Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1933, p. 3

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cises.* 'l'ne exercises in previous .years have always been held on the Sunday preceding Memorial day, but were postponed a week this year on ac- count of the formai opening of A Century of Progress la.st.week-end., 'Rear 'Admirai Watt T. Cluverius, commandant'at the Great -Lakes'Na- val training. station, is to be the principal speaker at the service to be held in the Keniilworth Assembly hall at 3:15 o'clock Sunday .after- noon.r following the parade and coin- memnorative services at the monu - ment in the Village Memorial park.1 He, will talk on 'the subject, "Stories of, the Navy.» Kenilworth 'gold star fat h ers and mothers and the Kenil- worthveterans of the Civil, Spanish- American and. World wars wil '1 be guest s of honor at, this service. Parade Starta at 2:45. The parade, it is announced, -will start at 2:45 o'clock. In addition tô the large numberof: Kenilworth or- ganizations participating, the United States Naval band' from the Great Lakes Training station, a drum and bugle corps and a firing squad f rom ,Great Lakes also will take part. The parade will form on Kenilwor.th ave- nue, just east of Warwck roadi un- der the direction of Robert W. Townley, at 2:30 o'clock. The ordler of march will be as follows: Speakers of the day, Great I4akes drum and bugle corps, Great Lakes firing squad, United States Naval band from Great Lakes, wreath bearers, the colors, Kenilworth Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, Cubs, junior Hikers, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls, pupils of the joseph Sears .school, students of New Trier, High school, . ýmembers of the Sunday schools of. the Church of the HoIy Comforter'and the Kenilworth Union church,, and ,ot her patriotic re.sidents of Kenilworth. services et Monuxîent The' line of mardi will be east on 'Kenilworth avenue to Leicester road,' south on Leicester road to Woodstock ave 1nue, east on Woodstock avenue to Raleigh road, north on Raleigh road to Kenilworth avenue, and west. The Star Sangled Ban ner........-Sung by Everyone Invocation ... Rev. Leland H. Dantorth Selectlon....... .. Great Lakes Band -THF, TORCH'l A program prepared and presented by the pupils of the Joseph Sears School. Those taktng part being Edith Gillett, Benjamin MacKifinon, Zo de la Cha- pelle, William, Powers. .Lincoln's Gettysburg Address........... ,... John Weese Selectlonl. Kenil dorth Male Quartet Georîge .Rigler, Harry .Weesei James Gatherer, A. R. Peterson Accompanist--Mrs. Jacob S.. Clhue Introduction. Herbert. W. Bartliflg Address-"Stories of the Navyr" Rear AdmiraI- Watt T. Cluverlus, U. S. N. Address-"Our Boys" .Gilbert W.- Kelly Vocal Selection ... ... .James Gath erer Amerîca........... ......Audience BENEDICTION The Kcnilworth boys who gave their lives in the Worid war were: F ranklin B. Bellows, A.' Courtney Campbell, Jr., Manierre B. Ware, C.. Purcell Macklin and Walter H. Scbulze. Thie Mem<rial. Sunday exercisies are conducted by the Kenilworth club. Harry P. Harrison, president of the village, is chairman of the Memorial Suntday committee. Others on the committee are: Herbert W. Bartling, Walter Noble Gillett, John L,. Wilds, Elmer IL. Nygaard, Charles D. Howe, Robert W. Townley, Mrs. James Ralph Starr, Herbert B. Tay- lor, Harold O. Barnes, Miss Virginia Marshall, Mrs. Grant Ridgway, and .Miss Virginia Little. Ickes to A ddress W4J Commencement June 3 Secretary of the Interior Hfarold L. Ickes of Winnetka will deliver the principal address at the l3nd comý- mencenient of Washington and Jef- ferson college, Washington, Pa., at urday, June 3. He will atý that time receive the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Law from the college. Among other honorary degrees to be given is an L.L.O. to former .Iudge Charles M. Thomson , of. Winnetka fair visitors have been advised to take advantage of the service offered by the Chamber of Commerce, which is conductiiig a campaign to encourage .A Century of Progress visitors who corne f rom the north and northwest to make their tempo- rary .hoôme in Wilmette wbile. at- tending tbe Fair. The, Chame of Commerce phone niumber is Wil- mette 863. Garrett Presents Degrees to 39 Men. Tuesday, June 6 Thirty-nine young me 1n, among them Randali Hamrick, assistant to the pastor of the Wilmette Parish Me thodist church, will. receive the degree-.of Bachelîr of Divinityat.the 76th' annual, convocation of Garrett Biblical Infstitute in Evanston Tues- day, june 6. The bonorary degree 'of Ioctor of Divinity will also be con- ferred upon six outstanding preach- ers at the convocation. This year's Garrett convocation. will be of especial interest in that it will witness theý formai installation of, Dr. Hlorace G. Smith as the eigbth, president of the seminary. Dr., Smith, formerly pastor of the Wil- mette Parishi Methodist cburch and who resides in Wilmette, is conclud- ing his flrst year as president but his formai induction into office was deferred to coincide with the convo- cation ceremonies. lHe will deliver bis inauigural address Tues day after- noon. The president's reception wilI follow. Bishop Edgar Blake of the Detroit Area of the Methodist denominiation and formerly a résident of Evanston, *il! be the speaker at an assembly Tuesday imorning. The convocation and other meet- ings will be held -in Stewart chapel on the Garrett, campus. mhave vîy uone more jMI Week 01 classes before the close of the 1932- 1933 term. The commencement pro- grains at 01l of these schools Will be held the following* week. The Glencoe public schoiols closed last. Friday and. tic commencement there was held Monday night. of this week. Eighty pupils were graduated. 415 Graduato. At New Trier High school the com-ý mencement. exercise s ar e to be held Thursday night, June 15, and about 415 students will receive diplomas. Oier events remaining on the New r'rier calendar include the senior play, 'The Younigest," Friday, and Satur- day nights of' ths week, tic annual, senior hop on Saturday, June 10, and, alumni day and senior ciass day on Wednesday, june 14. The last classes- of the present term at New Trier wilI be on Tuesday, June -13. On the Mon- day following commencement, June 19, the New, Trier sumfmer school opens. *, The annual eighth grade com- mencement exercises of the Wilmette public schools are to be held Friday night, june 16,* in the Leslie F. Gates gymnasiumn at New Trier High school. One hundredl and ninety-one pupils will be graduated. Tic schools close for the year the day of commence- ment. Holul Sclio@I Exhibite Thursday and Friday of this week the last of the exhibits at the various Wilmette schools are to be held. The Logan school exhibit wiII be on Thursday of this week and th~e Cen~- tral school exhibit on Eriday. Pupils at the Howard school exhibited theix work Monday of ibis week, and the Laurel school exhibit was last Friday. At the 'Highcrest school iii west Wil- mette the closing exercises are to be held, Thursday nigit, Jane 1154 when an open, house and prograin will be held for the parents. The Hlighcrest school became a part of the -Wilmette school systein this year, and« ten pupils from Highcrest will be gradu- ated at .tic Wilmette Public schools' commencement exercises on June 16. The Frogram Thc program for the service in the Kenilworth Assembly hall, starting at 3:15 o'clock, will be as follows: rlag Ralsing......... The Boy Scoutsý 'r. rIe is a school. ew Trier IL WILMETE 4300 K FOR AD-TAKERI Three new cases and two new, cast Wilmette were repc Healti department ing May 27. !a DFy me iociL4 the wceek end-

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