dians will clash with a Winnetka nine. The North Shore league is an in- dependent organization coniposed largelv of New Trier and North- western -stars who wish to, keep in practice during the suminer. Such stars as Paul, Williams and Water Foslund will be on, hand throughout the suffinier moýnths.: Games are to, be held evéry Tuesday and Thurs- day evening àt, 6 oMcock. 'The àd- visability, of a split 'season will be considered later àfter the first gamnes of the ioop are out of the way. Me~while, the clubs are' rounding, inito shape' with practice games, and a, high. quality. of basebali may be expected. 'Admission to these games ,is free, as the players are strictly amateurs. The Wilmett e Indians hold their games at Roycemnore Field in Evanston, while the Winnetkca clubs wil play at the Skokie Play- field, and the Glencoe nine wilI in- habit its own home dianiond at Ver- non avenue ini Glencoe. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Eleanor Beechier of 1233 Maple avenue, 'was hostess at a. linen shower On ' Thursday, May 25, in honor of Miss Vera Dangerfield who is to marry Lawrence Peterson of Holcomb, Ill., in July. Twenty other school frie nds of the bride-to-be were present. Plans to enter Princeton. Mrs. Herbert Lundahi, 224 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, will entertain at luncheon and bridge Friday. (Photo bY Marshall Field' Studio) Gladys Bohnen, aged 6, daughter of Mr. and:Mrs. Harold J. Bohnn, 983 Vine street, Winnetka, was a solo dancer' in thé Enchanted Bfookshelf Ballet presented on Thursday and Friday, june 1 and 2, at the Mary Wilson House in Park Ridge.. OnI Friday, june 9, Gladys will dance at the Club Vista Del Lago for the anu- nual luncheon of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association of Wil- mette. She is a pupils of Miss Alicej Stade of Wilmette. For. the past 13- years we have been serving the Nrth ,,Shore :with beautifuldrceaiga popular prices. It is niatural therefore that our Patrons whensending their things to us have the utmost confidence in our ability to render thie.best of workmanshiip and service. You,. tooj can enjoy this confidence by calling WINN. 751 for our service man. Service Store: 747 ELM ST., Winnetka, North Shoye's Lorgest and Most PoI»lar Cleaners Ili. Avisakt ao or est.alhmient, wilI convimo. Foi thit this is the lestplce0 Ch*scago -to puýrchse ,aitsmana Wall- papers. lnt.ligent service., lowest prices and prompt Famous Trains No extra are ------------------------ I 14S vocation clothes Picture me doing the ýWo rl1d's F ei r in this, taiored, silk. jacket sui. and changing into this cool print for dinner after frampig around d ll day. N. A. HANNA INC. 92Spanish Court Phon. Wjlm.$Ie 467