Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1933, p. 26

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Barry Play "The Youngest" wiil be presented, Friday and Satur- day, June- 2 and 3, by the: Dramnatic cltib of New Trier 111gb school as the onnual senior play, directed by Miss Elisabeth Stanwood and Gordon Van Kirk. First offered te theater-goers in New York City in 1923;- the play, was originally known as "Poor, Richard'." Later the> title was changed te the sarcastic "God Bless Our Home," and fnally te the simple, but apt *The Youngest." Thé plot concerns the misfortunes and trials of' one Richard Winslow whos.e family treats bim i with little or no respect or,,approval. 0Of course, ýWinslow strenuously objects to such henpecking, but his efforts' to ýiir- prove matters are futile until he bias the assistance of Nanc~y Blake and aise gets contrel of the famiily purse- strings. What happens then, will be skilfully interpreted by the New Trier cast. List off Members of Caxt Virginia Smith who takes the role « talented girl promninent in înany other activitics at New Trier. Nancy Fisher who plays the femninine lead Saturday nighitlhas done very weli with two other Ieads ini recent Newv Trier productions. The two boys who 1 -ucwti!gures ni&New I rier urainatis but promise te do fine work wýithiI their parts. .Jean Haskins and Miss RutbhXiI- kinaredoing the rele of Mrs. Wins-- low, andý BillI Nordburg9 and Walter Mérrill are acting the part of ber eldcst son., The role of. Augusta, Ricbard's oldest sister, will be per- traycd by Eleanor Chichesteron Fni- day night, and Miss Mary Jane Eider, on Saturday nigbt. Her hus- band, Alan Martin, will be acted by Stoutest Hearts Are Failing as filnesses end Accidents Beset Prominent N. T,. PçVsons *Be ware cf the jinx! Tbis, warning is issued asa, result of -the nuMerous. illnesses and ac- cidents that have been mowing down promninent persons around New Trier., 1. AI Rossman bas been eut witb aninfection in bis arm aIl semester. 2. Bill Moffet leli in the mess hall and cut bis bead severely. 3. Marion, Barber bas been eut f orl a week now with numerous cuts on ber face: as a result of an automtobile accident. 4. Bob Seiler bas been confined te his home for a Nveek or more with a serieus ilness. 5.Dick Preston, broke one verte- bra andl cbipped 't%%, others in' an automobile accident. *6 Phil Dostal who wNas riding with Preston bias a deepj gasb in bis fore- head and at the tiier of %vriting is stii giving the hospital nurses a "break." 7. Mrs. Marian -Cetton broke a nib. fastening the collar buttoni of. one 'of tbe -boys in lier glee club. Our symp)athiies and best wisbes ge out te aIl these unfortunates. Espe-i cially do we send greetings te Dick Preston wbose injuries are se severe. And so we say .. Beware of the jinx! 1 Officers, for' the *ceming yfear were announced at a 'Girls' club assembly beld Tuesday, May 16. The present eificers announiced their successers and gave each one a rose.. The offi- cers did net make fare.well speeches, as; a ,later asscmnbiy is scbcduied when they can do that. *Janlet McNulty introduced the new president, Elizabeth l3arden. Elea- nor Chichester annouriced ber suc- cesser. Frances McNulty,, the -new *Pay your second dollar now and be able te get your Echoes as soon as they are' distributed! Ail the material is at the publishers, and the books are proniised for Mon- day, june 5. Lloyd Hollister Inc., Of Wilmtette, is the eprinter. . The Echoes this year is going to be full of, pictures of you, your friends, and ,ail the people and activities you'll want to recaîl ini later years. Get your dollar in Ini*ta t es to- Perform at G. A. A,.Banquet Plansfor the G. A. A. banque t on Thursday, june 8. are going-f or ward at a rapid rate. The stunts. are be7- ing planned this wéeek. ail tco be centered around one general theme. There wiil be eight:or teiî groups, al inlitiates, doing the stunits, each group headed by an 0fficer of the associa- tion. These 'girls who are being initiated wvil iNvear mniddies and ýskirts and black 1Cotton stockings for the -week previous te the banqiuet se that the stunts %vil1 bçe the crowning bloew of thue week. It is reported that the ,speeches this year will be .verv f ew and very brief. The officers and beads of, sports will introduce thecir successors, one of the Most exciting e'vents of the evening. Miss May P. Fogg has two new at thne banquet. Irt is noped tmat everyone with any G. A. A. credit at aIl will be present. Two B3oy Writers. Have; Picnice ating Limnburger The Scriblerus club held a picnic at tbe Glenview fores tprsve Thursday -afternoon. The club a r- ived at the preser ve a little before 5 o'clock, and a ire was started almost immediately. Sooni everyone wvas joy- Philip Barr: ance of miss '.uiv veerV. The officers cf the Dramatic clu are: Sydney Date, president; Nanc: Fisher, secretary; Robert Merrimar vice-president, and Bob Fletcher i charge of ticket sales. jtunate in having speaker and that talk immiensely. or entrance te Winitred [hegle and Eleanor Idler teana lydyadas e sity. Miss Jor- '30, and Alice Hillinger and Evelyn mnained te sec the cncwning cf the it N.rthwestern, Wienecke aIl took part in the Maiy May queen. The. foliowing girls e, -girls declared festival and dance pageant wbicb rep- wene the guests: Jeanne Stout and themsclves for- rescntcd Scett's "Talisman." June Kehl, who both received scholar- iss Jordlan as a On Saturday morning, several ships for the year 1933-34, Frances 'ey enjoyed her present stuclents of New Trier were Milîs, Elizabeth Barden; Lois Tucker.' guets f ockordan' tckPart in Priscrilla Wheelock and Alice Ebeling., Suburban 'l'rackc CIl'assie Saturday New Trier is te be bost to the Suburban League track teams this Saturday afternoon at tbe Fiftb An- nual Suburban League Outdoor Track and. Field cbampionsbhips at 1 :330 o'clock., The meet will be run on Pbelps field. Tbe keen. rivalry ;and competition of the, teams in tbe Suburban league will make this the best meet of the vear. It will be almost impossible te pick a winner before the final vetis',runoff Saturday, .as Oak Park.- the defending champion, bas already been defeated by New Trier in the district meet two weeks ago. There is aIse a possibility, of Proviso. ceming in strong, since it place(l Sec- ond in tire state meet;ý and Evanston is alwvays a strong contender. New, Trier looks te Martin t(3 win the broad jumnp, as he placed ini the state me et; Nwtn htc1i.dles and the 100-yard dash ; Jimmrie Ki1ngslev. the pole -vauilt, since he tied for first, inthe state mieet; Boilenson to place in the highi jurnp; Captain Schunman. in the shot and di' cus;w Buckmaster, i the haîf r mile';, Seiler. ni the quiarter,. ald Ballenger, in the low, * urdles. These are the sure point winners, and there wilI probably be *otbers giving New Trier an ûqual chance te in the meet. New Trier's eigbit-and(-oneý-half peints ]n the state mecet last Saturdav at Champaign wer.e carned by Kings- ley wbo tied for flr'st place in the pole vault, Newton who :got a third in the hurdles, and -Martin wbo got a fiftb iii the broad jump. New: Trier.'Germnan Club Likes Talk bySeehafer- The German 'club. bad. its-monthiy meeting on Wednesday, May 10. The club considere!d itself'very. fortunate ini baving as its guest speaker, Alvin. Seebafer, wbo recentiy returned from his studies in Germany. t 0

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