Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1933, p. 37

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*and suburbs for the horse show whichl is to be anl oitstanding feature of A Centiury of Progress. Mellen C. Maryin of Winnetka is a memiber of the public information cemimittee of the association. Horse fanciers like a show and the' abandonfnent this year of nmany nationally, famous.shows on account of econemic ýconditions' bas left ail aching veid which is now to he hap- pilv filled, it is pointed eut. Chicago will ýstage, a World's Fair Horse Show at the immense Field *Artillçry Arni- ory in- Wa shington, Park, runlning nine days, 'eighteen performances, f rom Octeber 21. to October 29. The flrst public announicenient c f the show broughit ani avalanche of communications, congratulat ions, and requests forîentry blanks, froîn every section cf the .ceuntry and se xnuch active ceoperatien was offered thati the committee in charge.was encour-1 aged to broa 'den plans which already contemplated the biggest and best] herse show ever held anywhere., The financial budget for the so *was subscribed to ini full in a few! days, encouraging the executive coni- ittee te ýproceed ithout <elay in foriulating a complete prograni cf activities and gettfing it into. motion. Entry blanks are now being prepared- and information regarding, the prize a nd trop)hy list is being issued as fast is a staff cf stcnographers can<lethe typinig. Column Contribs Are at Lawn Party Here Poets,. poetesses, pundits and piin- sters froin niany parts' cf Chicago and iu tibtihrlbs gatlhcred ai Rose- faven, the .residlentce cf the \Villiai3î \V. Târrs. at 1004 Central avenue. Wilett, lst atndaveVeing. Tlîe. occasio a s alwi festival, of cun- tril)uto)r. 10 the "Élit or Mliss" coluirn on tliC editoyrial page of- The Chicago I ailv News. T\r.'arr. who i.s well kiown co1u*- Iril utor nîuler Illc pen 'nanie of *i)ea",wasthe geijal -hostess, and wvas assstcd Ibv thie Rohert Tarrs ilf I ones(rov'e.é1 IAnn lle guests, nîost cf whloni *rcg,.stcred v the pseudonymiis wîc apilear ivider their clever contribul- insto 1 flit or Miss" %were flhc fol- l ,.%I tirette of Wilinette", wvho *i.& MaLi rctt C'hristofflîcr, 1205 lind.rný avenuie. iKenhîwortn,, w' a wu% th.s ek Nancy, dauighter of Mr. ana rs. Loui1s Bouchard.. 222 Oxford road, Kenilworth, entertained a group of lttie girls: Mondlay in hpbo of lier ninth )irtlgday. Mrs. Hedges is going this week-end to Pittsburgh to hunt up a new home, and as soon as their affairs can bel settled in Wilmette she and hier two daughters, Helen and Margaret Ann, will jein Mr. Heciges. Both girls have been attending the Howard school. Helen bas just: finished. the sixth grade and -Margaret Anmi, -the second grade. Mir. Hedgess district manager of NBC Local Service> bureau and, juan- ager of XVMAQ as. well as sales mian-, ager -of WENR. He bas just resigned his position. as president of the Chicago Eroadcasting association. SREGISTE ANT 1!INE :For informaion cili Mr. Jàokson Winnetka 2400 Daily- lEvenings, Uni vorsity 6448 ATR'ONIZE OUR ADVERTIZERSx»O OF %.ý' WISCONSIN, SThereaore more things taseeand do in te gtous Wisconsin Oeils than cat any vacation region in the. Middle West. The thrill of exploring the wondrous rock formations - the lure of Indidri Traits, boutt trips on the beaul'iful Wisconsin River-these plus every other vacation sport ai its besi niake the Delis the ideai place for >.ou Ihis summer. MECCA 0f_ NATURE LOYERS. You con enjoy ail the cornforts and 1luxuries of a city. -hôtel, if you> stay ait the Dell View lotel on Loke Dlton- in the heart of the Delîs. FIaw- Iess service. Beds that were made to really sleep in -aond food that ho, imade Dell View famous. -.. ' ~ oq CHIICAGO OFF 4416

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