By air, by land, and by sea, thou- sands of Northwestern university alumni wil'pour into tie north shore this week-end to attend the annual Alumni Day festivities of the Univer- sity on1 Friday and Saturday, June 2 and 3, according to Byron S. CÇoon, chairman of the committee in.charge of ar ranigementss. In addition, thou-7 Sands of alumni livingon henorth shore, in Chicago and vicinity will flock back to the, campus these two, days, maýking what in Mr. -Cooni's opinion, will be the largest Alumni Day gathering in the history of the university. A large number of the out-of-town alumni will undoubtedly remain 'over. the following week to. attend A Century of Progress. One. of the unique events of the Alumni Day, festivities will be a base- hall game, Friday afternoon, starting at .3o'clock *in Wrigley Field, be- tween the Cubs and. the \Vildcats. Aluinni Banquet Following the gamre, a big all- alumni banquet.> will be held at 6 otclock at the North Shore hotel. John Mitchell, chairman in charge of arrangements, has 'announced that the annual election of officers of the Northwestern University A I u ni n i association will be held at this. t me and a number of prizes awarded, as wveIl as some special enfertainment prdvided, the nature of which he re- fuses to disclose before the dinner. The dinner will be over' in t ile, Mr. Mitchell states, to permit al who -,isli to do so to attend the bacca- laureate sT'-ice<t the First Metho- dist church. The Rev.. Charles H. Heinsath of the First Baptist churcli of Evanston, wili deliver the address. Slflumination Night At the close oi the baccalaureate services, alumini wiîl gather ini the Campus M'%eadow for the annmal Illu- mnination, Night ceremonies. joseph Miller. who is in charge of the arrangements, 'has,.ainnoùnced that the seniors each carrying alighted lantern, will mùarch iin a long winding procession fromn the Charles Deering library over to the natural stage on the meadow, where they wiII be greeted by President Walter Dill Scott, William A. Dyche and the offi- in thle men's, and women's division. Back on' the campus, there will be the traditional, alumni parade. at, noon, from University, hall. to a .big circus tent near> Patten gym, where luncheon will, ,be sexved, Mrs. George A.- Paddock, who has charge of the programp bas announced that, there will be some special a cts. by NorthWestern radio, stars and that a number of prominent alumnni will be introduced. S .Promeut O'NëtiIl Draina In the afternoon, a play, O'Neill's "The Emperor Jones,',.Wiîl be given by the School of Speech in-the Uni- versity Little Theatre and a tea will be held -by the Associate Alumnae from 3 to 5. in the Charles Deering i-. brary. At 5 :30 the sevenity-fifth com- menicement exercises.of the Univer- sity wiIl be held in Dyche stadium. President and Mrft. Stt's recep- tion at 9:30 p. m. in Patten gym will bring the Alumni Day and comn- mencement activities to a close, but mnany of the out-of-town alunini wil stay over for a few'days to visit A Century of Progress. The complete committee in, charge of the Alumni Day festivities is as follows: Byron S. Coon, chairman; Harold Garwood, John Mitchell, Walter Paulison, Jo- seph -Miller, John V. Dodge, W.illard Buntain, Thiomas--Ai-lônser. Ro-, Dunwoodie, Harold Anderson, Ed- ward Stromberg, Hlenry Penfield, Eugene Flàck 1 Glenn .Bainum, Mrs. Edson B. Fowler, Mrs. George A. Paddock, Lester D. Hafemeister, and Charles W. Ward. We Buy Wlie ie EVANSTON WILMETTE WflFNETRA QLE<CE TAX WARRANTS .Enyart, Van :Camp. à Poil. lue. STOCKS AND BOND)S 39 S. LaSalle St. Anilover 2129 CHICAGO> TH-E MASTERPIECE 0F TIRE CONSTRUCTION INIDIANAPOLIS RACE 14#h Consecutive Yeau THE ost.gruellingý tire test in the world. 200 timesaround the 2% -mile ôoa track L t speeds, as high ae 140 miles per hour. The. treMendous crowd are on thon, teet cheoring th e winner on Firestone High Speed" Tires as hoe flashes across the finish' lino witho ut tire trouble. That's performance- lire performance backed by the/in es of Firestone--the world's. mgster- tire builder. It takes the extra quality. and extra construction features in Pire- aton e tires to make these records. Famous drivers, will not risk their lives and chance of victory on any éther tire.ý TheyKNOW the added features of Gant.Diàping and 77w. Extra. Gum.Dipped Cord Pies (Jg4,' the Tread asurestlim of tmt iSt S4and804efr*dllbiiit,.. Racing speeds of yestorday are the rond speeds of today. You, too, need the. extra quality, strength and safoty of Firestone High Speed Tires, The Gold Standard of Tire Values, which hoid ail worid. records on road and track for safe:y, s>eed, mileage and endurance. Equip your car todmyl We Cive You « Liberal Trade-Jut Ailowanc. on Your OId Tires r I Phono Wil.tte Iales & ~ Service2f-I0 2614 West Railroad Ave. Evanstou,-Phome GREÉ1OmE 4777 I 4 i