , .entury etf roiress." The tine la growing short. fratert9ty.