Newly eiected officers and directors for the ensuing year are: Mrs. flurnett Dewey Warner, president; Mrs. Richard J. Finnegan, first vice-president; Mrs. Ernest C., Renif, second vice-president; Mfrs. Albert F. Ailes, third vice-zpresident; Mrs., Charles. J. Herzer,. recording. secretary; Mrs. Otto Culiman, cor- responding secretary;.Mri. 1l'ester H Hornbrook, treasurer; :.Mrs, George J. Horan, auditor; Mrs. A. A. Kan- berg, chairman of the philanthropic and, social service department;1 Mrs. John: W.* Trask, chairman of the civics and education. departm eut; Mrs. R. H. Hoimes, chairman of the bouse and property comnmittee.. On League Board Mrs.- Raiph Potter of WNiliette, .Mrs. D)onald Man of Evanston, and Mrs. James F. Porter of' Winnetka, were eiecte(i to the board. of direc- tor' of the Cook Cou ttNeLeagýie of W-inen Voters at the annual meet- ing heid in Chicago on May 23. Mlrs. Jasper King of \Vinnetka, wvbo has. just' finished lier presidency of the Winnetka ;league. vas eiected to head the Count y league. _Mrs. Rob- ert, C. M.-cNàmara of Winnetka ,is serving lier second year as secretary, and Mrs. Williamn G. Hibbard, aisoàf Winnietka, i: a hold over memnber of the board. Breakfast for Kappas The animal breakfast given by ijiembers 6f Kappa Kappa, Gamma sbrority at Northw,ýesterni university for the seniior Kappas wiil be lield at Shawnee Country club this Sunday. About forty wvii1 be ini attendance. Arnong the eleven seniors are Miss Barbara 'Mearns of Keiiworth and .Miss Eloi se Kramer of Wiimette. Miss Loretta White of Kenilworth is on the committee arranging the breakfast. Service Club Hostess Mrs. Carleton Prouty, 693 Wiiiow roa-i i U1nne.tka- ill be hos1ntP41s ti Century of Progress sponsored by nineteen colleges. Circle Chairman Mrs. Frank J. Wenter, Ji., 1204 Ashland avenue,.was elected chair- man of the Northeast circle.-of St.. Augustine's Episcopai thurch. at the ail-day mneeting last Friday. Mrs. L. B. Huguenor was eiected vice-chair- man,-andMrs. A. E. Logie.secretary and treasurer. They were u nani- ýmously eiected when, their: namn1es were .submiitted by the nomninating commtittee -con sisting of Mrs. Thom- as S. S. Hardwicke, chairmnan, and MIrs. J. B. Marshal and Mrs. Logie. CÇircle End'ing Year The last meeting of, the North 1End circle of the Congregational church will be hield june' 5, at the homeo Ms MiesMconmde14 M icia avenue. Luncheon will be served at I o'clock. Assistinghostessesare M\rs C. R. Bixby, Mrs. F. H. Corneill Mrs. C. D. FEver,, and Mrs. J. A. Pancoast Entertain Be fore DanCe Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Hale, 1025 Mohawk road, entertained at a cock- tait1 party for twenty-six last Mon- day evening preceding the dance at Sunset Ridge Country club. MIrs. \Viliiam Marin, 112 Green- wood avenue, is entertaining the Dramna Study club at lunçheon today. FOR> PROPERTY OWNERS Noé 1. THE WHITAKER PLAN OUIR JVITING LIST AT DINNER TINS PERSISTS AND GROW'S UHFAT di scri trinating peo- pie will accept some. in- con enincefor, a. really delicious meal bau, beeà aniply demonstrated at Vera Megowen's. It denotes a pe- tience wbich is certainly, more flattering than anyting w. might say. We arçe expressing. our appreciation for this eveér- growingparng by taking additional space and providing increased service in order to ac- commodate you more promptly. Why not drive to Vera MegoweW'xcuç' e oo o eiiu Luncheon -Tea-or DnnM i VIERA MEGOWEN 501 DAVIS ST. Evan ton PA TRONIZE O UR A D VERTISERS D"jRADUATION SPECIAL, ,J*. [1V re - rA U1cio.iesei %-n.....u za group is postponing its next meeli to june 19, because of the childre art exhibit at the Howard schç The meeting place will be aiinoun( lâter. WINNETKA OPEN WEEK,,DAYS - NINE .3250 TrO MINE I