refrete,"explained Supt Sauers in bhis lettér. "There is a possibility that 2,000 acres owned by the sanitary district would lend themselves to re- forestation. "In the forest preserve development scheme it is ýcreatela- goons in the Skokie marshes to: serve as.'flood réservoirs when needed, and recreation. water otberwise. Tbis in- volves the lnovini--of about 1,000,000 cubic yards of each, which, due to the nature of construction and tbe shortness of the baul, coul.d be done by a large corps of hand laborers. M. 1S. ProvadsSUpp'e "The project wvould require on ýthe part of the féderal authorities trucks, tools, foremen, a snîall amount of en- gineering supervision- and, in the fall, some younfg trees. The trees, Mr.. Sauers explained, could bot be iplaiiteld .unt il after the growing season ends. During, the sumfnier the governiment labors corps w-ofll SCOOP out the laigoon basin and fi the adjoining land to be plant- e(l in trees. T'le S kokie mnarsh for Wvhich the improvement is designed lies just west of suburbs of, Glencoe and \Vi.netka.; and east of the: Sko- kie vallev route of the North, Shore' interurl)afi ne.: It begfins just south of thé.Lake county line and extends to Lake avenue, wes t o f Wilmette, wvhere the Skokie river, draining the. marsli, joins the north branchl of the .Chicago ri%,er. TRIO AT FASHION SHOW Tl'le Akelv trio, composed of Mrs. ErnauAel and lier twýo daughiters, Frances and Blythe, gave the pro- grain on Wedneseday evening for the early summiiier fashion show %ýand bridge spowsorcd by the Juniors of the WVoian's Catholic cltib of \.Vil- mette, at, thé, Woman-i's club. NrsW.J. Taylor, 631 Abbotsford roadj..Keiiilworthl, entertaindle bridge club on. Tuesday, May 16, at luncheon at%,L'Originial teaý rooni ini Glenàcoe. fIer guests ýreturned* to lier home for bridge. .o- -Mrs. Grant C. Osborni, 522 Central. new municipal water plant now un- der construction. Tbis action was taken subject to tbe approval of Vil- lage Attorney Willis D. Nance. . At present the Village buys the electric power for its stre-et lighting system fromn the Public Service com- pany. Under the. new arrang iement the Villa ge. will also buy from the same, company thé electric po wer necessary to operate the water plant, and one bill will be furnisbed by the company covering. the cost of, power, for both services. By purchasing the additionàl pow-' er under, the new contract the Vil- lage will save uxoney on the cost of the.poiver:for,:the street ighting sys-- tem, since the cost pet unit decreases as a greater amounit of power .,is, used,-it was pointed out at the meet- ing of the Village board Tuesday night. Rates chiarged by public utilities such as the, Public Company of Northern' Illin ois are sutbject to the approval of the illinois Commerce' commission, it wvas stated, and 'the Village would not, be bound by the contract to any specified raté if a. gener al reduction in rates should be ordered até any tiniie. They Must zBe Good - when Patrons wiII corne. ail the way fror Chicago, Jolie+ and even Wisconsin to have a Permanent at Albright's. Ail Standard Methods $6 àph one Yonir Appoinémnent TodayÉ WILMETTE 4517 ALIRJGURT fleauty Sh.p Leonard Lawrence wilI take' the part of Henderson Edwards, the merchant, in the play. 'T'he mer- chant's son, Charlie Edwards, wiIl be played by Robert Repke. Edward Wagner will be Mr. Grabbit, a cus- tomer. Jack'Anhaît bas tbe part of Tomü Jones, the bookkeeper, and Dennie, the office boy, will be, Olaf Lindquist. Others, in. the cast include Ruth ln ]PRWe guaranteathi ie qualfty PURSTORAGwokaapredoetoIi MOTIIPROOF1 VATJLTS communuity for more than 20 18.m WYlinetka 1882 Wilmuette 1882 MESE'JIA~ 1IRECD A lE Ils FIR-EPROOF W Ui 10Wihnette SmS SPECIAL at A&P Markets! Choice. Native Beef Roast tlitt you wili really e n i o y. Eco- nomicai1, too, at A&P'S Iow price. CUDAHYS PURITAN HAMS, Whole or Maîf, 12.tW 14-lb. .vg.,. LARGE, FANCY FRYING. CHICKENS CHOICE NATIVE RI1B ROAST LB. 141/2c LB. 1,22C' L.23c LB. THE PUBLIC 19 CflIWILLY INWTU> TO ATTEND. THI CiftRCfl IVICUS AND viur T THS EADINO 1001< Drapes Low as ýper pair ..50 9k!2 Donmestic: Rugs [law$1 I,À-