jec*r ot rus moion pïcture researcn. Others "stars" of bis seeking cam- era are birds in their native haunts. To stili another phase of plant and animal life he turns. the lens of bis c amera, niamely, microscopic. Al of these studies. he unreeled before ail absorbed audienceo! members of the two.Wilmette 'garden clubs and their friends Tuesday evening o! last week, correlating all of bis pictures under the general ýtopic of "The Uife of a 1'iower." Out of. the intense ýinterest, great patience and determination to watch the life history.-of aplant or flower unfold in motion pictures, springs in- genuity,, ingenuity which enables him to devise instruments and other, means of adapting those ýnatural in- fluences inthe life of a plant or, flow-_ erto bis own ends in, making his re- calcitrant "stars" amenable camera subject. He, toqj, is 'devetoping color photography in bis film history of plant and 'bird life, making. it more vivid. Shows Ingernity Clearly and understandingly he ex- ~plains his- work, describing the de- vices and adjustments he must make to. film his -sùbjects., Little verbal explanation is;needed by the audience when the, results of his photography are seen'tomake understandablethe flower's response to natural laws. Al- most human buds and flowers and leaves becomne in their responsive mno- tions to sun and water. His - talk over, his hearers re- maînied to show their interest asking' questions about the piçtures tbey had seen as well as about the' interesting bacteriological research he is .doing in hospitals. The host of the evening was the Evening Garden club and its presi- dent, 'Paul C. Lang, welcomned the guests before -turning the program; over to Mrs. Charles D. Ewer, "mrother"ý o! the IEvening ,Garden club and a miember of the Wilmette Garden club, its guest. She made known MN-rs. C. P. Berg, president of the after-noon club, and Mrs. john F. C ire» Smile for Bernie Alva ýM. Jaetes, arctic explorer di d u'orld traveler, uîi.:give. an ilhutratrd lectutre at the IViliiette Paris/i Met hod ist 'chu rch, Sunday evenin g, Mlay 21, at the eo pies eetillg. During the last thirteen years, Mr. Ja ,nes' explorations have taken hinm more than 200,000 miles, equal to eight timfes. the girth of the world. He circled the globe south of the equatorin 1927 and went arouticd the world north of the equator in 1930. BElTER PICTU RES There is a big difference in. Photographic Art. POOR pictures are neyer CHEAP. BERNIE photograph isrsyuthe highest attainment of the, photographie art, no matter how Iow the price. DBERNIE STUDIO 1623 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON UNI. 8998 .These Dresses' Çr a lua te - 1l For descriptive leat! et and 1.11 inf ormsation, cali or' write thse Tour Bureau -o! this news>a>er A. HANNA INC. 952 Spanish Court Phone Wihn.t.467 'E 6000- FOR 23 VEARS CHICAGO'S AND SHQRE'S L.ARGEST AND O>UTSTANDIG PRICES Winner of international Modal for 1932 wm Ren.w and Preserv.