-boys and girls-will compete in the 1 seventh annual national high school band contest in' Evanston Jupe 8, 9 < and 10, it was announced today. -H. 'Dyerý Bent,, chairman 'of the committeé 'on arrangements, expiained, ' that.the contestwill be uncler the di- s' rection of thé National* School Ba3nd A. association, with the Evanston. Chamnber a of, Com merce acting as sponsor. Trhe first t wo dayg? contests, will bc, Éeld in Northwestern university gym- nasium andi the. final miatch-playing évent wîll be in Dyche stadium. Masseti- býand playing on that occasion wilI be the climax. Twenty-t.Wo bandis have already won their way into the national meeting, andi many state a nd. sectional contests ere stili going on in. various 'parts of the couintry, the winners of which will be eligibie for the national,'champion ship competition. 0f the bandis already Photo by, Mathew, accéredited, eleven are f rom Illinois, in- Richard Anso»' Pinne y, . g cluding-our from Chicago; fiour are f rom Iowa; two from West Virgini, 'ear-old pianist and son of andi one each fromn Michigan, Oho and Mrs. Ilarry A. PinneY0 Kentucky, Tennessee and Colorado. Greenwood aqienue, Wilmette .The, Joliet high scbooi band, A. R. give his firsi larqe reciàIjSi McAllister director, winner of the na-I afternoon,. May, 28, at 4 o'clo tional championship in the class A Sllazcvnee Couilrye cIi4. 1Re t division' in 1926, 1927, 1928 and 19311 assile 'hi s ltt. 1, il,, < will be one of the contestants. Other Igardahcer. Illinois bands already listeti are Harri- Tepori ii e son, Lane, Senn and Austin of Chicago; Tepori il e East andi West high schools of Aurora; Sonata, C Major....... andi the high schools of. Harvard, Tay- Allegro lorville,. Bensenville andi Arthur. Andante The rest of the list includes bandis Rondo <allegretto grazioso) f rom Masoni City, Marion,' Denison and x vy - ca. il vt x l, ivL , ýiVveianiU Heights of Cieveiand, Ohio; Highland high school of Fort Thomas, Ky.; Chattanooga, Tenn., and., Colorado Springs, Col. Band, ensemble, solo anti marching- pangeents are on the «progr.am, with hminh.ips. to be awarded in each. class. There are three divisions, with class A covering bandis f rom high schools of more than 750 enroilment; class B from schools between 250 a fd 750 en- (a> ) olfeggletto....... (b) Sicilan (C) The. Horseian. Dances I IV (a) Dance Soirrenito <b) Musjc Box RichardI V Anta' ari(ee Danc es VI vFrancis qi Mr. of 833 ýun'day tck at uil be rances NI.zartý. .Bach Shumiann sehumnann, Poldini <J0ieg1 Frances * V ~3 Çt %..Iicago 15 giving in the observance of the hundredth anni-~ versary of the birthday of Brahms. It is a very inmportant festival-flot *oniy because it i8 to be the only one in the city, and ýnot only because there are. to be Egon: Petri, ,noted Dutch pianist, and. Claire Dux, pop- ular soprano,. as gu est a rtists, butý because. the' very finest of flrahms' compositioris wili be heard. The opening concert of the Festival is on the eveniing'-of Thursday,- May 2,in Mandel. hall on tjie University campus. The.program- includes "Tafellied" (Chorus of Homage>,- sung by the University -chorus; "Liebeslieder-Wal'zer" (Love Song Waltzes), offered by the Midway Singers and the University, Madrigal gÈroup; "Rhapsody," after Goethe's "Harzreise Ini Winter," sung by the * Uivrsiy.choir and chorus, accom- panied by the orchestra, a n d ý'Schicksaisieid" (Song of Fate), of- fered by' the, chorus, and, the -orches- tra. Egon Petri will play ivith the Uni-' versity Symphony orchestra on Fni- day night, May 26, in Mandel hail when the second concert of the Festi- val is presented. This pianist will play the "Piano Concerto in B FiatMa jor" as the main feature of the eve- ning's program. The orchestra will; offer "Variations on a Thieme, by Haydn- and the "First Symphony.". I n the great University chapel at f Woôdiawn avenue and *Fifty-ninth fstreet, the Festival will be brought to a close Saturday evening, May 27, wvith a performance of Brahms' "Ger- man Req~uiem" by the University choir, chorus, and orchestra, with Claire Dux as soprano soloist. Fred- erick Marriott will play the chapel organ. Carl Brickeni, professor of music at the University of Chicago, will direct the orchestra, during the three Festi- val- concerts, white Cecl, Smith. will 5 le-ad the University ch,.orus and. Mack 1 Evans wili ý direct the * University s choir. Both ien are members, of- the ti ý,1usic department faculty at the s uni versity.*E ______ ____F ADDtADQ INW LN@I'S stagea ana11 lgtieduy'A1red btury, will be presented at the Goodmuan theater under the baton of Carl Craven, Sunday afternoon, May 28, and five evenings, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 29, 30, 31, June 1 and 2. Included as soloists aire Agatha Lewis, Helen Bickerton and' Leola Aikman4, sopranos; Lilian Knowles, contralto; B. Fred Wise, tenor, and Raymond Koch, baritone, plus many others, ail professional, who have banded'together under theinterpre- tative direction of Mme. Young and ac ting direction of Alfred Stury, of- fering their services for charityand for art. fiI. Lester Tremayne takes the part of ."N.icodemius," Eugene H. Gach as "Judas Iscariot," Vriolet Young as "Mary Magdalene" and Charlene Marmein as the "Wife of Nicode- mnus." The chorus in costume,. will. be, composed of. the leading choral or- ganizatiQns of the City, assisted by a symiphony orchestra. "The Mýessiah" is sponsored by the oratorio:-Drama guild for -the bcne- fit oif the .School. Children's Lunch f un(1 Quartet Giving Program Teat Winnetka Schools Telast of a series of concerts for the Winnetka schools, which have been arranged by a comimittee f rom the Wlnnetka Music club andi schooi faculty, will be helti on Friday, May 26. - A splendid string quartet comn- posed of Sol Zimberoif 'andi Leila Kingery, violinists; Richard Weiss, cellist, -and Pearl Doty,, pianist, wili give the program- at ail tle Winnetka schoois.. Many 'Parents, have enjoyed the prev .'ious concerts in ýthis, series by such artists as Mrs. 1 XW'illiam Mc- Adams, pianist;-,Mirs.,Warner Robin-, son, soprano, who appeareti in a cos- urne recitai of French Provincial ongs, accompanied by Mrs.. Everett Hlarris; Miss Vera Gillette andi Miss' Pauline Manchester, pianist;-and the Swizrt trio.Alil naIréents re 'HICgo ym Negoiaton ast from the the ballet ce, under the every Friti the senies. art now oev ~ijIma roup which will f evèning program TO MAKE DEBUT IN ROME Lily Pons recentiy saileti for Paris, where she will give a benefit con- cert, at the Salie Pleyai. She will make her debut in Rome June 10 and 13 in "Lucia" and "Rigoletto." * Virginia Knapp, pianist of Evaiistuii, recently appeareti at the Lake 'Shore hotel at a tea given by Mrs. Alexander Mosely for the Northern Illinois branch of the National League of American ýPen Women. 'J' Terni