[Itesses are mÂVI. 3r.. ri. LJ5ug, iAUr. Albert, N. Page, Mrs. J. D. Wbidden, and Mrs. Charles Norman. The speaker, Donald t. Robertson ot Evanston, .world traveler, will give an illustrated talk. On this occasion offi- cers of the Garden, Club of, Illinois, the presidents 'of, neighboring garden clubs, and inembers of, the Evening Garden, Club of Wiimette are the spe- cialLy invited guests. Mrs. C., E. Wells isgeneral chair- man of tbe flower show. She has named ber comrnittee as foliows: Ciass 1. Perfection of Bloom-in charge of Mrs. David. Cooke,- 2757. Asbury avenue, Evanston. Ciass II. Artistic Arrangement-mn charge of Mrs.'-A. E. Gebbert, 1526 Greenwood avenue;, Mrs. Don Wiley, 1174 Michigan avenue, is in charge of the breakfast table arrangements in this class.. Classa III. Unusual. Exhibits, > in charge of Mrs. C. N. Hiuribut, '715 Greenleaf avenue. Mr.-C. P. Berg, president of thte club, states that arrangements are being made to cali for al exhibits if exhibi- tors so desire, and that the pub lic is in- vited to see the show. between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock. At the May meeting of the Wilmette Garden club beid at the home of Mrs. Charles D. Ewer, 1111 Ashland avenue, the members, under the direction of *Mrs. C. E. Wells, brought flowers to b judged on perfection of bloom only. The foilowing ribbons were awarded: J. SIcheidenheln, for .'-white beauty tulips, Mrs. John F. Weedon, Jack-in- the-pulpits ; White ribbon-Mrs. Mil-_ 'liam Wallace Kerr. for tulip Cluisiana;' Mrs. A. E. Gehhert, for tulip johanna; Mrs. C. E. Wells, tul ip Dido; Mrs. Fraik J Scheidenhelm, Louis XIV tulips;s. EwadScheidenhelm, for ever-bloomning bleeding hearts. Yellow ribbon-Mrs. Lyman M. Drake for phantasy tulip; Mrs, Charles Vran Deursen, for ber hules of the val- ley. J ohnson in thie cnapei of the r rst Presbyterian church of Evanston on Sunday morning, May 21, at 9 o'ciock, in the presence of a few relatives and close friends. Mrs. Everett Fontaine. the bride's si ster,, and Dr. J. William Parker, both of Chicago, %ve're thei only attendants.. The' bride wore a gry s rp ensemble 'and carried lilies-of-the- valley. After' a wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap left for a motor trip through Virginia and Washing- ton, D. C. They wiil be at home at the Stewart, Evanston. The ýbride attended Frances Schimer college-and the bridegroom is a graduate of.'the U'niversity of Minnesota. Mr. Dunlap is assistant maniager of the credit departmentof Marshall Field and'company. Quit and Garden Tea Draws. Many to CircleBeneit By J. T. B. Many were the residents f rom al along the north shore and even frorn Oak Park who enjoyed the charmilng and colorful quilt exhibit, tulip tinte . n the garden, and tea at the home of IMrs. Charles D. Ewer at 1111 Ash- land avenue, Monday afternoon of this week. The delightful occasion1 was sponsored as a benefit by the North End circie of the Congrega- tionai church. The wails of the living rooin and su n porch were lined with the, exquis- nte applique quits, modern in the era of their making, original of design, vet reminiscent of the art of Colonial dàays. They were the quilts of the hostess. Throughout. the upstairs rooms were displayed interesting oId quiîts loaned by north shore rési- dents.. Reprsnativ of ail- types of coveriets of Colonial and pioneer days, they included a hand-loomed and. hand spun counterpane; crazy quilts; the log-pattermn pieced covenlets, one of the earliest of the American cov-- eriet designs;. the patchwork quilt; tufted coverlets:; antique applique settlement.. The party will take place in the Crystal roomn at Fieid's begin- ning at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur L. Miller, chairman in charge of prizes., reports that they are,.parti.culaily. lovely, with unique surprises among them. Models for the' fashion revue which wili follow the luncheon wili include a bevy of pretty débutantes,, among, themn the Misses. Nancy Traylor, Bet- ty Brawiey, Eleanor Page, Heleni Mairie. Castle, Welthyan Harmon. Ethel Dixon, Marion. Gordon, and Carol Blumenstein. 1Mrs. Pavie Wood. is chairman of. the Highland Park board. Mirs. Jay (;iidden iîs treasurer. Others inter- ested ini the. party include Mrs. Charles Wright, Mirs. Everett Mil-, lard,. .Mrs. George Allen Mason, Mrs. George Childs, Mrs. Trumani Metzei. M.%rs. R. *A. Drum,,.Mrs. Ranslow, Slierer. Mrs. Frank Mercer, Mrs. FI. M fontgomery Shay, Mrs. Seliar Bul- lard. Mrs. R. W. Stevens. i out, Church Circles to Meet This Friday The four circles of St. Augustine's Episcopal church are meeting Fridayl of this week. The South circle will be entertain- ed at the home of1 Mrs. L. C. Doug- lass, 209 Wooclbine avenue, with Mrs. Ralph Jennings and Mrs. Merle Snyder the co-hostesses. The West circle meets with Nirs. R. W. McÇandiish, 819 Sixteenth street. 'Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Wil- liam Edmonds are assisting as host- esses. The Northeast circle is heing en- tertained by Mrs. Ralph W. Faupel,, 719 Tenth street, witb Mrs. Thomas S. S. Hardwicke, Mrs. Robert G. Halliwell, and Mrs. Frank J. Wenter-, Jr., the co-hostesses. .The East circle is' meeting at the home of Mrs. Williamù F. Arnold, 920 Greenwood avenue.. The hostess. wiii be assisted by Mrs. George Maclean,' Mrs. Gordon Bird, and Mrs. C. E. Renneckar. ivory satin princess gown with Juliet sleeves. Her ivory tulle veil had a border, hiall a yard wide, of exquisite rose point lace which .had belonged to her maternai grandmother. The cap, which vvas also made of -the same. lace, ,was trimmed'.with 'orange blossoms. 'She. carried caila liles which were-tied with a large_ white satin bow. Miss Mary Best of Minneapolis, as maid of honor, wore a bine- froc k of, mous sel ine-de- soie, a tulle hat, and, siippers to match.' She carried spring flowers biending with ber dress. The bride's other attendant, Miss Kath- ryn Castor, of. Evanston, wore peach coiored mousseline-de- soie and a turban and slippers to. match. -Her bouquet of spring flowers also blend.- ed with her costume. Edmond Benoist of Winnetka serv-, ed Mr. Shattuck as best man, and the ushers were the bride's two brothers, John and Oliver Boddie, and Edward Cronwall of Oak Park.. T7he only floral decorations ini the chapel were two large bouquets of white snapdragons and candy tuift, one of which stood on each side of' the aitar. The marriagé ceremony was performed by Dr. Hubert Carie-, ton of St. Augustine's. Episcopal church ini Wiimette and ýby Dean Gerald G. Moore of St,.Luke's. Be- fore the service Miss Katherine Ellis of Wilmette, soprano, sang- "O Per- fect Love," and during the ceremony she sang a short marriage hymn. The bridaI party and the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett Boddie, then received their guests ini the Parish House of the churcli. Miss Mildred Castor and Miss Grace Kueipple of Evanston poured (luring the reception. The bride and bridegroom ýsp ent a brief honeynmoon at Douglas, Mich.,ý visiting the Holiand Tulip festival on* Saturday. 'They wiil reside tem-1 porarily altÈte Devon-Arms in Rogers Park,. and on, their- returni from a month's tnip--hrough the east in juiy they will look for an apart- ment. Their motor trip this summer wilinclude the White Mountains and the Berkshires. They will aiso Shore camp. Miss Anne rier, superintendent of t ment, will be present and which is aiways a great à toewho:hear ber. the drive for* Arden Belle Fer- ie eiitamp- give a taik, spiration to sorbed interest of its able- garden at the1 beauty, in :tulip time. r. It is a try in its Sand ab- ýer, a liv~- àt of its M rs. H. O. Weishaar, 1331 CbestntRth avenue, entertained members of the Mrs. William F. Horsting, 1103 out-going board of the Woman's club Elmwood avenue, and Mrs. C. T. of Wilmette and aiso members of the Ripiey, 631 Ljnden avenue,, were, bouse committee at a tea on Wed- co-hostesses at a beach supper partW nesday of last week., Theewere Saturday to the seventh grade at the> twenty guests, National, College.of EMucation. t