Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1933, p. 14

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Miss Josephine Schain ofNe York, national director of the Girl Scouts, and Mrs. James J. Storrow of Boston, chairman of tbe World coin- mittee of the Association of Girl Guides and Girl,Scouts, sailed on May 19 to attend the initial meeting of the, Quo Vadis council, in Adeiboden, Switzerland, june 3-12. The Quo Vadis.counciL is made up of represehtatives.of the twenty-nitie counitries in whicb Girl Guiding or Girl Scputing is organized. Its -goal is to seek an understanding of the itrssand. aimns of young womeni throughout the çvorld. This first meeting. of the council Will be held at* "Our Chalet," which was built in Adelboden, for the World. Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts,. as a gift of Mrs. Storrow. CAMP HICKORY HILL ýCamp Hickory Hill, the organizedi Girl- Scout camp, opens June 26. Any girls who have not yet signed up but1 wish to do so may get in touch Withi Mrs. H. J. Dernebl, 1010 Linden ave-t nue, who will try to niake arrange-i mnents.ý The Girl Scout "day camp~" will open June 30. Girls may regiter for the eight days planned or for any one day. This camp will be conducted ini one of the nearby forest preserves and will comply -Àith ail nat.ional: Standards for a Girl Scout campi t Ï& explained. 'The dates set for the camp .are june 3», july 7, July Il1, Jily 14,.July 18, July 21, July 25 arnd' July 28. There'will be. nature lore,, handicraft, pioneering, songs.. dra- matics and other- phases of a regu'lar camp prograni . There, will be one aduit leader for ever eight girls. Registrations will be accepted at any time now. There is no f ee, it is, an- nounced.. EARN MINSTREL BADGE Troop 1 mernbers will finish the work on minstrel badge this evening.- Thursday, at their regular mee ting. Four of the girls have practically completed the badge, and it is hoped' that during the summer the reniain- ing members of the troop will find it possible to do so. Doris Sauvage Hostes at Camp Pire Meeting The Wekealcatila Camp Fire Girls held their regular weekly meeting Friday at the home oif Doris Sauv- r ae 510 Lake avenue. In the absence.I EXCHANGE HOMES' Mr-. andý Mrs. Andrew Taylor and their three cbildren, of Indianapolis, have taken the FPred'H. Bird home at 515 Eleventh streete ýWîlmette, for about two1 weeks commencing June 17. The Bird' family, who have come here from Indianapolis, are to occupy the Taylor bouse duriîig that time. thus rnaking- the excbange of. abodes proud of what , tfley 'have accoin- plished during their first year of studly in the department of interior decoration, it is stated. Thejr con tributions to the exhibition show the results of thqjr increasing skill ini rendition and also the prof essional approacb to their work whicb has been mad e pQàsi ble by.isiting impor- tant furniture and textile. sources and, particularly tbrough tbe care l sttndv of some of the importani'Chicago structures. Ail of, the other depart.ment% of the school are represented .in th'- exhibi- tinincluding dress &esign, gtaize arts. industrial and commercial desfigii. newspaper, magazin e and advertising design and illustration, cartooning. etc. Tbc exhibition will c o nt inu e through June 4. and, the public i s invited. Policemnan Breaks Leg While Play-ing H.sbali Anthony Montonara, Kenilwortlî policeman who returned to duty last December after being unable to work for more than a year because of isi- juries .received when his motorcycle collided witb an automobile on Sheri- dan road in November, 1931, brc-ý<e bis left leg wbile playing baIl in a vacant lot near bis, home Monday evening. May 22. This is the saine leg that was seriously injured in the motnrcvr1e crash. Montonarai was' the next niorning, but' will be unal to go on duty again for some tirne. Since returning to duty last Deceni- bier lie lhad been working as a patrolý- man instead, of a motorcycle officer Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Levis, whô' are on their way to the' East froni Flori- da, were the house-guests of Mr. and ~Mrs. Stanley Peterson, 231 Seven- teenth street, thee lrst part of this week. plis trom the third to the eighth grades inclusive who receive a gradé of "E"' in effort. Following is a Eist of the bonor pu- pls': Mener Soedety Bixth grade-Carl Batter, Betty Bon- nett, Jean Dickerson, Tom Elles, Winis- ton Frederlck, Dorothy, Hendersoh. Myrtie Iolloway, Richard Krause, Bob,, Landon, Mary McIntosh, Billy McLaren, Bernice Modine. Eleanor Morrison. Elaine Rothermel, Shirley Scarrett, Bud Silmfan. Ruth Streed, Phyllis TrUmp, Elaine Vaught, Shirley Wagoner. Phyl- lis Wheelock.- Seventh grade-Lýouise Burkhard, liel- en Coigrove, Janet Colvin, Patricia Grover, IHarriet Imus, Evelyn Mon- tanaro, Ruth Sprenger, Norman Be- rnis, Kirk Dilling,. Seeley Lodwiclc, Jim Olin. Eighth grade-Mary -Barrett, Zo de La. Chapelle,, 0xarleine Driver, Mar- garet Gifford, Edith Gllett, Peggy Ketcham, Jane Krause, Jeanette Rob- ertson,, Arthur Bonnet, Jack Fyfe, Arend Knoop, Benijie MacKinnon, BliI Salisbury, Bill Stebbins, Don Stillman, John. Weese. Rouer Roll IPhird grades-Earl Boorman. cJames Crowley, Katherine Fox, Allan Gilbert,' Shirley Gross, Nancy Hanna, Sally Hazelet, Nancy Bouchard, Tommy Ciaffey, Dick Clark, Ward Irwin, JfQrry Finnigan, Edwina. Fuchs, Charles Gud- bransen, Joan Kaýhn, Frank KCetcham.* Tom Ketcham, Charles Kreger, Patsy Law, Genevieve Ryan, dGrace Schernpp. Joan H-artshorne, Martha Lodwlck, Dudley Orvis, Donald Raggio, Renee Small, Nancy Starrett, Catherine Tide- man. Fourth 'grades-Glenn Andersen. Nan- cy Claar. Nancy Fox, Virginia Burk- hard, Don, Campbell, Jack Carter, F*ifth grades-Audrey Aveyard, * Ed - ward Ciaffey, John Connor, Glenn Eg- gert,' Tommy Erwin, Cynthia Fay. Bar- bgra. Buehier. Kenneth Crocker, Betty F aulest i c k Dorothy Hendrickson,, Charles, de La Chapelle. Stella Jannot- ta Mary Lidecker. Peggy Marsh, Betty Jordan, Paul. Kelly, Joan Milner, lso-, bel Mathieson, Migul Strèed, ,Turner Wilson, Nancy MeCloud,. Robert Oster- mann. George Rothermel. Elizabeth Si- mon,.'Raiph Starrett, Dan Sullivan. western., Military acadec Drake hotel Derýoratiôn r.nwoi.sports, and campus activities. june 5. man.-. from , . . Miss Jane Darling, 256 Kenilworth Miss Margaret Jane Wright of the Nortb- Betty, young daugjiter of the Hal- avenue, , returned to Kenilworth Oak Park was the guest of the Har-, îy, at the lett Thornes of 93 Ihdian Hill road, Wednesday f rom the Ogontz school ry Weeses of 141'Kenilworth avenue. [ay. is, n, quarantine witb measles. in Pennsylvania. *Kenilwortb,, over Memorial day. I

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