"IRE SI'LVER ARROW" The Famous i$ 10,000 Sfreamline Càr, .,.a Pierce-Arrow creation that mnagnîficently projects. the 1futedesign opf ail motor cars. "Losas' though' it were going 3 mile's per hour when standing ýstili,",was the comment 'of a famnous New York. editor on this ultra-modern automobile. Also the first, Pi,erce-Arrow built ion display. AlilWho admire- fine cars are, cor- dially invited.. Open,evenings,. PIERCE-ARROW SALES CORP. F..ê.iry Sran.h 1819 RIDGE AVE. EVANSTON Rogers Park 5610 year of stuay at 1Moser's Business vOllege ini Chicago before beginning her Iaw work at Kent. She is a member of Kappa Beta Pi, legal so- rority. Mis$ Weldon will enter her. fatber's law office and wilI also pre- pare to take the -Illinois Bar examin- ations. .ee Co0 in a Sheer Girdie DAVMii,2000 ~> e ."-Differe nt From Any OfIrnr Drink You Can Buy . TRY j through july 29. Resuits of these events will determine the twe teams to play Aug. !3 for the Gen. William Nathan MacChesney cup, perpetual trophyý of the league. *The Country. club teami being developed by.Paul Bennett,' pro, will have' a somewhat different makeup from last year's champion squad. Thouh fot fllyselected, it likely will include Wesley Allen, and Gair Tourtellot, veterans oôf former cam- paigns, with T. W. Kimnbail and R., Miles Warner., The latter have flot seen inter-club competition, though they have been ranked just a step helow the former.teamn members for several seasons. Tennis8 Club Ha« Good ýChance Another local entry will be the Ev- anston Tennis club, which 'always Makes a good showinig in the league., Some bad luck in the form of ill- ness and injury hampered. their chances last year, but a new squad is being formed. Clifford Nelson,. former Northwestern star, and AI- bert Bakewell will be among the m.embers. The T 'ennis club will open, its sea- son Saturday against Shawnee at its opponent's courts, and the ýrest Of: the schedule will include: June 24- The Country club of Evanston at the Country club; July 1 - Exmnoor there; July 8-ýSkokie there; july 15 -Indian Hill there; July 22--Knoll- wood 'there; July 29 - Winnetka' there.' Skokie will be the, first oppon- ent of the local Country club, the mnatches being scheduled for the Skokie courts next Saturday. Other matches will be: june 24-Evanston Tennis club) at the Country club; July 1-Indian Hill there;,July 8- Winnetka there; july_ 15- Knoll- wodthere ; July 22-Shawnee here.; July 29-Exmoor here.-1 InT addition. the C ountry club will have a women's team which will open its: season June' 20 against Skokie. Six teams are entereci in the women 's division. Try It Today- Nexi fo Mercer Lui 1 Block South of ks i I t-