Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1933, p. 38

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L)rama, "Martha" Howrd C hs eenworingon A SUNCH OF SPINACH TALKS the opera, "Martha," for the la:;t 1a uc fsiah e three' months in dramatics. Fridav keep people well. I give theni energy morning, *May1N, at I 1 oco.î,adhl uildmuscle. i niake blood. weprsete tepure.. There.ý is what you cali irou play. 'ini me. Some people.do flot like me 'Grce inke ws Ldy arretbut 1 amn very healt'htul.-Lawrence who cbanged her naine' to Martha, oigHwad4hrde and Ellen Jones was Nancy w olig oad4hgae changed ber namie tgA.ulia., Thtvy A GLASS 0F MILK TALKS were the principal gijrl ýcharacters. I 1arn only a .glass of milk but I while James Dricker -as Sir Tristan, Dick Wernecke 'as Lionel.. and Rob- a. odfrpol. otiift ert hritiasonas Punktt erewater, sugar, protein, lime and sonie the most important boy -'ýcharacters. te ad.Ihepbdasrn body and I build strong teh-r The first scete, was in Lady Har- ther Green, Howard 4th grade. riet's Sitting room. The -second scetie took place at the Richmond fair. The third'scene was Lionel's and Pluîi- New Social Science Unit kett'shome, while the fourtb was the Interests Eighth Grades same as the third. ~Veha ltsoffu pesntngt!is The pupils. of the Stolp eighitiî and want tof fnha sn is Flaskee grades are 1beginning a new un t in: for bielpinz t us.-Priscilla Pollock. social science this month. This uinitI Howard C. i' is "The Ci vil- War" an d wil take 1 Pupils Study Locations of Big Buropean Ports In social science We are stud(yiti,g. where the great European ports are located. One person wiIl get up anîd say the namç of a Européan port. and tbe class, in turn, will trv to locate it on the big map of Europe in the front of the room. Whien someone guesses it, tlier we tri' to Scenes Give Progrese of Mani Through Age The seventb andeihtb grades wéeeentetaied b aimos.. iter esting program gv qui Mày 23 1) Mrs. Julian's sixtb grade. It conisistedl of scenes which started front vre- historic man ip to present time. The scenery and costumes made' the p)rQ- lots ot concentration. It proves to l>e very interesting because maniv of uis had relatives figbting on either side. Miss Chase, our teacher, eit- courages us to tell stories alŽou#t thé, war, whicb would, prove *interes tinsz PO other pupils.-Lowell Sniorf, Stolpl 2?C.,I rial Talk asked the children to bring some hlowers for decorating the soldiers' graves. On Memorial 'day, the P.Fc v Scouts decorated the soldiers' grave,. -Lionel- Toeppen, Stolp lB. Perfect Spellers Given Manual Tiraining Period This is the ast 'week we. are go- ing to have manual training, except on Monday and' Wednesday if 'von When we play "cop 'and robbers." Harriet Jonej., Baby Jç4ies, Stantiey 'Smith,' Billy Flynn, Lee Butler, Dot- ty Butler, Patsy Flynn and Peggv, Butler play. We d-ivide iln t ' 0two sides. Harriet, Baby, :Dotty, and, Peg.g on one side; Stanley, *Bill'v, Lee and ,Patsy. on, the, other side. Then we take our guns. and, "beat it." We hi'le and we, say, "Stick 'em up." Theii we take their guns and -say,,"B.eat i. Then they go. The side that lias the iluost guns wînis.-Peggy Afnutuler, Howard 5C. Howard, Sehool Pupils> Are Preparing Exibit in. Miss Stevens' room, ail lier classes are making ready for te u ua,1 exhibit. The seventh grade pu- pils are each going to niake a 'Page ,()i sonie terni in their gIossar.v. When :l'e exhibit rolîs arovnd. i t means p)Iý,tv of work for the -teachers 'and ,ptllils. 1 think titat if every pupil wvould. cooperate with bis teaclier, tliings would be better. for Iliiii..- Jamtes Steen, Howard 7A.. FIVE GRADUATION SONGS On' commencement n1 g b t, the eighth grades are going to sing fivt songs, "The Dream Boat Passes By-." -The Wilmette Loyalty Song," "Sup- pliant Lo Thy Chidren Bend.'?" God's Treasures" and "The Heavens, Arec Declaring."ý-Courtney Rogers. Hov- Saturday, May -)0, Wilmiette's threc t ack teams defeated many scboofi y> a large score. In tbe peewee class. i uoward Reinwald higb pumped- at 4 eet, 6 fiches, wbicb -was a -record for peewees, in future vears to trv Bill Roberts and Cliuck Soule both, pole. vaulted 7, feet, 3'inches, wlîile ,Kim Brown w as beating otherschools. si tbe hurdles. Many ýother records wvere made in, the otber classes;- prob- ably most outstanding ýwére: Lowell, Sinorf's time, in .tbeý dashes, Frank Brychta's distance in 'the shot put. IIarvey Steffens'. Milan Ma.-'s' .and John Ver sino's tintç ini the burdles, anîd Jim,,Streeter's leapin the highi jurnp. Every boy contýpeting for Wilniette niade Coacbes 'Davis, Stone 'and. (lathercoai know they' had a g0ond team this vear-Bob) Coclîran. How- ard. 7A. Children Pr.etend That On eàreGeMneal Wewofe Iet O a *rcen MoGnal we wrote lettners to amdo enr We 1feten Hiser name wa Jaes.fe rtnded h wren Jeremesi nerlWlfe .Wtigt bi friendJaersiengla e da79.The thletter wsepbutteeer 159.Tue oflette was but tbe surnderowar ofh grade.-oe atooar TEAM 0F 6A WINSI COMPLETING MAPS The 6A boys' team' was challenigcd Vacation is nlearing. and the pupilsý to a game with 6B. Tbey beat us the of 7A .are ýtryýing to finish maps' axid first- gane,' but we beat tiien this thinrgs, for: tbe exbibit.. Maps of Asia, tinie. The score was 6 to 4.-Willialm are wbat we. are making now. -Harrv- Cloud, Howard 6A. 'Seifert, Howard 7A. ROYCEMORE OFFICERS Highcr-est Has Mémorial rad, Haris 7,SC bbotsford' Oeremonies at Assembly ro d .K enilw orth, w as elected presi- A ti o n o e f V r il t e denf of the Junior class at Rovce- C tI-cînosd__er ilet pleny of fun in stol pansy is ny' favorite it i! so cute and Nevins, Howard,7A. near antd and the week býefore.-St ar us. The *tad twenty-four articles ler because LÎPE This is the most of 'y -Cordon -s'iet's keep ut)'this' go< Ei-an 'McIlraitb, .Stolp I Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Schroe- CLES der of 1237 Elmwood avenue, Evans- L..1yrttefl ton, announce the birth of a nine' ) 1B bas and a haîf pound son, James Bernard, 'l JUNIOR at the St. James hospital at Pontiac, *nly room, 111.' on May 25. Mr. Schroeder is record.- a Chicago 'patent attorney and ,a former resideit of Wilmette.. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichoils, 1001 Lake avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Veeder of Winnetka enter- taitied at a Dutch treat beach party Memorial day in honor of the Vee~. ders' bouse, guests, Mr. ýand Mrs., Robert. Touton. of Janlesvhhe, Wis.

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