Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1933, p. 1

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Pay 15 Percent Div idend. w Deposi tors Zoning Seen as. Vital Factor in Shawnee Waer Works Suit Club Presents Case. at Hear- ings Before Juijus H. Miner, Master in Chanecery, Hearings . i the case against the \Vil- lage of WÇýilmètt e in, which the Shawvnee Couni.ry club seeks to secure an injunc- tion restraining the Village f rom.*erect- ing the waterworks plant on the beach- atthe foot of Lake avenue, began be- fore Master v îi Chancery Julius H. Miner on Mondav'. and will continue Until both 'sides to the controversy have conmpleted their 'cases. Attorneys' ex- presb the expectation that this xill be' accomrplished ibis week. The club is represented by.theý law fin ,of Deneen, Healey & L<ee,, with Attorney Nelson .G. Wettling in charge. The Village side' is represented by Kirk- land, Fleming, Green & Martin, with Attorney Williamn Wilson in charge, as- sisted by Village Attorney Willis D.' Nac.Clash on1 Bonid Request 'Uhi's arrav of legal talent clashed at the výery heginning when INr. Wilson Offered .à motioni that the Sha.wnee club Ie requirecl to post a bond covering the costs of the hearing, The master brought this passage at anms to a quick close by saying that if the clu'sý at-* torneys assured..hirn that the club.would defray thé costs' he w'ould wvaive. the' bond. The.assurance was given The first witness wvas Axel Hofgren, sécréta rv of thé club, who'testified to certain.allegations ini the bill of com- plaint,' after whjch Village Clerk Nicholas P. Miller was' called to iden- tifs' and verifv' Village records. C. J. and tne %water's euge, and proxlimity to construction work. He stated that he ineastired the width of the bce4ch twice last vear, once early ini July and again ablout the middle of September, and that dvring the interval the water hiad recreded 130 feet. Just what bearing ehis lias upon the niatterat 'issue. was not clear, but it. brought a spirited ex- change, of remarkis. froni 'the attorneys and Iivened things ýup a bit. A. J. Hanimond, a civil enginieer,, was, called to interpret the plans and speci- fications o f the water plant. He estab- lished conipetency by saying that he was formerly chief enginieer, of the Bureau of Public Efficiency, Chicago, an engineer on. the Union station, etc. He gave a technical reading of the plans,, explained sizes of buildings, reservoirs, intake pipe, high and low lift engines, source of stand-by power, and gave a description of the chemîical processes of filtering water. A, qies-. ton. as to what constitutes a municipal utility, put by: Mr. Wettling, brought a sharp objection fr4om Mr. Wilson, and precipitated a léngthy argument,. Mr. Wilson maintaîning that such designa- tion wvas a inatter for the courts and not, for an engineer. However, the master permitted the question ta stand, and Mr. Hammond explained, ni bis answers, that a water foutîtain main- tained hy a city for di splay lurposes ((.oîtintîed on, page 14) "Daddy" Hood to Review 1 Parade of Legionnaires John A. "*Daddy" Hood, 106 .Sixth street. Civil war veteran, who marks bis 9ith. birthiday, 'rhursda',- June 22, lias beeti invited *to' be honorary re- v-iewiing o)fhcer at the parade which will precede the Sevenith District. meeting, Wý'edieslay evening, June 21, when ' W\ilrnette Post No. 46 American Iegion, will 1)e lhost at Odd Felhowvs hall, Wiln'ette avenuie near Main street. Evanston a'nd Park Ridg-e drum and bugle corps will participate in the par- ade bef ore the S;eventh District Legion Editorial-Shore Linos . .. 28 Junior Lif e............ 42 Public For'um .......... 52 Recreation Page....... 44 Society Pages.... ....32-e34 Cail Wilmette 2550 Once more we cali to the attena- tion ý of ur cÔômrunity the still existing neéd. of a large number of our local men and :women. ýVhile the response by the com- m unity.to previous calls bas been most encouraging,: the ýneed, for w.ork far exceeds the aumber-of caîls for workers. We, have endeavored to, main- tain a wage scale that would as- sure the men an 'adequate return for their work. The 50 cents an hour scale éstablished and main-, tained for some months bas been discontinued, the per hour wage being left ta -the discretion and good will of the employer. We appeal. to the loyalty of WiImette on behaif of our local people. Meni witb families living in Wilmette and' who are much ini need are reporting daily for work. Cooperation on the part of peoffle needing men for an\, kind of odd jobs will solve our own community problemn. Cail Wil- mnette 2550. -Barbara Ross BlaNylock, Unemploym-ent bureau, Wilmette Welfare board. Cireus Man Will TaIk to Playground Groups Under the auspices of the Chicago Tuberculosis institute, A. L. Pridy, who for many years was with the Ringling Brothers and the Hagenbach and Wal- lace circuses, will, appear at Vattman park at '10 o'clock and, at il o'rlock on the Village green -the ,morning af Wednesday, june 21. He will tell the children haw the circus animals arei trained and how they instinctively take sumer I~AwAin ue organ >izeu a4LmiC .U' gan school Friday rnorning, june 23 at 8 o'clock, and at the Central school Saturday morning, june 24, ai thc same hour. Private lessons of one- haîf hour each will be given, as well as class lessons, ià is announced, with not More -than two pupils in a class. $10,OOGOES, TO CLAIMANTS Receiver Outlines Procedure to Obtain Checksu at First National Bank Building Distribution. of dividend. checks, amounting to 15 percent, was .started, Tuesday of this week under direction of Melvin B,. Ericson , receiver for the First National, Bank of Wihmette which closed its doors in june, 1932. Appoi mately $100,000 was to be distiributed. to depositors who have filed and proved ther dcaims against the defunct bank, This week the. bank is open from 9 a. m. util 3 p. mi., each day, includ- ing Saturday. It will be open for the accommodation of commuters Friday e vening I roui 6 to 8 o'clock. Next week the batik will be open fromn 9 a. in. to 4 p. mi., daily, wjth no evening hours,, Mr.' Ericson announces. SOutlne Proçedure To avoid confusion, checks are be- ing distributed in the following anan- ner: The depositor must present and surrender his receipt for proof of .laim at window 5 or 6. There' he will b. given a claim, nurnber an~d directed to window 2 or window. 3, depencling 'upon the number of the dlaim. Clainis num- bered f rom 1 to 2,000 will be handled at window 2, and claims numbered f rom 2,001 upwarcls will be handled at win- dow 3. At windows 2 and 3 dividend checks and Receiver's Certificates will, be. handed out,. for which indîvidual re- ceipts must be signed. Checks on Schedule Announcement that the 15 percent dividend was forthcoming was' macle in WJLmETTE Lire~ several weeks ago. fol- Cicago ass mbly, 'M'r-*McCâtdli»sb will be general chairman of the l 'ocal committee. Mr. M'cCandlish i§ prom- inent in St. Augustiies parislh, Wil- mette, and active in, Wilmette civic affairs.

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