WE SPECIALIZE » X Co»aplete Autoniol Mainltenane FORD P ARTS AND SERVICE. adAdjusted with, a Greaie Job or Oui change- CulisoCMot - The direction of this play is in the hands of, David Itkin, famous for his work ini the Goodman theater, at D)e Paul university, and as a fcatured player of the Habima Players. S The ;play h las, been .called a folk play by its author. for it deals with the well known legcnds of Prague, ,ie The. theme ts: describcd unusuai and arouse much interest among the Lit-, tic Thbeater groups,. Members* of, the cast are Mr. and Mirs. Harry. BoyelI. of Glencoc, Mrs. Warren Shuster of Winnetka, Harry Noor, of Chicago, and Milton J.'Kie 1 F of Glencoe. R E 1,I think l'il be smart end replace this old rubber now'd CM Century of i-rogress exposition opens on June J1, the North Shore Property Owners, association is engaged in a campaign intended to divert as much of this traffic as possible away from the residential comnxunities'along the lake. For some t.ime the association has, been fighting the efforts of trucking companies to obtain permission to op- erate. through truck lines.' carrying freight over Sheridan road,' Green Bay road and other. streets * betwecn Chicago nad 'Points north and north-' west., it is continuing this fight and is also calling upon ,its members to. cooperate in bringing pressure to bear ,which, the association hoppes' wvill resuit in the divcrting of automo- bile traffic around the north, shore villages. Fear Air, Hazard. In addition to this, the association in view of the cxpected increase in air traffic during the' fair, is taking steps to se that life and prQperty in the north shore communities are properly safeguarded against possible airpiane accidents. Ini a bulletin sent to members of the association reccntly the, officers and committec members urge that letters be written to the Illinois Com- merce commission, to the governor and to members of the state legisla- turc protesting against the proposai to operate through freight truck lines on the north' shore. Member r also being urged to encourage tir No Xeit'ht R.vmlation' In the matter of air traffic regula- tion over the north shore the bulle- tin to members of the property own- ers' association points out that there is nro height regulation for airplanes over water and no distance require- ment from the shore, although the law does require a height of one thousand feet in fiying over a popu- lated area, Members of the associ- in minc the omfcers and committees of the association are _txertinïg-every effort to divert through traffie, west of the villages along the lake shore and -are urging the completion 'of. the new Skoie highway, Route 57,:as soon as possible. The. completion of this road. is expected to take muçh traffic' from Sheridan road and other hcavily travelcd,, streets: that, pass through the residential village. LoganHowardI IPre-Scizool Group At most of thé meetings during the past ycar, members of the Logan- Howard Pre-schooil, group have en :- deavored to 'makeý their own îninds work rather than sit back and listenl to a speaker. It was -agreed to pur- sue Dr. Jessie Charters' "~Ohio Course of Study in Parental Education. From November until April the pro- gram chairman, Mrs. F. J. Dowd, ledý, the discussion connected with the "Lessons on Physical Developrinent," "Mental Development," "Psychology of ýLearning and Habit Training," "Nutrition Problems," "Makinig a Home Schedule" and "Home Mlan- agement." Dr. Martin Seifert, Hcfalth. conimissioner of the village, *very kindly consented to cover for us the subject of "Children's: Discases," scheduled for April. The last of the lessons, "Habit Formation," was pre- sented by Dr, Louis e Farwell, direc- tor of research at the National, Col- lege of Education at our annual open meeting in May. Mrs. H. Davidson was presîdent of the group during 1932-33. Oficers. for the, coming year, elected at the May. 9 meeting are: -président, Mrs. A. Tcr;vice-president, r.R.Rb inson; secretary,, Mrs. G. W. Gather- coal; treasurer, Mrs. R. H.,Freeman. DE PENDAbLE AUTO SUPPLY STATION 190 Lake Ave. WiInattý 2358 740 omen "~in the know" say it's a tri amph F R E £ i