SHEDS 'WATERI LIKE A DUCK'S BACK! drýesses and suiîts c' lwouas New. aud ,,met Imgie ress that: wonft show sains f rom pilled cocktails or highballs-that repels- ginger aie, or coca cola--that won't look "like axa onadmp 1ui day-.that resists perspiration!ý Today wecanshield every dress you wear as though jr were protected witb cellophane!, Into most fabics manufacturers put dressing ogie lustre, "body" and "handie"- After wear and dry cleaning, mosr of this "body" is gone-the garment seems limp and hifeless. RE-TEX is a new idea-a new merthod. wherelby thart normal "body" and natural weight are restored- just as the laundry uses starch to restore natural firm- ness and "body" in a shirt or a collar. Often the re- textured fabric is richer in appearance than the original new goods!1 1 l dress or suit sheds water like a duck' s back! Ginger ale, Coca cola and otber cold Iiquids, roll off-not in., They do. nor perierrate the fabric-do not mark-do flot leave' "rings," "puiffs" or "puckers." Thus many spots and stains are :preVented. The dresa, stays clean much longer., On a humid. day a dress keeps smarr.-doesn'r " Pleats stay firmly set. Velvet, is. no longer a source of anxiety-its pile is Preserved. Tbis wonderful service may be had for i WARHNIN G- ILL*