Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 12

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01- 1... ..9:45 a. m. fig orship............ta.ui rhursday) the Senior Luther A Bakery sale will be held by the meet at the church at 8 'irst division Saturday, May 20, at the ehave been having some National Ten stn .re on Central avenue. ieetIngs and we Invite the - te to corne and fellnWshili The Shxth division wIll meet Tuesday, May 23, at; the homne of Mrs. D. A. Stoker, 228 Myrtie street. Winnetka. at ir rehearsai Prid ay e-vening 10 :3Ô Vlok )ck. ' .The Flfth dlivision will have an Ice ýther league wîll mept on Creamin awn social for the division mem- ing at 5 :30o oclock., bers- on June 3, at "the home ofe Mrs. -. arr Mous, 157 Wnodstock avenue. y. May, 28,. the ýLuthe .r Kenlworth. leagues are sponsoring . a young péo- ple's and confirmation reunion tea. A very fine program la -being arranged and a roll calilof ail thé classes will be taken. We Invite ail the néwcomers to, 1WII- mette to come and worshlp with us. We havé a very finué Suuday Échoni with classes for everyýoue. Corne to the friéndly church wvhere the Way is made*plain. Methodist Church TÉhe inlster's sermon thème -for- th*e ilo'çJock worship service iiext Suni- daY mornlig will hé "What 1s tn Be- come of Protes tanutismn ?" The music for the il o'c-lock servic-ý will hé as follows: The.Organ Prélude- "Chorale"..........Brahms "Kamenétnoi-Ostrow' , .RuLbenstéin The Introt-"Cast Th:v Burden Upoin -the Lord"., ....1.....Mendelssohn Choir Antheni-IThe, Shepherd". . Lutk lu. Solo* Miss Florence Farrar Thew Organ Postlude-"«Alieluia". . Roge-r.s An 8 O'clock service ýis held éach Sun- day evening during the mouth of May. AhI members and friends are urged to attend thîs Sunday evehing. Thé minis- ter's sermon theme fis "The Grreat Refusa]." The music for the evening service will hé as follows: Thé Organ Preludéý-"May Night"I . .. ... . - ... .... .. ...i- Palm gren Thé Introit.-"Cas;t. Thy Burden Upon the .Lord" Mendelssohn Choir Authemn-"O Thou That Heareat Prayer' .......... ............ave The Organ Posîflude '!Finale", (V Sonata) .... .... Mendelss ohn Donald Frisbie, a member of the New Trier High school facýulty. wil he the speaker at. the meeting of the High Sehool League this Sundary évening at The .féliowing. divisions will meet Thursday, May 25: FIIRST-12 :30 p. mn.-Luncheon-Mrs. E. R. Jamnes, 1304 Forest avenue. SECOND 10.M30a. m.-Mrs. O. B. Fuchs, 206, Woodstocék avenue,- Kenil- worthi. THIRD-2'p. m.-Mrs.. H. F. Bittuer, 302 17th street. FOURTH-10 :30 a. m.-Mrs. Carl J. Zipl)rich, 623 Forest avenue. FIFTH-ý1O :30* a. m.-Mrs. George Murdock, 2111 Birchwood avenue. St. John'9s Lutheran Wthpéi;te and Park avenues. Wilmetté Hérman W. Meyer, M.A., pastor 06 Pra rie a,ýv"e Telephone 1396. Chuirch telephone 5379 SERVICES Fifth- Sunday after Easter (Rogate) 9:15 a. M.-First service and sermùn. 9 :30 a. m.--Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. mn.-Second service and "ermo)n. ASCENSION 0F CHRIST Thursday, May,25. Service at 8 p.,M. SACRE1D CONCERT 31AY 21 The choir of St. John's is giving a sacred concert: at the church next Sun- day evenlng begi.nning ai; 8 o'elorck, at whicei Mrs. Eleds, Aùstin Ganiron, orgaulst and choir director. wilil play sévei'al organ numbers and at whloh the choir will siug a cautata entitled "'Miriam, the Sister of Moses." The program is as follows;, 1.. Organ -solo-'*In dir ist Freude" -chorale prélude...-... . ..Bach ----Aria fromn "Suite in .D' transcribed *bS. B, Whitney........Bach 3. Chioir-"IThe lSth Psalmn"......... 4.,Choir-."He, Watching Over aul er, world 6. ve onue of, Lt a, méét- o1ýup Sun-1 7. First Presbyterian Woman's club> rooms Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, minister Our worship. service Is held at 11 o'lc.The minister wlli preach o n the themne,."The Breastplate ef Righte- ousness," a continuation of the se ,ries of sermons on The Christian's Armour. WO The musical program arranged by Miss Erma Rounds, director. is as fol- low$: Prelude. "Am Meer," Schubert- LIszt;: Anthem,, "Festival Te Deum," Buck, The Choir;. Solo. "How. Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," Liddle, Mr. Ed-ý ward Otis, soloist; Postlude, "Rococo" Palmgren. Junior church wIll care ýfor, the ittle folits while their parents attend the worship service. Mrs. Stanley Peterson lis lu charge. Our, Sunday, echool- meets at 9:30 o'c2lock. We -Invite you to send, your children 'and to corne Yourself. Mr. Ralph Rîce Is igeneral superintendent. Three Bible classes,, two for. woui*n and one for men, meet to study thé Bible at 9 :45 o'clock. We Invite you to join themn.1 1 The Christian Endeavor society Willl rneet at 5 :30 o'clock, the place te be , onïurnced Harold Osborn wIll .iead meetng. The subject wll be, ý"Worshipplng God Out-of-doors.-" WP Invite the young people te meet witb us. TYte Spokes of the Woman's society wlll meet as follows: Speke 6- on Tues- day at 1:30 o'clock wlth Mrs. H. O. Vonder Hoff, 332 Oak circle, Speke il on Tuesday. all-day meeting with Mrs. U. C. Torrey, 1341 Elmwood avenue; Spoke 10 on Wednesday, all-day meet- Iug, wlth Mrs. Mrs. Randolph Lamnprey, 730 Washington avenue. Our mld-week service Is held on Wed- nesday evenlng at 8 o'clock. We are mnalçng a special study of the Letter te the Hebrews, whIch has as Its general theme, "The Supremacy of Christ." We Invite you to join us. Thé men. and boysarà rq be at.the new church building urday afternoon. May 20, at 1;:3C to complète the idean-up of the à Shovels, rakés, and wheelbarror needed. Our communion service willl Sunday, June 4, at il o'dlocl4 tnembers -wiil be received in on, Sat- Children's Day will be hel udy gro'clock June* 4. This service wll be aI 10 a. m. nws arp The Sunday school wlil meet as usual aI O9:45 and aIl children between thé, be hl ages of 3 a.nd the high sechool are in- - el vted. Thursday-4 P. m.-Junior choir re- hearsal. Thursday-7 :15 p. M.--Senior choir reheargal. Thursday-7 :30 p. m.-Troop No. 1. Boy Scouts. Friday-3 :15 p. m.-Brownles. Friday-7 :30 p. m.--Senior Camp Pire Girls. Saturday-9 :30) a. m.-Cub Pack-.No. 63. -Saturday-10 a. m.-Junlor choi r re- Baptist Church Wilrnette and Forest. avenues George 1). Allilson, minfister ",A Church that.Cares"' On Sunday, Ma.y 21. Dr. Allison 'wlll -continue his challenging messages based on modern translations of familiar verses from the Psalmns the text for the day being: "Give Ini Admit God !" The B. Y. P. U. meets at o'clock Sunday evenIng., The meeting will be ln charge of Tom Allison,, stewardship commission director. There wlfl be some Interesting research reports for the toplc: "Life Woôrk." Officers for 1933-e4 have been elected as folloWE: bresident, Fred Leason; vice-presldent, Sidney Dillar; secretàry, Jane Blay- lock; treasurer, Shirley Leason; devo- tional life commission, Anna Gertrude, Orvis;, service commission, Joan Guth- ridge' stewardship commission, tee BlaylOc k; fellowship Commission. Elea- nr Williams. Keep up the good attendance at the Wednesday meetings. A new 'series wiIl begin next week. May 24. Corne at 8 o'clock. There will be a Camp Gray Reunion party at the Second Baptist church ln Chicago on Thursday evenlng of thia week.- Mayr 18. AIl who have beén to camp, or any interested ln camp this year wil ho welcome to attend. Kenilrvorth Union Dr. Herbert L. Wlllett, minister, Dr. Willett's subjeet for Sund ay, May 21. wIll be "Fundamenltals,"' an answer, to the question: -What; are the essen- ftBo lan,-A speclal *venigsrvice copim=rn e loe "leWedamedsy N,,nlng Servlte cof I oratlyag the Aucenlimof orLrd 1Il!. ru3t clnu Rev. C, of Aabjan4 avI'y, mosday.,;y tor a Garen Igr sociate minister at quai church. T onignt (Ti league wll o'clock. We very fine mg young poeppi Wth us. * eirchoi at 7 ý:30 o'cloq Junior Lui Sunday eveni On .Sunda: -I leitëd toi

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