Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1933, p. 57

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71 NELP WiANTRD-PEgm^LE 30 Positions Open $10 TO$15 WÈEK. WE PLACE EX-. perienced help only. Pauline,*.s Erp. Ageney, 4th and Liniden, Wilmette. 71ILTN3-1 tc WHITE, IRIL PORGEF N. HO)U Sl Work and. cooking. . Willing to leiive town f>r sumnimer. M'Nust like cblîdren. $8 to $10. Ph. Kenilworth 1558.. WATE EXPERITENCIED WHITE protestant girl about 25, for cooklnge- and general. Famuly of 6. No ws, ing. Ref. reci. $10. Glencoe 1498. 71LI-Itp REI'INED YOU.G , WOMAN -IVEbL acquainted on the' North Shore tib assist in growing bsneson coin- mission. Ph. University 7386. 7ILTN3-It1i IVA NTEL-,-WI!ITEC MAI D FOR GEN- eral housework. Nfust be gond cook. No laundry. 2 adults. $8 per.we..k.. I.f. -e(ire1 Te. Kenilworth 2670. 71LTN3-4t(I GT~IT ;IRI, FOR G1EN. HOUSIK- %vork andl gondj cook. 3 in fainilv. Mu>t like ehildren. Own rooni.$2 nionthi. Ph. -Wilmette. 1504,. WANTED - COMPETENT. WHITI-' girl for general housewuork. 3 in famn- ily. $.5 week. PhoneWinnetka 20'ý. WHITE 11R1j FOR GE HUV work and plain co)oking. I child I) yrs. oif age. $5ý a wet-k. Pli. Kenlil- worth _9238. 1T-t~ WANTED-PFROTESTANT (11RLF( I general houst-wôrk. Must be reliahit' good with ,small cilîdren., $5. Faniý'of 4. Winnetka 3609. 711T3-1thý $12 WEEK, GENERAL, UXID1R . 2 in farnùly. no lauindry. Pui.~ Entip. Agency, .4th and Linden, Vii-. meftte. 71ILTN3 -Iti, $12 W ESECOND MAIl), AL famiy, experieneed only.. Paulne&ý Fini). Agehfley, 4th and Linden, M'il- niette. 1 1TNZ.l to WAXTED)--41URI.FOR GEýN. H1-S0 wbrk. 3. in farnily. $5-)a week., R-'. RELIABIjE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE1,- work M.%ust be gond with children' Stay or go home nights. $5 week. .Winnetka 346. 71T 3It $157.WI EK, (.'O(>K AND IST FLOORf. Ex)erieneýed only. Pauline&s E :Aencyý, 4th and Linden, Wilnette. 71,TN3-1t,, * . LTN3rItc overlookîng garden; àrd flour rooin and bath. East. aide, near transi)., $85 MON¶'}J 4 IN~ FAM~ILY, NO garage space. Wllmette 1253. small children. Experienced only.. 82LTN3-Itp Paulne's Enip. Agency, 4th and Lin- den, Wilmette. 73LTN3-lte LARGE ATTRACTIVE ROOM, SUIT- able for 1 or 2, ln private home, lo,!.- $100 -%IONTH, 5 IN AI,,HAVE tion and price rlght. 872 Pine St, nurse. no laundry. Experlenced ofiy . W1ek a p. hn ln 3: Pauline's Enip. Agency, 4th and Lin- .Wnek.Itat n 3ý deni,,Wilmette. 73LTN3-itc .82L3-itp LARGE AIRY 11001, TWIN ]BEDS, 73 PROFESSIO0NA11 SERVICEÉ private bath. ,i block transp., Very GOO DNTITR . reaonable. 1097 Tower Rd., Wan- ;Depression fees. Filllngs -(small), 50c. nta32412LN- Treatments, 50c.. Offie 1209 Wllmette Y'URNISHED ROOM% SUITABLE FOR Ave., caîl Wiliet'te 391.. 75uLTN2-2tc i OR 2, IN PRIVATE. HOME. NEAR TRANSP. $3. PH. ýWILMETTE î23. 77 FOR SALE-AUÀT0S 82L3-ltp F O R S A L E -WILL 'KIGTLARGE RM. WIToH PRIVATEPORCE (onupe. 6 gooid tires , $15. 1099 Tower and bath. Exclusiv e ng1knorood. Rd., Winnetka. 77LTýN3-îtc near lake and transp. Also single rni s. Phone Winnetka 2144. 82L3-lt: 79 WANTED IO UyAUfOS LARGE NICELY FuIrNISHED ROOM suitable for 1 or 2 kblock' to Ehnù WT.AFORD COUPE. OR OTHE St. station. Reasonable., Winn. 1867. snîall Car ln gond running order. 82LTN3-Ite 2%ust: below. priced. Ph. Winn. 1459. 79LN3-tcNICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman, with bathi and shower. SI F R *NTR @M.Close to transp.,Phône Winnetka 2010. 82LTN51-f LADY WITH, DOUBLE ROO, TWIN 2 CONNECTING ROOMS WT RV beds, wants roomniate. Location is ate bath, sultable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. loeto trânsportation. 554' Arbor Garage If deslred. Phone Wlnnetka _vitae Rdi., Wlinnetka, IIM. 82LTNOI-ltp) 1516. 82LT3-Itp FURNIS.HED R)oM lWITH1 PRIVAT FUR-NISHED, LARGE, LIGUiT, COOL bath. Near Elm St. station.: Win- front ioom wtth eloset, near transp. netka 3414. 82L3-Itp Phone Glencoe 331. 82L3-ltp They 're CO0MING! are you ready for those WORLD'S FAIR pilgrims when they arrive, It's time to have that papering, painting, deorating and repair- ing donc. Get your iawn loto shape. Maybe you need additional pieces of. furniture for hoth indoors and outdoors. 0f course, World's Fair guests wiIJ mean added expense and with these o the ingèi it wiI put a "crimp" la your bn-oI o a save money by using WILI.ETTE. LIFE, Watit Ads to fid those addi- additional things. Also paloters, decorators,. gardeners, reparmen. pt fic. L *1- - - Write À-14 , Box 40Wjlmette, 111. * . . 831i1K3-ltp- 04 FOR fiENTr-LT. NSKP. wOOMe LARGE P1R IN'T R . L G. P R H private din. rai., housekeplng ar-ý rangement, ext. bedrai.,> gar. Reason-:ý able. Near Indian Hill station. ph. Winnetka 895. 84L3-ltp 1 OR. 2 ROMS, ALSO -KI-TCHENf and garage optional, desirabie eaitt location. 'Phone Wilmnette 965-RE pre-, ferrably between 3,1 and 7 :30 p.. ai. 84LT.X,-Itp FOR RENT-LIGHT HOU[SEKEpI-Nj<J 3' roorn and bath,. with garage., Reasonable. Ph. Winnetka. 2,359. 84Là-ltp 2 UI 1'RNSHED RMS.* WITH BATIH, fileeing porc1b, open porch, and garage. Near transportation. Kenllworth 186i. 84LTN2-tf c s WTD. TO RENT-LT. HNPO. aNS. WANTED BY AD-LGH ousic- keeplng room ýln private refined, home, near W.ilaette C. & N. W.,siâtion: Very reasonable. Write, A-446, Box 40, WîlmtteIii.85LË-ltp Chicago Town Homes 3240 LAKE SHORE DRIVE AT MELROSE ST., 1PACING BEL- mont Yacht Harbor. Charming, ultra modern town apartaielts, 6-7-8-9-12 rooms. Reàsonable rentais BAIRD & WARNER WELLINGTON 1855 92LTN3-Ite VERY ATTRACTIVE AND CHEER- fui apts., close to transp. anid 5chools, at reasonable rentais.P 4 rms. wlth lsge livinïgrm. and fire- place. 2 rms. with large bedrmn., and in-a-door .bed. rule batha, showers, elec. refrigeratozg. _. E. STULTS REALTY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Wlnnetka' 1800 92JTN3-ltg LINDEN MANOR 1095-.1101 Merrll Street Hubbard Woods The bestý 3, 4, 5 rooms-$45 up. Sýeu '%%. H. CLARIS la building. Q82 Linden Ave. . Winnetk5. 3380 92LTN3-Ite 1RM. I THNTE MODER 11ha;frigidaire;_ block fromà sta- tion. $ 0 GARNETT & CO. GLENCOZ 11M 92LTN1-tie 12 AIND 5à TUf. ÂPARTMENTS, NEAR lake. Spanish Cou~rt Properties, 930 Spanish Ct., Wlhrnette 432. 92LTN1-4tp tIODRN,3y2AND 5 RÔ?iiiWîIN WHI Tle work.*E 4 T 41 S mlhome. A-i reference Paullne's Emp. .Ageflcy, 4th den. Wilmette. 731 100 MONTH,1 FAMILY 7;F laundry. A-il ref. required. Emp. Ageney,,4th, and Lind mette.73 '0 9Vri. S. i.1c., mod.. $125 17 rns,2lsHWH, i c. g. ý........ 100 5 rMs-, SI. pch., 2 bs.~, 2 C. 9g......... 70 à rniS., sun pcbi., 1 b., near transp.. 60 [Other good values furn. and unfurn. bhouse-s and apartments, all sizes. B. H.. BARN]ETT 526 Center Street Wlnnetka 96à Office open 9,a. ni..to 9 P. am. daily and Sunday 97L.3-tp

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