Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1933, p. 8

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We bave -yo ur Corset* This, Miss Simplicity is especiaIty designed to creale the fashonable siender line. Suitable for eveninqa nd tended the dinner in the evenifng. Twenty - seven golf prizes were awarded at the dinner. These in- cluded not only pirizes for the good golfers but for those who classify themselves as beginners. Mr. and'Mrs. Alexander Joslin of 240 Essex road, Kenilwortb, spent* the week-end. at Ann Arbor wbere tbey visite& their son,, Richard, a freshmnan athe University, of ýMichigan.,Rich- ard returnps June 12, for bis summer vacation. Expert work of a Il kinds An Éail branches at reasonable priceu Ut EIdg ]Rd. Wfluiette 1480 M STRINGLESS GREEN 19 DEANS, 2 qts.19 8 bSehes l STFtAWBERRIES, 19C 2 qIq. ..... .. . . . . . ULUR.......R ..I...... 29c MORTE TOWN WEin AUU iPEOXU ieWJL. 811 atnietic field. Last' Thursday the Sears school beld its annual junior field day for. the younger pupils. For purposes of Compétition~ the pupils are divided into two sections, Tigers and Wild- cats. The Tigers won the jpnior- field day competition 172 to 166. Last year the Wildcats were victorious., Robert W. Townley, director 'of physical education at Jseph: Sears, reports that -the, weathcr' was, idéal for t he' junior field ýday. that the compétition was keen. and that an- unusually large number of parents, attended. Among the outstanding performers were Virginia Burkbard, Bobby ,Clark and Charles .Stillman.,Virgiiiia. a fourth, grade pupil,- won the girls' high ju»P event. She jumped 3 feet 6 inches. In the sanie event for boyVS Bobby Clark, another fourth grader. won- first place with a jump di, 3 feet, 7 -inches. Charles Stillman, also in the fourth grade, won the 40- yard low hurdles -and the 40-ya-rdl 'i çh. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT M. . nd Mrs. D. Wood Smith, 337 Washington avenue, Wilmette, an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Colborne, to Ed- -ward Louis Goff, at a bridge-.lunch- eon given at their home Saturday* May 27. Miss Smith, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, and ani Alpha Phi, bas been taking pÏost- graduate work at Northwestern. Mr. Goff also is taking post-graduate work at Northwestern and expeets to take bis degree next year at Vander- bilt university,' Nashville, Tenn. HE RE FOR COMMENCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Shelby C. Jones, with their daugliter, Audrey, of West- field, N. Y., formerly. of Wilmette, will return June 3, for, the -cormmence- ment exercises at Northwestern uni- vers ity, Where their daughter, Maiu- rene, ýwil.l begraduated. TChey will be at the Library Plaza hotel in Evans- ton for a,'few weeks. Mrs. D. F. Brown, 1055 Wilmette avenue, entertained ber readîng circle at luncheon at her home Friday of last week. wilI arrive in tiRie to le 51)owf at the convention. This architectural concrete, which will be used for the citerior orna- inentation of the dome, is surf aced wiih opaque white radiant quartz found at King's Creek, S.* C., after a ýfour-month. search for suitable ma- terial. Next to the diamond, the. quartz is said> to be the hardest stone, known. To Mold 387, Sections -The John J. Earley company of Washington,, D. C. is casting - in sp ecially prepared molds-the main part of the ornam en tation in~ 387 sections of this architectural concrete which, according to A. B. McDaniel, involves flot only a. unique and beau- tiful design, but alsothe use of.new methods and materials of construc- tion. These sections range in weight from 1,300 to 2,500 pounds each.,They will be shipped to Wilmette and, supported by a special metal frame- work, will be erected on the present structural dome. Gifts to finance the work on the Baha'i temple are coming in f rom alI over the world, it is, announced. A contribution ofimore than $500 Ivas_ received from the little village of Adayesseh, on the shores, of the sea Df Galilee. A small merchantin Poona-, India, now sleep s on the. floor ,after selling his sleeping mat s o that he could send a gift of several hundred dollars. RUMMAGE SALE A rutnmage sale will be held Thurs- day, june 1, from 7:30 until 5 :30, at 796 Elmwood avenue, Winnet-ka, by the Ladies Aid society of the First Evangelical church of Winnetka. Donations will be gladly accepted by the committee in charge, of which the chairman is Mrs. Charles A. Pfing- sten, 851 Ash. street, Winnetka. Proceeds from the sale will be used for! local aid. M r. and Mrs. V. A.:'OIson, 1738 Hfighland avenue, made a recent trip to their summer place near Marinette in northern Wisconsin to open their cottage for the season. The ibile end Worl Christian Science Li the Reading Rooin. Il other suthorized d or purchu.d et THE PUBLIC 1Il OSDALLY 174V TN TO ATTBND THE CUECIIMVICW ANVM T TU8 DAINNO ROM1 Compet. f.sniaig. Servite L-B RESTAURANT ma" CONIFECTIONERY bials Stai8 -B Read the Want AdsIMM .1 f ý. 40-ý- -

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