Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1933, p. 40

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IPC 1jyjanein uay dcunerieci roni the preceding field days in that only the afternoon prograîn was held whereas' in previous years the schools have * celebrated with an all.day* holiday and the outdoor physical trainiing denionstration..was held in the morn- -îng at Vattman park and the, track andI fietId-meet ini the afternoon. However, iinasmuicli as three indonr l)lysical, training demonstra.tions were heldinii the1 late spn.ing, Superin- tendent of Sclîools, J.- R., Harper, and- Director of Recreation, Daniel M. Davis,1 supervisor of the physical training prograininii the schools,, de- cided to have only the track and field meet. -A coîÜnnittee of mothers froni thé local Parent --Teacher associations were. in charge 'of concession sales * to procu re funds for miedals and other awards to the chilclren. Mrsý. * J.F. Mehîhiope of the Central-Laurel Parenit-Tceaclier asocition ia clhairnian of,.the committee. Acornplete result of the after- hÔÔt's nieet will bé ptùbtishl ]nii next week's WILMETTE LIrE. jSports Galendar This eveuang, Jume 8t 7 -p. m. Girls' Playground bal gaines. First game of schedule. Vil- t lage Green.h Friday eveaing, June 9 * 7 p. mn. Men's playgrourid bail games. Soft pitching. Hoffmiannc Florist vs. Practice teain. Village j Green. 7 p. m. Men's playground bal gaines. Soft pitching. Unknowns s vs. K of C. Village Green. n 7 p. mi. Men's playg rounid bail gaines. M. Y. P. D. vs. N. S. S. Brewsers. Village, Green. s Monday, June 12 f 7 p. ni.; Men's. playgrouind 'bail f gaines. Practice gantes. Hard pitch- ing league. Village Green. h Tuesday, June 13c 7 p. ni. Men's playground bail s- at the recreation c Iavenue, Mrs. He is chairman of the bc M. Davis, secretajry. Athletic- records established in pr< vious years by Wilmette graime sc.hool athletes in the 50-yard dasF running broad jump and running hig] jump,. felI. by the wayside in drove Iast. week when the Physical.Educa tion departinentof the public sehoolý completed their spring athletic skjl tests. In, the three-events ..e&ts in. tht six classifications, made acçording tc Iheight, weight, andi age, fourteen oul . of eighteen of the existing boys' rec- ords fell and eight out of the eighteeri girls' records were sniashed. An un- usual feature of the new. records is that. they,, in almost 'ail cases, bet. tered the oid marks by large marginsi Daniel M. Davis, director of the Plîysical Education departinent and also of the Playgrounid and Recrea- tion board,,points, out. B3reaks 50-Yard, Recor4à J Among the new record holders for the 'girls is Dorothy. Davis, of How- ard school, who established -a new Imark in the 50-yard dash, iaking the tume in 6.4 seconds, faster than it has ever been doine by a girl in the Wil- mette schools before, andi bettering ber own record made last year by one-tenth second. She also made a record leap of 14 feet, 4 inches in the running broad junip, farther than any other girl in the school system this year, but was unable to better her own record of las-t year,- which was 14 fee't, 4 inches. Doris* Mayhercy of Stoip school cieared .4 feet, 2 inches in the higli juxnp, which is the best record for the 1933 schooi year and equals the school record made by Estella Bren- ner in 1932. Snorf Makes Fine Leap Loweil Snorf of Stolp schooi smnashed, aIl existing marks in thie .r unning broad jumnp by- leaping 16 feet, 8 inches, an unheard of distance for a grammar school boy, bettering by 10 inches the best previous recordj miade by Frankc Brychta of Howard1 chool last year. Jim Versino of How- se gin-la Marsîh,_2 fet, 9 inches, G"' i g uuna seasonwuic raceS centlfno 2 fet, 9 inches.-Cl_-s B* lace a t 9.o'clock Monday morning, 1. Alice Wagner, 3 feet, 10 inches, 2.Jn 9 tteVtmnpr i e- Bessie Bouchlkas, 3 feet 8 inches. 3. 'Wilmette Village Green. rDorothyBres,3fe ice,1~ Oi h two playgrounds will be h, Alne Llp!ch, 3 feet 6 inches. Class c: ny h ,_ ,,, ohy Davis, 4 feet, Jeanne Niac- conducted this year because of th, hdon ld, 4 feet, 3. Lucille Heerens, 3 feet necesSity of, éurtailing. expenses, but si inche.s. Class D: 1. Bettyi Todà, 3 fe.et 'a full prgano tite.wl b 10 inches, Marcia Smlith, 3 feet 10 inch- rga fatvte ilb e, 3. Adeaide Koenen, 3 feet, 9 Inche s. cdce at each place, Mr. Davis Class E: 1. Irene Baroni 9 feet 9,inches, says.. The summer prograni Will in- I2. Frances Habeck, 3 feet 4 inches, Bet- clude weekly beach'days duringwhich ty Bleser, 3 feet 4 inches, Doris Trego, ceycid h osntko o > 3 feet -4 !iches, Janice VanInwagen, ~eeycidwode o nwhv e feet 4 tinches. Class F: 1. Margaret Best, to swim will be afforded'free instruc- 0 3 feet 4 inches, 2 Jean Robertson, 3 feet tion, a. handicraft. program that emi- It 2 inches, .3. Betty Crawford, 3 feet 1 braces a wide -scope of activities ani -inch, Rosalie Carlen.ý 3 feet. 1 inch., w peltalaggrusanth S J.uiniLiýg 1àodjtmp-ýClass 2.A-:-i.. ljîîapealta-inludge gop étantath Virglnia Marsh, feet 9. !riches, 2 Grace ltc - gam icld09cmettv - U. 8 icet à inches. Class 13: games ini playground bail, kickball, 8Bessie- Bouchikas, 13- feet 3 inches, 2. and: track for both boys and. girls, *Carol Edenburg. 12 feet i1 inch, 3. Alice and various other low organized 'Wagner' Il feet 11, inches. Class : I Dorothy Davis, 14 feet 4 inches, 2. gamîes. 2 Je., iïie Nat*donald, L ,feet. 9 înches,'cmeiieEei 1 Helen Cotseres, 13 feet 9 inchés. Classa Cogth metiti eacvents at D: 1. Adelaride Koenen. 12 feet i1 inch- Drxgtesmirec h t es, 2. Jane. Penberthy, 12 feet 8. inches, tending theplayground will1 have an Marcia Smith, 12 feet 8. inches. - Class oPpprtýunity to Participate in the an- E:- 1. Irene Baron, il feet Il inches, 2. nual ýcompetitive program. for points Betty Bleser, il feet 5 iches, Doris hcensate cleofhee- Trego, i1 feet 5 inches. Class. F: 1. h hensa-hecoeoftesa Betty. Crawfo.rd, Il feet 7 inhs 2. son and i-in w-hich eachchdfrsa Rosalie Carlin, 11 feet 3 inches, 3. Mar- oportunity to work for the. gold, jorie Winlçle, il feet 2 inches. slver and bronze medals awarded to Howard School Boys,. thé three highest point holders in 50-yard dash-Class A: 1. John Ver- ec g ru.Teaegop r sino, 6.1 secon.dis, 2.. Jim Versino, 6.2 ciide as ollowshe Junioroyps ande se-conds. Frank Brychta,, 6.2 seconds';iie sflos uirby n Robert Steffens, 6.2 seconds. Class B: girls under ten yearý of- age; . Inter- 1. Harvey Steffens, 6.7 seconds, 2. Carl niiediates, boys. and girls ten,- even. Kyle, 6.7 seconds, 3. Kenneth Sinith. 6-!) and t welve years of ae and Seniors. seconds. Class C: 1. Harold Borre, 6.4 boys and girls thgren, fourteen and seconds, 2. Robert Hall, 6.6 seconds,thte, Tom. Çarney, 6.6 seconds. Class D: 1. fifteen years of age. Medals are Don Specht, 6.7 seconds, Milan May, 6.7 awarded to both the high point boys seconds, Robert De- Vlnney, 6.7 seconds, and the high point-girls in the Junior Dlck Hall, 6.7 seconds. Class.E: 1. Rob-i n nemdaecassadt h ent Spiegelhauer, 7 seconds, Jimn Bur- n Ite eitecsesndoth bott, 7 seconds, 2. Franklyn 1Kui», '.1 tîg h point winiiers regardless of sex seconds. Class F: 1. Murray Triplett, 6.8 in the Senior class. seconds, 2. Jim Steen, 7 seconds, 3. T xW eal Bill Davis, 7:5 second, Don Hutehins, TEuh din etailsnigte~.nig 7.à secondý uldtil ocrig h *inn .Running high jump-Class A: 1. Jim cf the points will beexplained to.the. Versino, 4 feet 8 inches, 2. John Ver- children on the playgrounds during sinoq, 4 feet 5,. inches, Frank Brychta, 4, the first week of -the season. feet 5 inches. Class B: 1. Paul Kaspar, il. ..1 4 feet 3 inches, 2. Carie Kyle, 4 feet, à. Admission to the playgroinds is (. A-lon ~ à fee[ 9i) wiies, tie free'of charge,' and attendance is nlot, Steffens, ý3 feet 9ý inches. Class C:, 1. cmusratog h Tom Carney, -4 feet 1 inch, 2. Harold opuorahug th point sys-' Borre,. 4 feet 3. Eric Samuelson, 3 feet teni dtmands alniost perfect, attend-, 10 inches. CIasisID: 1. Paul Wippcrfurth. ance of the 'winier.Eeycidi 4 feet 4 inches, 2, Robert Anderson, 4 \Vilmette 1ý5 years and under will feet 1 inch, 3. Douglas i{uck. 4 feet 1 have a defiîite prograni awaiting hini lnch. Class E; 1. Robert Spiegelhauer, 4 feet, 2. Dick Moreau, 3 feet 10 inche, at the playground and Mr. Davis an- Kimball Brown, 3 feet 10 inches. Wal- nounces that comipetent playgro'und ter Baron, 3 feet-10 inches. Class F: 1. workers wiil bey stationed at each Jim. Steen, 3Sfeet, 11 inches, 2. Murray ~4 broad jump- on.' Il feet 1 J.H-elen and 7.2 se IClass 7.2 seconds, manl, -7.J 7.4 sec- idun, .7.4 1îns1 Schelbei-, il feet- vel 11 feet 4 lnc mine Wenter, 12 -Class A: i. Inlch, 2. Eliza-, ries, 3. Dorothy ass B: 1. Mary ýt 6 inches, 2. Inches, 3. Joan es. Class C: L. ,et 3 In.ches. 2.

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