uPru e:Ju-"ek w Sarts i P. M. Aduitu, 2uc Cildreui, 10e Thurs., May il1 (Lest imes Tonig.4t) Fredric March-Claude0fe Colbert Charles Laughtfon, <Start& 7816; 1:50> Add-S !fi Crosby in 1Sing, sing, Singe ... Newm Fr1., Set l.,My I 2-3 Sun.. Mon.. May 14-1 S 11110 Tais Io Wheeler & Wo.lsey (Starts Sun. 2; 4; 4; 8; 10) (Starts Mo'n. 7:50; 9:50>) Sert Roach-Marie Prevost Comnedy Sportlight . .. Scroppy Carfoon News Tues., Wed., May 16-17 st : s W Fnyerid Lady" tary01 the u-easury, an E~ast Imdi, poentate and a Prime minister.; His greatest success has been as prime minister. Now lie bas movq up a peg in the cinematic social scal He is a king in bis new picture, "Ti King's Vacation,">où tbe, screen Commiunity House this. Friday> ai Saturday. in fact, it, is arou nd bis gi ving u~ of bis' kingly prerogatives that -th 'tr f "The King's Vacation written in a highly biumorous vei by Ernest Pascal, with the corne d sptced witb deligbtful romance. Among the players in support c Mr: Arliss are Dick Powell,ý Patrici; Ellis , DudlIey Diggesi, O. P. Heggit Marjorie Gateson and Florence Ar liss. The screen adaptation wa made by Mr', Pascal and Maude 'T Howell. John Adôlfi directed. KENILWORTH GIRLS HOST -ESS Elizabeth Nelliger, 322 Kenilwortl- avenue, entertained at a bridge s up. per andwsurpise shower on Thursdaý of Iast wek. The guests of honor were tbe two brides-to-be, Mari Karker of Glencoe, and Fances Buck of Evanston. The former was the recipient of a miscellaneotil, sbower,' while tbe latter was show- ered witb bosiery and bandkerchiefs Both young women are members of Miss Nelliger's bridge club and were surprised witb the sbowers instead of finding regular meeting in session. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ketcham, .611 Abbotsford. road, Kenilwortb, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bartling, 116 Fuller lane, Winnetka, returned Suri- dayfrom a five-day outing at Fretîch Lick Springs, Ind. They also àt- tended the Kentucky Derby Sattur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira. Jones, after' an absence in Alabama of about-louir years, where tbey have a home, have returned to Wîlmette, to be at their home at 921 Thirteetb street. "ROME EXPRESS" "KING 0F THE JUNGLE" "CLEAR ALL WIRES" I Jua 1 1,ee1i racyi Ione mte iest rotes Strarage as it may sound, one of the of his spectacular career --- that of Îan best WaYs to forget troubles is to ffl "Private Jones" - will thrill at the "The Cobens and Kellys in Trouble" Wilmette theater, Friday and Satur- a at the Varsity theater this Friday andl day, ,May 12 and 13. ,d Saturday, May 12 and 13. George This brilliant young actor, who hereL._ le. Sidney and Charlie Murray are a great tofore bas beeni seen in -metropolitan lie laugh team, whileý Maureen ..O'Sulli;van roles, dons the olive drab of an Amenr at also contributes a ýfin prfrmnc. cati dougbboy and offers anetry id harlie Murray as Kelly, in a rasht new type: of' war. drama, making "Bill moment in Seattle, marries- Jobyna Jones>" the rebelijous soldier, live as P Howland-theni, in his tug-boat, lie goes no screen soldier bas ever lived, before he places to levade ber. But .Joby and bier ini motion pictures. ipal, Maude Fulton, a pair of die-harci The plot is new and well wvovenl. nbattie-axes,, catch up. George Sidney The characters are humnan, and theat Yas Cohen is alrnost trapped by Maude; ing is sup erb, probably because the lAndy ,'*Gravel. Throat" Devine is cast is of the first order. Tracy with f ramed'with joby., his dynamic personality and, ready fl ow ia RoerI itr of cracklinig dialogue deserves, first e, Anl important.feature-of the Friday mention. Land eSatu'rday. programs will be a pic- Gloria Stuart, asý the heroine, per- 7. torial,-of- President Franklin D. Roose- lforsi winnmng manner, and Don-, velt, entitled ."Roosevelt, the Man of aid Cook is, perfectly cast, in the sym- the Hour." pathetic roie of the young lieutenant The final chapter. of .the serial, vho tries te Make something of bis "Clancy of the Mounted," ýstarring 'rom récalcitrant. trooper. Tyler, will be shown at the SudyM ore. Than a Spectacle YTbe Barrymiores - John, Ethel and shows at the Wilmette theater, Sun- Vastyte- day and Monday, May 14 and 15, is ter in,. the rnighty drama, "1iasputiiî something more than an inprg and the Empress," Sunday, Mon(asecal ilin tsel.1ti pof Of Tuesday and Wedniesday, May 14, 15, the f act that Cé7cil B. DeMille, mnaster 1and 17. of this type of entertainment::in the Irreistile Atraciomsuent days, caii bend sound to bis will, This superb blend of tri-Barrymore and produce a film of even vaster pro- ability for tbe first time in screefi bis- portions than n the past. It is further toryis nouh t enicean. moie-proof of the éverlasting appeal of en-- gor er oh asty etbearyAd o, e-tertainment of *a spectacular nature, tbis tbeftth artythe pitere d tlwhether the. audience happens te be in thi th fat tat he ictremarks Rome's Circus Maximus or ini the mod- Ethel Barrymore's screen debut in a er oinpcuetetr roIe exactly suited teolber talents-and Thrn llinof1pituthea' trn to there's another reason for attending. mTeelliasg ofadi the hasrn stoy Then this feast of personal art s or neve ha beened in t eads rounded out with the excellent per-. ofa exceonl antedRocan t.rd f ormances of Charles Morgan, Diana ric ,,Mac scoures s, heomanopatni Wynyard and Tad Alexander. Chrian. grl;sSuEruss wbo ilove a Ethel Barrymore portrays the regal as tbe Christian, Mercia:; Clauidett but timàd and anxious Imperial.mother; Colbert surpasses ber eve ry past per-. John, .tbe dasbing Prince. Chegodie«f, forrnance aes the wicked Empress Pop- and Lionel,, the sinister, debauched paca; Charles Laughton- is no less than Rasputin. magnificent as Nero. I"The Sign of the Cross" is a great THOSE TAXI BOYS religious story, a great love story and "aiBarons" is the naine of a a great spectacle. I Mrs. Fred Bulley, -220 nexi, 'oad, Kenilworth, spent last playc at French Lick Springs, Holli *too. carne b as l in tlure,. stepped ito