..cati... ..nt - ...n xtae n..... us, a ....a..J . tu Ineur. appéarance ln current Issue. %l~putions of aondolence, carde of thanks,. obitu- arlen, notices of entertainzpenta or oftir affaira owhere an admittance charge la publshed, wiII b. charged nt regular adyertlising rate. Grade Séparation Will Save Life Let', Hawsten ,the. Day!' BathingbeachesÉ'in* the various, villages ini the township wili be formnally opened for ýthe current summer season Saturday, j unie 17.. The s e YOUr beaches are aniong. Bathing Beach the finest in the Mid- die- West and are even. preferred by many ta the seaside bathing meccas. , Every_ facility is provid- ed for the comfort of the bâthers. Steps are taken each year to reserve the beaches, insofar as is possible, for use by the resi- dents and taxpayers of the community. AIbove ail. adequate l)roitectioni is affo'rded.. for bathers of ail ages from the tiniest tots to the, older residents. Supervisors. and thoroughly trained lifeguards are on the job daily to guard against accident with the resuit that the safety record on local beaches is wvell nîgh l)erfect. hI view of. al these provisions for the comifort and protection of bathers, it be- hooves those"who enj'oy the-beaches to observe strictly, whatever regulatioris have of necessity been estabiished. Enjoy your community beach to the, fullest, but, remember that it belongs t'o the entire commtinity and therefore:must beoperated under strict- regulation. More- Over, since, many v Isitors w*ilI be here to share with 'Our famnilies the pleasures of the beach, make plain to them, also, that these fine beaches are whatý they are be- cause they are operated onl a businesslike basis. Until such a time arrives, however, it is the, plain duty of those who have some- thing to help out the fellow who lias noth- ing. Many of us are erjoying a measur e of jobs, whether temporary or permanent, anything that will help them to provide something for themselves and their de- pendents. If you have any sort of a job, no matter. how trivial it niay appear to.. you, cal p your Village hall and report that you would like to havé a man or wonîan to do that bit of worrk. You nlav flot, be helping, a gr eat deal, but you will I)e contribuing someithin g 1to the collec- tive community responsibility of providing for tho'se tho are in desperate -need. Cal ulp today!_ Good. times'may. be near at hand, but, mei anwhile these people must eat. It s gatfyigndeed to 1earn that President Roosevelt has decided ta include the, Skokie Valley region in his 'gelierai reclatationi and re- Skokie Pro ject 'forestation program a Reality to relieve the ùnem- ploymient 'situation. A-thousand or more men wiII l)e pro- vided, with -jobs throughi the suinimer and autumn seasons in e nicing this x trernely fascinating area that is truly a part of the north shore. Engineers have been retained for several weeks niaking thie prelimniuary surveys and we have the promise that the Skokie region, Nvith its Uroad expanse of prairie lands, dotted with lagoons, traversed ,vith bridle paths' and edged withi augmented forest tracts, will soon, present the vista 'of a great park designed. for the pleasure of ail who enjoy the out-of-doors. It is prornised, aiso, that the nat.ural beauty.of the Skokie xviii not bemarredinthisprocedure. The' laàgoons wiil fôrmn reserv oir acoiiect the heavy sprijng -floods, and the entire area, will l)e a weil-drained adjunct of the For- est Preserve that is the pride and, joy af Chicagoland. We m'ay well rejaice thiat this undertaki»g has eventually evolved froni the .dream stage. diciary have corne to realize thait of ail can best be served by the tion of intelligent, fair and honestg ment methods. But nozi, the change that greets' my çi4ght: You eeem in kinship with the niglit! No more a mun but now a moon: Why, Dandelion! Midst Suminer's green. yoa. Ioomn-so w'hite-. So aiiry,inystic, phan&tom, çlighti Grant me, my dear, 1 beg, thi boon: What has tirousformed your soul se soon Thatf rom ecarth's joys. yottve takee» flight?, Why, Dandelion f -Irma A.- Keehn. Naw that cool weather bas, aided in abating the mosquitaes and ather insects,1 we won't. have ta start every day from scratch. We don't'miss, the mosquito miusic either.. If there'.s anything we distike %vorse than our neighbor's yadeli.ng, it's the, triumfphal sang -of a mosquita about ta descend on its prey. But that's 'neither here nar. there. The -vital message we wanted ta deliver was this: It wouldn't do much good ta make a. record ofmasquito sangs; the, thing would be scratched in almast noa time. We've heard of dying by inches. Then we got- a deeper conception of life and 'were thus forti- fied ta bear up under the news of a nman wha died by feet., He spent al Saturday an the tennis courts, ta deveiop beautiful blisters on bis pedal extremities. Then he:'abserved Sundav >, taking a. waiking tour of the. World's Fair. It muàt have seemed like a century befareMe pro- gressed thraugh them thar grounds. *An ýexpert says the museums need more pep in order ta attract the crowds. Might trv stuffmn'z the animais with T. N. T. Fiuds Bravery an~d Baane Vera of Glencoe directs attentian to this notice in the Saturday Review 'of t.iteratture:,,"YOU\G man will do anything but marry or niurder for $25 per week.-Quixote." Apupil in a Wilmette school, writes of a squi.r- rel, that: invaded bier home. a âd sat on the piano bench.ý That's another reason.Ifor' the nôrth shore 'ta rejaice in. its enviraniment. E ven the local squirrels seek self-expression. ýThis squir- rel, alas, was-'frightened' before it couid do a "Kitten an the Keys." Stili the urge must have been there, and fia one cari tell what noble melo- dies. were. surging through the head of the squir- rel fris king out 'the window 'ta seek refuge ini the tree-tops which were swaying' rhythmicallv (M'-e hope) in, the breeze. Y' xvp'A-.19!' A north shore library seems ta' be starting. -a 1 'campaign against bachelors. Anyway, the li- od brary is' cailing attention ta à lot of cook books on its sheives. We'll b'rowse amang the shelves of the' pantry until the dangerous month of June Shas ended. -R. N.