Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1933, p. 30

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firat pledge of the Upsilon chapter when it was established. T2he annual. aluninae meeting of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, will bc held Friday eveiiing with a din- n er at the Belgiani village in A Cen- turyý of Progress exposition. A smail bus has ýbeen. chartered to conduct the our-of-towni guests through the fair. Saturday, June 3, a banqu et will be held, at %vwhich Mrs. Richard Rowe of Southern >Illinois will be toast- ýmistress.. Speakers for theý occasion i are Mrs. Edson B. Fowler, Mrs . F. Falley, Mrs. James Arms trong, Mrs., Fred Stone, and Miss Eleaànor Berger of, Kenilwortb,. who will represent the chapter. 1Following the banquet- a dance. for ail members of the North Shore Alumnae association will be given. Miss Virginia Bixby of Wilînette is -in charge of aIl the anniversary festivities.. Mrs, Francis Huffmnan of Glenicoe and Mrs. E. E. Biilow, Jr., Mrs. Carl Evans, Mrs. Fred Stone, Mrs. Willis. Litteil, Mrs. John Newey, and Miss' Joy Snider, are chapter representatives.. Miss Margaret Hard- ing is in charge of publicity, Miss Betty Hunt is to be hostess, at the Fair dinfier,' Mrs. Preston WeVir,*is hcstess for the luncheon. North Shoreitesin Part y at World's Fait Opening Several north shore couples or- ganized a Dutch treat party in the Pabst Blue Ribbon casino -at A Cen- tury of Progress for the opening night. Iast Saturday. The party in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Marvin .Harms, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Nason of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. Lou H. * Ingwersen of Kenilworth, Mr. and Mrs. John Platt, Mr_ and Mrs., Courtney Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Sauer, Mr. and Mrs.- Victor Allen,. and Mr.' and Mrs. Foster Mc- Gaw, ahl of. Evansto, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lundmark of Chicago. Be- * sides an elaborate fashion show Ben Bernie and Buddy Rogers appeared on the entertaiunent program. Photo. by Grinsted Mrs. Harry Bgairstow, Jr., is tbe formner Miss Rose Marie Horky of Wilmette. Her marriage took place on the afternooit of May 23, at the reside'nce of lier parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Rudoif I-orky, 1140 Sheridan road. The bride and bridegroom'are ne onIO a honeymnoon by motor tel the- itc'st. They tvill go to HolIiy- zvood and then -Jhrough the Canadi-. on rockies. Home. and Garden Cl-ub Has Program June5 The Kenilworth Home and Gardeni club will meet- on Monday, june 5. at the residence of Mrs. B. F. MacKin- non of 321 Leicester road, Kenilworthi. Mrs. Amuel. B. Sp4ch will say a fewv words on the effort to abolish hafever weeds. There will be a com- p etitive arrangem ent of flowers for the living room, also an arrangement for the dining room, and a displav of specimen flowers from mnembers' own, gardens. The club wiIl then ac- cept the invitation of, Mrs. Arthur J-. Ljndsley of 260 Oxford road, Kenil- worthl, for tea in her lovely garden. H. urge, Mrs. Albert N. Page, Mrs J.D. Whidden, and Mrs. Charleî Norman are hostesses ,for the after- noon. Mrs. C. E. Wells is general .chairman of the flower show, having on her' committee, Mrs. David Cooke of Evanston, and Mrs. A. E. Gebbert, Mrs. Don Wiley, and- Mrs. C. N. Hurîbut, ail of Wilmette. Members are urged fo- invite guests., The exhibition classes are I, per- fection of bloom-, II, artistic arrange- ment, including breakfast. table dis- plays;. III, unusual exhibits. .The: speaker' of, the afternoon i s Donald E. *Robertson of Evanston, world traveler, who. will give an il- lustrated talk. 'As special-guests for the occasion, officers of the Garden Club of Illinois, presidents, of neigh-7 l)oring garden clubs, and nieml>er,- o the Evening Garden club of Wil- mette, have been invited. The president of the club, Mrs. C. P. Berg, annciunces that arrange- ments are being madle to caîl for ail exhibits if exhibitcrs so desire. N. U, Class to Have Tenth Reunion Dinnter, A reunion dinner for the class of 1923 at Northwestern -university will be' held Saturday evening, June 3, at the Georgian hotel. At this tenth an- niversarv celebration, James Pater- son,' former football star aind presi- dent of his class, will preside. Harold .H. Anderson, president of the North- western Alumni association and also an outstanding member of lis class, will give a short talk. * Mrs. Douglas. D. Waitley of Ev- anston is compîling a new class prophecy which will succeed the original prophecy macle at commence- ment in 1923 by Adella Mitchell, now of Mrs. Douglas Mills ofNew.York. Reservations are being>Made for ,more than fifty members of the class by Mrs. Waitley, whose addriess is 23.15 Gray avenue, and by Mr. Ander- son of 2401 Lincolnwood drive, Ev-, anston. Foliowing dinner bridge tables will be set up in the F!rench roomý for VwaLier Jt5eacn nieiL. &viiss 4'iorence Harvey, a graduate of Northwestern *university, who is now on the art staff of A Century of Progress exposition, will act as toastmnistress. * Other speakers. will be Miss Ray >Latimer, for the, alumnae; M4igss 4argaret. Black, who was 'May queen, president of Mortarboard, and. honored by Matrix' as one of the four most outstanding women on the campus, will speak for the seniors. The juniors'. speaker wil be Miss Libby Patton, newpresident of Ep- silon chapter. The sophoémore speaker, Miss Laura Louise. Smith, was one of the few sophomores in- Vited to the, Matrix banquet.. She assisted in the management, of Xaa.' Mu show and is a member: of Ro- Ru-Va and Shi7Ai. Barbara Baker Will speak for the freshmen.. She is. a. member. of Alpha ýLanîbda D)elta.. national, honorary fraternity forw- meni. New officersý of the Chicago Alum- nae association .willý be installed- at the banquet. They are Miss; Mildre d Il ebel of Wihiiétte, president;- Mrs. G. L. Jacobi of Winnetka, vice -presi- dent; Mrs. Thonias Leemning of Chi-' côgo, recording secretary; Mrs. Ir- wun. Guetzlaff of Beverly. HuIs, cÈor-ý responding secretary; Mýrs._ Donald Caîhoun of Evanston, tr.easurer; Mrs. J.. B. Rittenhiouse of Winnetka will be chairmnan:, of the. North Shore group for the coming year. New initiates and H*ternationial .of- ficers wvill be guests of hotior. D)anc- ing in the Marine duning room will follow the banquet. Reservations are being taken on the north shore by Mrs. H-arold l_. Brown of Wilniette. Surset Ridge Opens Sun$et Rïige golf- club initiated,,its social program with,.a dinner da nce >Monday with mfore than: 400 reserva- tioIJs, and on-Decoration day the bat- tle of slices, pull.s and puttsý began. First "Ladies day," Wednesday, May- 31,'featured a New-Old M ember'tour- nament. Daniel W. Ashley is chair- mani of the sports and pastimes corm- mnittee anid is assisted by Dick Payne and Ralph D. H-uszagh. Mrs. George H. Dovenmuehle is chairman of wom- eni's golf. 'el av kr twe teachérs at the and Mrs*. J. R. rnest H. Freeman, ie, entertained at -three last Satur- sts included the ,lp school and Mr. ,arper. street, w' eon for the June sen of be the s sens sweI inL ________________ of Sea Scouts Giving Bail e- The Sea Scouts of Kenilworth are i giving a miaritinme hall on Saturday ~evening, june 3 at the Kenilworth club. Reading Circle to Meet The JPeading circle is havung its next meetIng at the home of Mrs. John A. 'Maclean, 924 Greenwood avenue, Monday, June 5., at 1:30"

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