Sabatini-Stalking IHorse. Stanley--Blue Meadow. Wharton-Hurnan Nature. Non-Fiction: Pitkin-Life Begins at Forty. Roosevelt- Looki ng Forward. Smith--Growth and Decadence constitutional Governient. Kallet-100,0O,OW Guinea Pies Mantle-Best Plays of 109-_j199 Wylie--Col.lected Poenis., GregorY-.-Seven Short Plavs. ,Waln-House of Exile. Keynes-Essays 'in Biography Lawrence-Letters of D. hH. 1.2 rence. Cochrn-E! .W. Scri pps. St. Francis Pupilis' in Piano, Violijn Recite Last Sundav afternoon a piano ai violiîi recital was given by' the 6fi andsixth grade music students 'of ti St. Francis Xavier school. Pareni and friends of the children forme an appreciative audieince. The prc graim was opened with selections b the school orchestra. The followiii \Vilmette children took ýpart: Mai Susen. Francis McI)aniels. Marjori Grignon, Frances -Ann Chamber Ann' Louise Marteni, Edith Koli Ernlv Kohl, Wîihli Kohl, Charle Venu.ý Daniel Covne.. Helen McCaî thy, NIargaret NfcNamee. Donai Markham, Jane Ethel Newman, El vira Ferrarini1 1, Wi'll'im Ford. Jame Ford, Jane Redîjui.' Grace Manne hach, Mary Frances \IcPhelii-. The next recital will be held in th, WEAR A POPPY! Cook County council meets at Great Nortbern hotel 1 :30 p. mn.1 udiy, June . A, l- t . - - -- oI8 qIIIUn igu:cnist, in iBoston, Mageschuts IIn :the Church,, Edifice, Greenleaf and Beach Rd. of, WEARA POPY!GLENCOE, ILLJNOIS LIBRARIAN ÔON VACATION Thursday, June 1, 1933,'8:00W miss Mary Winner Hughes, chul- T .gvnh Il<Irens librariati at the Wilmette ]Pub- lic library. is Spending, a three weeks' First Churcb of Christ, Scientiat, of Genco. vacation at her home iin Karisas'City'. M.She wil return to ber duties at the Iibrary Monday,ý June 5.. Miss Hughes is taking ber vacation early, this year1 The Public Is CordiallY invited to. A ttend, in order. to be back to take charge of the children's sumfmer reading club. ail i of Lo..s Angeles, Culifounia Meniber of the Board of Lectureship of The Mothera Church, nd th, its ed 0- es pupils' of the seventh and eighth ý grades will1 participate. Parents and, friends are cordialiy invited. CYCLISTS HIT BY CAR Two boys riding bicyc les, iiithe, alIey *-west of, Seventeenth street south of theý Howard school were struck by a car driven by Mrs. Ray- mond Robinson, 1606 Spencer avenue. last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Robin- son was driving west when the ac- cident frippened. The boys are: AREAL CAMP IN THE REA WOODSFRRAL BOY-S FUN A D v T' U R ALL. SPORTS, IFE. LONG FA ST FRIEN»- SHIPS -o-. Ogden Cook, 1092 Spruce Winnetka, enter.tained ber cluiblaRt friday. It is flot possible to intelligently select a camp f rom a catalog. Phone or write W. L. Childs, 1586 Oakç Ave., Evanston, 111, University 3084. Camps we Isad at last fouedue that w'as in tact, as well as inleteu a REA L B'O YS' CA MP.. FVe will ,sever forget the thrill of seein g the trips conto in. or the wonder fui spirit of friendliness and c... peration that seems te 1,cr-« vade this Camp." to bei May 2,1 Mrs. street, bridge