Constance Bennett cornes to theWil. mette theater, Thursday and Friclay, june 1 and 2, in ber new starring vehicle, "Our Betters." It is an adap- tation by jane Murfin and Harry Wag- staff Gribble of W. Somerset, Maug- ham's famoius satire. Concerning itself with society's upper crust and the battering.,of hearts for wealth and titles, it is told against a background of royal palaces and man- sions of 'the rich and glaniorous. Miss Bennett has no leading man in .Our Betters," wherein ber amorous proclivities -*emand pluralitv. Gilbert R oland, Alan Mowbray, inor Wat- son and Grant Mitchell pot tray su-me of ber victims. Other met! in the. cast are Charles Starrett, , Hugb Sinclair and Tyrell Davis, and the Wornen are represented by Aniita Louise,. Phoebe Foster and Violet Kemble--Cojoper. George Cukor directed.. Seen as Lion Ma Buster Crabbe, winner' of' the na-: tion-wide contest, seeking an athlete with a perfect physique an(] a pleasing personality, mnakes his screeîi debuit Ii the role of the Lion Manl in "King of the Junigle,*" animal thrill-dramla, shown at the W\ilniiette theater, 'Fuesday and Wednesdav, Nfay .30 and 31. Thie \il-* mette will offer a miatinee, Tuéesday, Meptorial day. 1Crabbe is cast as ýa youth who, or- phaned in the African Ijun gle at an early age, grows up with a pack of roaming lions and ultimiately becomes their leader. Captured while trying to rescue one of the pack %vho is trapped, lie is hrought to the United States whiere he becomes head tramner in a circus. Th-e filmi reaches its climax wben fire breaks out ini the circus,1 and the byvstericai aimais break loose from, their cages. Romance and. comedy are evenly bal- anced in ",State Fair,." coming on Sun- day and. Monday,, May 28 and. 29, to the Wiluîette theater;, and stars supreme in each of the two fields comiprise the cast. Janet Gaynor, Lew Ayres, Sally Eýilers and Normani Foster carry theI -Ancrica,- RKO-Ràdio pictuire teatur- ing Bill Boyd, Charles (Chic) Sale and Dorothy Wilson. An actual "general store" was copied for "Men of America." It was dis- covered.on bis rambles around South- ern Californlia byChic Sale iii the small town of Lakeside., Sale .was 50 im- pres sed witb the naturalness of tbe store that lie suggested to Ralph Ince, director of "Men of America,".that it be duplic*ated for that picture. "'King of the Jungle" Is Also Hero of Waves Twenty-two persons bave been save.d fromn droinig by Buster Crabbe. in- ternationally knowni swimming cham- pion,.who plays the role of the Lion Man in Paramount's "King, of the Jungle." Crabbe has been a life-saver in one of the Soutbern Cal fornia beaches each summfer duriig, vacation f rom classes at the Universitv of South- ern California. Gordon Doesn't Confine Himsell to One Tongue C.Henry Gordon, wbo plays the sînister police. commissar in Metro- Goldwvn-Mýaver's "Clear Al Wýires," wvas. born in N ew. York and educated ini Europe. He speaks lines in Russian in the hilarious new comedY. He could speak tbem just as *well in German. Spanisb, French or Italian. They say Eskimo and Chinese- are the only languages hé,doesni't know. EDNA NEARLY SANG The career of Edna May Oliver, droîl comediene appearing with Rich- ard Dix in "The Great Jasper" is proof tbat it's an ill wind that blows. nobody some good. Were it not for financial reverses in er family, Miss training and the nfiovies wotic(! have lost a million laughs. ture, also was the director of -Miss Delnar's stage play, "Bad Girl." Sylvia, Sidney, wbo, co-stars with George Rait. in ",Pick Up," was the original, Bad Girl in 'the stage play on B3roadway. Tbey were al together in tbe niaking oüf "Pick Up." Will -Rogers 9Evidently Geifing Absent-Minded To pay for b is lunch at the Cafe 'de Pari.,«on 'the Fox lot', during tbe pro- ducrtion. of "State Fair," Will Rogers fibdin, bis pocket and bro ugbt forth a. $20 bill. Taking. particular notice -n#f .the dc - n omination of tbe note, Rogers grunt- ed in. surprise, then 'drawleéd: "Muist have on somebody else's pants." THOSE TWISTS AND TURNS Sportlights are proving popular at the north sbore theaters. These Sportlights showv the tricks, twists and turns that make ail tbe differ- ence between a star and a dub in tbe varions popular exertions. OUR GANG COMEDY "Forgotten Babies" is the titie of a rollicking Our Gang contedy to be shown two davs at a local theater. Thur*. MAY. 25 (Last day today) KATHARINE kHEPBURNin "ichritopher Strong - Clark & McCullomig Com.dy., Frîday Ouiy-May,26 jean Hersholf-Sfuagi llWin i "«CRIMIE 0F THE CEN*TURY", Burns & Alfen, Ac...Cmedy Saturciay, May 27. BILL BOYD CHIC -SALIE in Comnedy'. C artoon ..News JAWGAYNOwuRLoGEus LIN AYR E S SALLY E1 LE S Nom..FootaiLonhm kuoe Fra*É Ciaw Vu, Js BURNS &J "WALKIN4G T ;.Fri., Jun. EN in BABY» A new, idea in mturder stories is of- wor1d's swîmrrnng records and earned fered in "The Crime of the Century" tbirty-five tiational cbampionships inystery-drama featuring Stuiart Er during is aquatic career. win, Wynne Gibson and Frances Dee at the Wilrnette theater, Friday, May him f rom carrying it through. 'Phen, 26. In this story, the principal char- as the officers watch, not one, but two acter confesÉses a mnurder he bas planned killings take, place under their very to the police and begs tbemn to prevenit noses. ~-also.- W. C. FIELDS COMEDY U"THE PHARMACIST- 1OV'AIVISTO11»--ýl ýsue