rics ini cott on? And 'very Iow ini prkce. 1 Percales y.17C Dimifies ycd. 29C Voiles Plain, colors in wide Wale Piques yd. 50c And for those whp sew, a com- ploie 1lin e of Notions of .al kinds. Magicoat A garment of pra ctical util- ity for the nurse, maid, housewife a n di waitress. Magicoat is smart in style mnd economical. Prints and Plain Colors at a very unusual price of ý$4 In this special, group will be dresses which. former- ly sold for $12.85. Prepare NQW for Your Decoration Day Quting! Pal*amas Imported Japanese Embroidered One or two- piece style. Each $2-50 Japanese Lounging j> COATS $395 Cet thîe 7PO0U FF" Sensation If's a two-way stretch won- der. Don'f laugh when you ses it-wait 'fil you fry if on and se ow eas ily if holds and how gently if shapes your curves. Youll be amaze~d -nd thrilled,; ls Straw HatTime in Wilmefte MALLO.RY.HATS Wear 14e straw hat t hat is ot the lead of tkem il.11 O22!:strw htas-?was eIach ýMEN S'S SLAC K S AII-Wool Deauville Flannel $3.95 pair M EN'S SLACKS Of Bedford Cordý $2.65pi Men's LUnen:Slacks, $1 95pair Dept. Siore-.I 146-48 Wilm.ft. Ave.-Phone WiIn Men's Store-Firs t National fBank Sidg.-Phone NA nefs. 2655 Childr.n's Sizes . .$ 1.00 Youths' Sizes ..$1 .00 Mens Szes....l $1,.00