IU'ITR WAFERS. IABY FOOD. ......3 29C Geami QU*c.L 5-b pg . 27 AKIG POWDFR ik f Royal ranCE, LageC 39 DAKEEX SHO? puit Y ut5 C (Plumip, fIuffy' vice freel) MAYONNAISE. Fresh fronu olui kitelhem *vory hour. "lYou'I li1k. this - it's differ-, pint 25e lurt49c SALADS. Made froalilmrly. Roosevelt, Vegetable, HomIth, Creamed Potato,, GerMmanP.- tto, coie ~ u ....... plat I 5 SUGAR, C..& H. Puri& Cane. 10-lb. eloth bae With, wrder. t 47c1 STRAWBERRIES. Red, ripe,' ful 219 quarts ... boxes CANTALOUPES,. Vmralley2 for29e ORANGES. Sweet andd% 6MA WhoIo or haf ...lb. .3% Sliced, lb. 39e BOSTON ISAIEN> B E A N S mamd browm 1broadL Prepmred ini Our own &hop, Boston style. 5 portionsmnid: 1iloaf brown 49e FRUIT SALAD. Ripe freel ýf ut n;ea i nt 2 5 c CHICKEN SAL'AD . Mc frosm dmily-very choi*e. ito finot.......pp 9 OvorlamdBr»,nd 3 cm,. PABST-ETT Pl, Fe Es.29 MILD A14ERICAN or WISCONSIN FULL CREAM * .9cý, BRICK, ILb LITTLE SWISS GRUYEtE. i portions in~~~ ~ box, .e .....3sé«9 Nw Ywk35c Fm35 29C1 -------------- THURSDAY1,10NLY TTUC ;CI, LETTUCE. Crispy, firm h" .... 2heade 9c pompà RADISHES or GREEN ON- IONS. Good à ý ý lm' dbn PEAS Extra Siftod 3 cana c 49 NEW anmd from A NEW PRODUCTI ietion to the fimer things - jumt try tis Country It is paeked aecording to roquiremneûts. lIts DIavor iced ma fiuoa wmum uarthm anmd long thremd cocoanut . m.....ech ANGEL FOOD CAKES. Choc white or strawberry 2ý iced . .. . . . . emela .- -SATURDAY ONLY-: WHITE BREAD. Gobd, wholo- WATERMELONS. -Georgia'. best. L~arge size . . . emeh 89e GRAPEFRUIT. Mmwaslsed- loss. 'Hemvy balla of juice. Uc. . 5 for 25C a..ongi gren, Mot mouse. for 1ge, IAgPP.,&GrUS. Home grown, large b unachesa. Thick, t enad er aUl grom, speara. popular f o o8 inade just right. Makes dogs h.mlthy, for25 to produite ~ )UND of cus MUST BE-------7--- i cus.1 MUST BE,