*About three nionths ago,, those who were eligible in Troop t, formed a Sea Scout patrol. We decided ta name the ship "'Dreadnought," after, a-famous clipper ship commianded by an ancestor of' our .skipper, *Arthur Pearson.. Théc members divided into 'two crews: the starboard crew composed of John Luke,, coxswain, Bill Grinnell, Vernon Brown, Wayne Cocliran and Ed. Andrews, and tIc port crew with jarvis Brown, cax- swain, GaCrdon Schuber, James* Luke and Stanley Cochran.,Mr. Pearson se- cured Fred Maas, Art Van Deursen and John Pearson as mates. rnarert go sailing ýthis sumnier. every scout must be of ordinary Sra Scout rank, go we decided ta spend the time before summer' vacation psin tests. Several of the scouts have already passed themajor porion of .the tests for ordinary. We hopethat by tbe end of June everybody wihl be ordinarYý which wou1d make us a second class ship. We also decided ta build aur own boat. A small sailboat seemed tbe most practical. bath for our pocketbooks and for aur experience as boat luilders. The Ship Dreadnought purchased plans for a fifteen and a baîf foot Snipe, a snmall racing saiboat. In order ta buy mate- riais for tbe boat, ecd scout was re- quested to pay twa dollars inta a gen- eral fund for this purpose. After we bouglit the lumber and other necessary materials, the 'construction of the boat was started. To. date, the frames have been cut and laid the bottoni and top sides planked, and we are about ready ta piank the deck. We bope:to bave the boat ready by the end of june. When the boat is campleted,. we plan ta- také weeked cruises on bath our, boat and tbe "artsark," belonging ta, our skipper. We alsa plan ta do a lot of sailing around aur awn home part. At -the end of eaclfmonth, an extra cruise will be given ta the crew wbich bas the best recard of attendance and work done during the tnontli. We are trying ta plan a camping and sailing (Ait Editorial) The recent appointment of Lient. Garrison Hait Davidson toéle- head coach of the Army football squad at WYest Point.draws attention to another, former Boy Scout who b as forged. ta the front in athletics. For, whule the B1oy. Scout mnovenient does. not special- ize in atheics1 as a paramnount %part of its program, it is interesting ta no te tbat not infrequently Boy Scouts ac- Icomplish. outstanding athietic achieve-7 ments. Several prominent athietes now fam- ans in Écamfpetition are. in this group.. Just ta mention a f ew there are Georgeý Spitz,Ne York university,, world's record bolder for the indoor high i up and a strang competitor for tbe world's ôintdoor record, actively ldenitified as a scout in New York City; iBilly How- ell, Eagle Scout of Richmond, Va., two years ago runner-up for the national amateur golf championsbip and member of last year's Walker cup' golf tearn, and Milford Dietz of Saranac Lake, niember of the American Olympic skating team of ast year. SIllustrative of another phase of Boy Scout leadership in athietics, a con- sensus of the leading selections for Ail- and a meniber of Troop 208 af Bronx council, New York City, and an assist- ant camp director before he entered the nilitary academy, is the first .second iýeutenant ever to be placed wholhy in charge of Army's football destinies and the youngest officer ever ta 511l the posi-. tion ýof head coachi of 'Army's teani. Unit of Camp Staff Presemte.With i Pai Formerly Owned by Troop 509, Considered es. the Finesti Chicago Lucky Troop 15. -On May 18, that ýtroop received, a flag with a,-remarkablehistory. This flag was presented, by -F. O. Proctor, commissioner 'of the Northwest Sub- urban area. Shermian ÀAhdrich and the topcommiitte wer-e present. For a number of years, this flag was carried Iy. Troop. 509 of Chicago. Mr. Proctor was tben the scoutmaster. The troop was an. unusual one, lihe stated. It was coniposed mastly of older boys- office aiid messengr bysof the Bel Telephone " ampany. Mr. Proctor said' lie had tenderfoot scotts who were 20 years aid. They worked bard, lie de- clared, and advanéed f romi a very poor troop ta tbebest in Chicago. He told Troop 15 stories:about differ- ent members of bis troop. Several years ag o, the troop temporarily disbanded becausé of the depression, as noia new boys entered, and the colors were given ta Mr. Proctor. Troop 15 says it f eels. highily. honi- ored ini having these colors bestowed on it. Schuyler Watrous, senior patrol leader, expressed the troop's apprecia- tian for the flag and pledged Troop 15 ta uphold the standards set by Troop 509. These colors were to be carried in the Memorial Day parade. On May 26 this year there were practically twice as many registrations in for Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan as there were last year on the sanie date, ac- carding ta the repairt f rom tbe Nortb Shore Area Cauncil headquarters. Camp leaders declare that' this ýis due partly ta -the free camp. lantern offer and' that a good. many ôther features enter, inta the ' entbusiastic interest scouts are showing for Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Exhibits at Fair. .August 17, 18, 19 At a gatbering of scout executives . f rom Chicago and neighboring councils, held in Chicago last Friday, the dates of Thursday, Friday and Saturdey, August 17, 18 and 1%, were set as the North Shore Area Boy Scout days, at the permanent, scautingexhibit .ion, ta, be held.at the World's.fair. During those tbree days the local ferent features, first the permanient camping and ýwoodcraft exhibit, locaàted, just south of -the eastern Sky Rideý tôwer,,and the handicraft agnd'demon-ý stration.on tbe Enchanted Island., During these days at tbe fair, it is' expected that'many north% shore, resi- dents willbe. present ta see the activi- tiýes of their. local scouts at these two sections of the" fair. Approximately twenty, scouts will be- featured in the bandicraft exchibit, and sixty scouts in the camnping and woodcraft section. Scouts interested in taking part are requested ta make application at scout héadquarters. In addition to these three days, the North Shore Area council, is taking part, in the National Boy Scout day comning- on August 24 and featuring "thé biggest scout show ever staged," to be heid lu the stadium. North Shore Tourne y .Open to A Il Juniors Possible tennis champion-s of the future-the junior players of today- will comipete ini a north :shore' tour- nament at .the.. Northwestern uni- versity courts thi s Saturday. anîd next under auspices of: the Chicago. Tene- nis association., This will be, onie-of four, tournamients in -progress sim 1ul- tane.ously-ý throughout the Chicago area as prelimin'aries for the national junior chanîpjonship. The meet hère wi Il be open to boys and girls, of the north shore, f romn Howard street ta, the state line. and i -o- .tournament tô be beld at amilton I.Mrg. Fergus Mead, 320 Oxford Park. The atier cantestants will be the Iroad, Kenilwôrtb,, and Mrs. John Mc- players Who similarly qualify in the IDonald of Wilmette have returned other preliminaries being held Satur- jfrom a short inotor trip ta Galena day at Hamilton Park, the Town and Jand along the Mississippi river. Tennis club. and River Forest. in anotner secion 'on