liai WVILMETTE AVE. I Il Opp.*eVillage Hall ,Read the Wantt A ds, ANNOJNCEMENT AiU of our shops are now sup- plied with the new .delicous Ring-Ting Ice Cream. This couponi and 3fic willl entitie any aduit to one quart (choice of 12 fiavors). Good until Jule 24. Ring-Ting Candy Sho, mc. I 1188Central et. WIlietti uist prairie Avé. 78EIm et. Eïanston Wlnmetka High: Quality > Meats at Low A&P :Prices CHOICE NATIVEý ROA&ST -choic. of Any Cut u.15½ ;o that 1Frank s, had won a St. George Foflowing is a. list of. t.he 1933 St. Francis Xavier graduates:ý Dorothy. Adams, Catherine Mc Dan-_ iel, Rita Ruipers, Mardi Benidict, Avis" Normian, Rosémary McDermott, Georg-, ana Grignon,, Rose Mey er, Catherine. Merc odal., Betty 'Shaefer, Helen Mur-. phy, John Downey, Robert Kaye, Wil- liam McJunkin, Helen Donnersberger,. -Richard Nillis,' Edwin Krammen, John Turley,, Marshall Mundee, Thomas. Lane, Frank Broad, Edwin Berming- ham,- Jack Dalton, Charles Macferran, Clara Barker,. Josephine Tjracey, Betty Ditz, Jo hn Walsh, Virginila Mc -Gurk, Margery Mintz, Bernard Meyer, Caro- lyn Ledig, B!lly, Leary, Frank Kolb, Leonard Hoffman,, John Hoffman, Suzanne, Barton,. James Blameuser, Jeanette _Blameuser,- Bernard -Brock- man, Virginia Dowdle, Robert Hanimes, Betty Hein, Eugriia Sherry, Mary Patricia St. Clair, Alice Jane Rohol, Mary Ruth Venn, John Youngmàn, Dorothy Georger, Evélyn Marquart, Richard KCent, Macklin deNictolis, *Geraldine Schaefgen, George Hahn and Betty McDerrnott. DIES IN WEST It is witfi regret that news has *corne from California of the death of Frances Macklin Baker. She wa.- the daughter of M r. and Mrs..C'harleï président of the Ienilhwoth board of éducation. His son, John, is one of the graduates. Natnes of those who will receive diplornas were printed in last weelc's issue o-f WiiLmETu Liipe (page 8)...I . The program for -the exerc ises,, also. announced in WitMEnI, LiPE last week,-,-- will be as follows: PROGRAX Invocation... . Rev. Leiand H, Danforth Songs- a. Twelve Gray, Dwarfs., Surprise ,'Symphony.....Joseph Haydn b. Ruùth. . ............. Ceqar Franck Theý Eighth Grade Presentation of Class Gift ............. ....FI. Benjamin MacXinnon, Jr.. Presldent of the Class Acceptance of Clase GIft ............. . ...Seeley Lodwick, Representative of the Class ci 1934 Songs- a. Dear Land of Home. "Finlandia"'.. ....Jean Sibelius b. Corne to the Fair. . Easthope Martin ýThfe Girls' Glee Club c. Swing Low, Sweet, Chariot........ Negro Spiritual d. The Home Road John Alden. Carpenter The Boys' Chorus Presentation of Class of 1933.... ...E. L. Nygaard, Superlntendent. Presentation of Diplomas..........>.. ....Harry E. Weese, Vice-President. ofthe Bbard of Education Songs- a. Procession of the Sardar. .".Cau- casian Sketches" Ippolitov-Ivanov b. Hard-a-Lee ... ...Elmer Hosmer Seventh and Eighth Grades 1 ,Benediction . .Rev. Leland H. Danforth Norman Modline Receives John E. Dernehi Award 3 SMALL, LEAN Pork ýLoins or Haif Lb. lic CHOICE NATIVE Ckoic. of Any Cêt. Sunset Ranch DAY CAMP 1BOYS GIRLS awarucu mhis year,.to Norman Mo-. dine of Winnetka. Norman bas been concert master of the high school orchestra, wbere he plays the violin, and received the award given this. yerbv the North Shore Mfusicians clu. e is entering the University_ of Chicago next. fali. . The Dernehi cup,. which wasprsne to the school' by Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dernehi of Wilmetteini memory of their son, John, wh'o died last year, is awarded to the higest rankinig boy R. J. AL8RANT, Greenloaf: 8474 MARY BROWN GREER, Gre. 6 949 ISOBEL RAYMOND, Bri. 6363 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Payne of Pasa- dena, Cal., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Wheelock of 89 Rob- sart road, Kenilworth. Mrg. Payie. is Mrs.. Wheelock's mother. k ýL GRE Al AI LA Nf IC & PA CI FI C lE A CO. nom