Speelals Roi Thuts., aad Bat. FRESH, CALIFORNIA. THE CROPS FINEST ~lie250 Famcy: Domestic Swist BEEF FRESH MUSHROOMS Ib29e -1 0 RICE FREE TENDER NATIVE r F0)!THE~ NATIN'8 INFST 7 DAIRVLAND 1 FRFSH CIIIRN~EI) THE BEST WISCON-MIN CREAIME EV FRESH BLLJEBERRIES IN SEASON NOW FRESH Dlueberry21 pies ROUND or SIRLOIN STEAKS Cnt fromn Youang Corn Fed Beef !ine of Balzery products that w»I1 please the most d*scrim- inating hostess. SATURDAY PEaCAN HUmgART. COFFER CA"E Generpiisly filIed with Pecan. and Butter L7 Cream ... ... 1Entertainment for chiren and grown- ups, fashion parades. and daily seling events will be high points in the eight- day program. Each north shore town will have its special day. While -this annual week bas grown into the' biggest selling event. of the- year at the store, the empbasis will. be placed on giving patrons: the highest quality of service, according to E. M. Kys-er,: manageýr. open Roof Garden SaturdaY The first event'of the week wiIl be the. opening of the roof garden, which will take place Saturday, June .3.. The garden bas been attractiVely, Iandscaped for the season by the Swain 'Nelson nurseries. and several new Ïeatures have been added. Fo r added, comfort, and, enjoyment of the public a booth for serving orangeade and ice cream bhas been installed in the, garden. Throughout the week the, roof gar- den will be a mecca for the children who visit the store. A clown will be there to entertain tbem every day with bis droil tricks, antics and acrobatics. ý Every afternoon at 4:45 the clown, will release 100 gaily colored toy gas halloons on the roof garden. . -. Fashion Revue Every Afternoon For the grownups a fashion revue will be presented on the roof every af t- er-noon f rom 3 to 5, featuring summer and sports. wear, and revealing new style ideas for eacb program. Provid- very afternoon between-3 and 5. The following schiedule bias been an-- ounced: Monday-Wilmette Day. Tuesday-Kenilworth Day. Wednesday-Wînnetka Day. Thursday-Higblanid* Park Day., Friday-Glencoe Day. On each of these community days a ominent clubwoman or society leader om tbe town wbich is being bonored ill serve as hostess in the store, greet- ig the guests and presiding over tbe &__ ---C-A- s F.M. Kysçer, manageër:o! Pield's Evapistoni store, this week an- tiwunced the detailed pro gram for .4nnuial' Suiburban Stores Week, lime 3 to 10. Chulrches Join in Helping Visitors to Find Lodgings Mavor Kelly's great drive to put Chicago back ini the lead ini hospital- itv plans for the vast ariny of visitors which,. even now, is arriving, bas folind life in the ivork that the chtirche s of every denoinination bave heen .doing. Catbhflics, under the Iead of Mrs. Julia Deal Lewis; Jews, under the lead of Dr. Louis L. Mann; Luther- anls under Dr. Joshua Oden; Baptists under Dr. A. M. McDonald; Methom- dists, under Dr. John Thonpson;ý Congregationalists under Dr. C.,S.* Laidrnan; Presbyterians, under l)r, J, E. Coigdon;. ail these bave coordi- nated. tIheir work in the namne of the, Church 1-ousing commis sion. They have, throughi the local churches, canivassed the entire city aiid sul>urbs .and have listed and inspected thou- sands of bomnes which are available to visitors. IROSEDALE Jr IEXTRA SIFTED jEARLY VARIETY No. 2 eau T;he store wili be( 9 to 5:30 and on S 2 a pca seIumg1 spaces, convenhent to car lines to the epartment featur- Fair.' hird, the four-story building and accessories. at 209-219 S. Waba&h avenue bas en every day froni heen converted into a clubbouse . or qrdays to 9 p. m. headquarters for tbe.se visitors. Ibo