men ' stucients and civic leaders will focus their attention on the most crucial issues and events in pre!zent. day international relations. Bernard Fay, of the College de France. Paris, biographer of Frank.ý lin and Washington, will give the opening evening address on "Nation- alism and the Human Mind in,1933.' A study of the background and issues of the world economic conference, under tbe Ieadetsbip of -Harry D. Gideonse, associate professor of eco- nomics at the University of ChèCago, wiIl occupy to a, large extent the day sessions during the first part of the Institute. Onl-Thursday,'June 22, J. Emlyn Williams, Berlin.correspon- dent of the Christian Science Moîxi-' tor,- arrives froni Germany to discuss * the sýituation in Germany and central, Europe.:. Dr. Williams, previious -to bis,,appointment to.-bis Be rlin post, %Vas for fiveé vears Central Europeal * correspondent for the Monitor. Diannament The~me The question of political alignments in Europe, the rote of the League of Nations and the past, present and fu- tuare of disanmament will be deait * witb by Andrew W. Cordier. profes- sor of bistoryat Mancbester college. Indiana. Samuel Guy Innian, secre- tary of tbe Coinmittee on Cooperation with Latin Amierica, and aut hon of a sheif of books on Latin Anierica. ,,,ll hendle the field tof SouthAmeri- opinion , on, international questions will form another part of the. pro- grami. Mrs. Quincy Wright, secre-. tary of the' national League of Wom- en Voters, and Ben M. Cberrington, director of. the Foundation for thé. Advancement of the Social Sciences and professor of International' Re- *lations at the Uuiversity of, Denver will be the round table leaders. Sermon by Tittie *Dr. ErnetFreinnnt Tittle. of the dier, "Thle League of Nations and the Balance of Power lu Europe"; *June 22, J. Emlyn Williams, '. Political *Developments in Germany";, June 25, Samuel' Guy luman, "Lessons to Be Learned from, the Conflicts in South America»; June 25, W., O. Menden- hall,* "Why Oppose War-týhe An- swer of*a.:.Quaker";- j une 26,. Jane Addams' "Forty..Years 'Effort "for Peace"; June 27, 'George H. Blakes- lee, "'The -Crisis in the. Far East"; June 28,. Robent A.. Millikan. '"Sci- f ence iand lnterlationalism." The Mid-West. Institnte is one. of tbreeý Institutes of International Re- lations being arranged this sunmmer by the> American Friends Service committee with the cooperation of. tbe universiies at which the'. are beinigheld. The other two Institutes will be at Wellesleycollege, Massa-, chusetts and lDuke university,, Duir- ham, North Carôliria.- Sponso~rs for the Mid-West Institute are: Janle Addams, B. F. Andrews, Mrs. Hvnrvi- H. Austin, William S. Cary, Albert 13. Coe, Homer J. Coppack, Garfield V. Cox, Henry Grew, William C. Dennis, Paul H. Douglas, S. J. Duni- cati-Clarke, Albert R. Ellingwood, Mrs. C. B. Flitcraft, O. Herscbel Fol- ger, Charles W. Gilkey, Walter Heiu- dricks, Morten D. Hull, Robent M. Htitins, Tbomas A. Jenklins, Louis IL. Matin, Sbailer Matbews nvn Mairrer. Tnhn S. Moli9n. Aher 10 HAVING SUMMER CLASSES .Miss Alice Stade of 1500, Wasliing- ton avenue, Wilmette, annouinces that sbe will conduct special summrrer classes in ballet, acn obatic, tap, and exbibition ballroom dancing for a ýtermof eigbt weeks at, the Winnetka Community House. Sbe is -preparing ber pupils for a senies of local club engagements during the summer înontbs. tflree young women .as was infierreci froin the information given this Ipape(r last week. TAKE CANOE TR P Robert W. , Townley, director of physical education at tbe josepb Sears school in Kenilwortb, and tbre e Kenil- worthb bys, Bob Landon, *Bud" StilI- man and Junior Adair, explored tbe Fox river leading into Pbantom' lake last week-end in, Mr. Townley's canoe. The joseph Sears school closes this week, and next week Mr. TowVnley, plans to take tbree other boys, Tomimy Keitb , Homer johnson. and Jimmy Olin on a canoe trip along the lake shore to Mil- waukee. The group out over nigbt until tbey reacb tbe Wisconsin City. TO BE ÀWAY FOR SUMMER Mrs. W. H. Smythe and family, 43 Keniilworth avenue, Kenilworth, are lcaving for Portage Point, Mich., on Friday. of this week. Her daughter M~arjorie, is sailing for Europe with one of the Coliege Campus tours on Juiy i. Mrs. Smnythie and l)orothy: will drive ber t,) Montreal whiere she w *11 take the steamner. Slie exipects to vusit seven counitries and Wili be gone about seven weeks. She Will, land ii- .\ew York the last of August and Nill visit lier auint, .ýirs.>1. Miller (if Garden i Cty, a few dlay: before re- turning ,honme. Freiberg of iter of Mr. nesoay. ot iast week. Miss Freeiberg is also a graduate of New Trier Righ school. Harry Sullivan, Jr., of Lanchmont, N. Y., bas been the guest of bis uncle and family, the 'George Ontseifens, 337 Essex .road. Marion Ortseifen. enter- t2ined at an evening. bridge'on Friday in bis bonor. Saturday Vivyenne Morin, 635 Maple avenue, entertained at a family luncheon for hlm, and that Airi AlPS Line £ri ..... . ... . 5 Sicilienne et Rigaudon ............. ..........Fr1ancoeur-Krelier Intermezzo from "'*Arleslenne Bizet Air de Ballet....... .... Czerwonky Songs My Mother Taught Me *Dvorak Czardas.......... .. Montt-Czerwonky Suite Henry VIII .... German (a) Morris.Dance <b) Shephierds Dance ()Torch Dance. BAHK'LECTURE "The Voice of Truth-bow are we to know it?" Thiis is the sub- ject of the talk to be.given Sunday, lune 18,' at 3-30 o' Found'a- tion hall, Baha'i House of Worship, Linden avenue and Sberidan road, Wilmnette. The speaker will be* Mrs. Shabnaz Waiteof. Los Angeles, Calif., who bas visited Abdul Baba iii Akka and Haïfa, Palestine, in, past years. Mrs. Waite bas been in this vicinity attending the. 25tb Baba'i Convei- tionbeld here last week.. HERE FOR BAND CONTEST *Miss Sylvia Jog1, 212 Catalpa place,. entertained ber cousin, Ruth Gnuse of Quincy, III., last week-end. Miss Gniuse. who graduates froin t he Quincy Higb school this J une, caine, to Evanston witb ber scbool, band, iÏhich contested for bigh honors, and was given a place inth rs divi- sion of Class A. Miss Gnuse j lays thme Iass violin. MOTOR EAST Miss Alice Chase of t.ynn. Mi\ass., bas been visiting bier cousin, Miss. flnrntl-nSears of 761 C(herrv scfreet. on theway. -Whîle east, Miss Sears \vill visit Miss Mary Melley of Carn- bridge. Mass. Laten she will go to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is- land, She bas nented bher. house arrdà wýill- he gone for thesummn.r SUSPENDS SERVIC.E The Cburcb of the Holy Coniforter ini Kenilwortb will only have the 8 o'clock Sunday morning service. The %ervice at Il bas been discontinued until furtber notice. n mak i sm particularly 01 uni therefore to discuss the un- and th issues in the Far., Eastern her ti and the part which the about ini Italy. ,She% iniddle of August. ntinent Max Reimer of 2412 Glenview road Mrs. D. L. Rousb of Plymnouth, 'Oost of left Thursday, mue 1, to drive to Ind., arrived Sunday to visit ber return California. He wjll returu in three daughter, Mrs. A. G. Ackermann, 811- or- four weeks. * Park avenue.