SýMýART DEýSSESý for any SUmmer Uss -I Three Special 'Higkhýights For the, End,,of "Suburban Store Week" for INFANTS, Charming dresses for lots l0 w ear during the w.armu weath- er ... of 'Cool, sheermaterials, and in numerous dainty colors and patterns .. . a splendid and timnely.opportunity. to secure a whole Summer 's wardlrobe for your liite girl; 2 to6. Prce .. -.1$$145 Second Floor fMEN Fine quality shirts and'shorts the shorts are in either plain or fancy colors and are fuît cut and roomy . .. the- shirts' are the popular Swiss ribbed type ... both in a com- plete size range. Each, 35c Flrst Floor for BOYS Grand suits for general wear during the Summer .. . they, are made of sturdy, washable fabrics and are in îhree styleîs, îwo sleeveless and one basque type ...long Irousers .$ Second Floor CHIFIIBÔN Whiîe kid and 4c, o r lini blacek and brown Ici rim; straps and lies. SMAR'1F 3 sp~cI LM A R s H AL s L F E