Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1933, p. 3

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seniors1, wno >wII iiC)egrauIJ4Lc~. t Mth The school' will be coniducted on a animal commencement exercises Thurs- tuiition basis again this summer, as day night, june 15, in the Leslie F. ~wsls er eswl etesne Qates gymnasîum, ends this week. it isanoncd except for the tvp- On Saturday night, june 10, members of. the graduating class will celebrate îng. and penmaniship. c o u r s e s . ln the close of their'high school careers at tnese two courses the fees have been the* animal Senior hop ta be held at therdcd Orrington hotel roof garden in Evans - AIl summer.-schooi classes will bc toi '. Embletoi's Northwesterns,, a'uni- hel in the morning. The classes are versity orchestra, will provide music OPenfo ol aNew. Trier Hi&yhl for dancing. school students, it is explained. but Rehearme Exercises to students f rom private schools or Réhearsais ,for: the commencement colle ge studeuts who may care to execiss illbe el net Wdusda ;take work at New Trier this sunier. and Thursday. Following the exërcises ilAduits will be admitted ta the classes Thursday niglit the alumni party and' i also. if there are aniv who wish toe the general reception for parents andl enroîl.1 other friends of the school Will be held Registration for the sumtmer schoolI in the New Trier mess hall. 1Will be' practically complete(l 1w the Iu the past it has been customary for end (if this week. the president and secretary of the New Trier board of- education ta present. the diplomas ta 'tbe New Trier graduates. iDr. Magili, Installied This year, oit accounit of the illness of a Ilead of Revre Otto R. Barnett of Glencoe, president DÉGereP ail101Lk of thée board, same other member rnay DrGegeP Mai,101Lk assîst Herbert B. Mulford, the secre- avnea ntle speieto taiy, in presenitinig the diplomnas. The th WlmtecapeofTe al preenatin f te las wllbe ad IReveres by Col. E. M. Hadley, na- presntatotiof te cass illbe mcletional president of the order, ata as uualby he upernteden, M P.public meeting in Stolp, school Mon-i Gaffney..dyn ltofti ëk beiler Represents .Clasdyngi fti ek Robet Sile, prsidnt i th seior Other officers installed. for the Wil-. clas, illrépesnt he radate ~mette chapter by Colonel Hadlev presenting theirgif t ta the school. The weeJ.EWorhn31Grnea g f ýwll e ainîuncd a texe-avenue , first vice-president; Clinton gif wil beannuuce attheB Cochran, 1605 Wainut avenue, sec- cises., Officers of. 'the. class heie pesidet e . r,10 Seiler are:> Vi* niSmith,. ndvie-resdet;Le J.Or, 00 dent;. Helen Shepard, secreta ry, and Grden; f venue, third vice-pe- dn;Esther R. Stone, 619 rela Richard Steen, treasurer. .. avenue, secretary; S. VanIlnwAagen, f lie Henry Pl. W\illiamis' prizes, given 308 Seventeenth street, treasurer; fkr excellence in the literàry lunes af 1 Mrs. Charles E. Engelhardt, 915 0ak- poétry. sto-ry, <draina. and essay, will wood avenue, chaplain, and Aurora, be awvarded at the commencement exer- IC. McKeighan, 1025 Greenleaf ave- C'ses. There is a first prize of $10 for nue. librarian. the infiug contribution ni c achi of the Following the installationl, the niewl four, f rms, and the second place wvîn- president, Dr. *MagilI, made his in-' uner il) each receives a $5 prize. augural address describing the Coin-j Dr.Osar'Thomas OIson, pasto fnunist. May Day demonstrationi at the Wilmette P;'rish M11ethodist churdli, the Chicago stadiumn, of which lie, was- will give -the invocation at the exer- an eyewitness. Dr. Magill concl uded cîss. îrc goup aimuica nu- is talk with a discourse on Ameni- bers will be presenited at intervals cais and patriotism. throiughout the. program by the music__________ dJepartneut oai-the school. These numn- St. Francis Sehool Will bers will be as follyws: Gute Naclit....Gerinan folk sog Hold Graduation Monday Touro-l0ur0-louro! . Iurgundiaflai rcr4 11 tini... * S/- L4 44IIVC bL R Chicago, will be the speaker at the, exercises. The school orchestra will appear on the program. This will be its first public apearance this year. Frances Sturm, president of the senior class and. also the valedictori- an, will give, a talk. Following is a list of "the 1933 Mal- linckrodt graduates:- Pina Aibanese, Ruth Allen, Gerald- mne Alter, Elizabeth Ansbro, Lillian. Blameuser, Elizabeth Busscher, Mar-1 garet Busscher, .Patricia Clark. Louise Coglianese, Agnies Costello. Peggy English, Pauline Garrity, Ber- nice Gouild, Betty Greiss, Eugenia Hanke, Margaret Hermes. Helen Hunter, Ann Kristof, Clara Kristof, : Alice. Kuhn,. Louise Leon- ardi, Geraldine Mick, Maryr Nanfzig Marie Remicli. Dorothy Rus.ch1i, Catherine Scho- pen, Mary Sesterhenn, Lucie Smith Frances Sturm,. Florence Thalman. Marian Weber, Elsie Zopp. Bishep Walorf Speaks at Men's Club Dinner Bishop Ernest Lynn W,,alderf f, the Chicago Area -of the M.tjodist churcýh, who is a resident of Xi- mette, mrili be guest of honor aoid speaker at the anniversary dinner oi the Men's club of the Wilmette Par- ish Methodist church toniglit at 6:30 o'clock. -The- dinner will be held iii. the Church Houise. Tag Day for Wilmette 1Oharities on June 26, Permission has been granted ta the Wilmette Xefare board to hold4 a tag da~Y in Wilmette on ,M\onida-.' june 26, the entire proceeds ta lie ulsed for Wilmette charities onil.%-, Action ta this effect was taken at the regular meeting of the Village board Tuesday night. OWNE RS season tickets wiII Ie procurable at the beach house on and after Satur- day of this week. The fee for the family season tick- ets 1bas been reduced f rom, five dol- lars to four dollars by the 'Wilmette Park' district, which operates thie, l)each. Those not>having season tick-. ets will be chargedthe same rates ati last season, one dollar,.on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays and fifty cents on ail other* days,. it is announced. Reipta Decine The reduction in the season- ticket charge was made, Park district offi- ciaIs explain, in spîte of :the. fact .tbat last year's receipts of the beach from ail sources were about twenty-five percent less than for tbe previous year. The Wilmette post of the Americant Legion and the Wilmette Home Owners' association had urged that such a reducétion .be, made. Park district' officiais have an- nounced tfhat privileges will flot be accorded to more tha one family and bouse guests of the family in the use of the season ticket. T he officials also have reserved the right to cancel the privileges of the beach if any ticket is used, wrongfully. "It is the aim to Sa conduct 'the Wilmette beach as to insure the safety, convenience and pleasure of ai], particularly of the chldren of the community," a letter f rom the Park district ta Wilmette residents states. The letter requésts the co- operation of villagers in supporting the rules of the beach, the enforce- ment of which are charged ta the beach master and -the police officers on duty. Macaister Again Beach Master Richard Macalister again lias been engaged as beach master, Announce- netwas made this week that tests f or pe rsans. seeking, employinent as- hf e guards..atthe beach this summner will be conducted by David: C. Leach, athe Shawýnee Country club next week. Mr. Leach, president of the Wilmette post of the American Le- gion, is director af swimming activî- ties at the Union League club -in rnally installed as president ai (jar- rett at the convocation ceremonies. He bas served as president for the past year, going ta that position di- rectly' from the pastorate of the Wilmtette Parisb Metbodist churc.. migIntL 11V . J. îasv >UA A4 ii 4in. We. will see that. she gets it.- Mrs. A. L. Grint1ell, chairman. Note: Economy Shop is condi*cted by the Woman's Club of Wllmette. this year participated i CAL WIMETE 400sion which marked Wi IASK FOR AD-TAKER He bas takeil part in, I __________________________ these Memorial Day ce J the past several years.

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