Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1933, p. 38

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g eved to, the' meémbeérs-aànd 'their I et among whom. were sevea t nemnbérs, of the faculty and parents of some ofthe lmembers. INSTRUCTS IN TENNIS The tennis. committee of Skokie Côuntry club bas issued an an- nouncement. of a specialtennis ment- bership, 'with .the ,additional. an- nouncemen t that'Louis Volpe of Ex- mnoor Country club wilI be at Skokle every Monday throughout tlie sum- mler to give tennisinstruction.. &CUac'rs i&liYour Gardenu --depends upon the. qmaafy oflii. BULBS -PRENNIALS and BEDDING PLANTS Y"u buY. Save fime, money and disappoint ment by obtaining 'the besf firom us- at ýreasonab. pr.s trasurer, Mrs. Ef. H. Myrlafld; his- torian, Mrs. Robert Kennedy; chap- lain, Mrs. E. H. Vogt; sergeant-at- arms, Mrs. D.* W. Myers, and election of delegates andi alternate.delegates to the State co nvention. to be heId, at' Rockford. Delegates are Mrs. 0. G. Daily, Mrs. R. Jobnson and Mrs. F. JDowd; alternates are Mis. N. Deno and'Mrs. C. A. Peterson. AdeliWîhul rogram drawn en- tirely from their own, members was presented by the Fidac chairman, Mrs. E. V. Ctillison . Fidac is an European- organizat ion ,made up of ex-servic e men. If takes i ts name from the,-French-Federation Inter- allies desAnciens Co mbatants.' Every year' Fidac asks that we'study ont of the countries represented in the. o rganizat ion. This year it, is French Morocco. Mrs. R. H. A. Green of our auxiliary bas recently returned frem an extensive trip abroad and among other countries sbe visited French Morocco. Mrs. C. B. Coch- ran read to us a detailed account of Mrs. Green's trip. which was especi- lally enjoyable because of its personal touch. Mrs. Haig Kashian of our unit gave us a most vivid description 1 f ber cbildhood days in Armenia and rurkey, ber coming to America and narriage bere. Those present real- ized bow fortunate we are to have such interesting people in our group. > Mathematics-W. A. Snyder, , Fred- erick A. Kahler, Clyde Grater, C. H. Jones and ýKenneth Funkhauser. Science-F. C. Windoes, S..,S. Ver- non and. G. D. Edwards., Social science-John Nay, C. W. Reiley and Roland Wehr.' Languages-Miss Ella Shaw, Latin; Miss -.sieSeney, French, and M. ,E. Duckles,; Spanish. Cômmerce-D. E. Johnson, A L. Grinneli, j. R. Smit-h andi H. H. lier- ýLibrarian,.-Mrs. Elizabeth Todd. -In addition to the regular . umnmer school ic'ourses, Edgar B. Jackson, New Trier swimming coach, will offer in- struction in swimming, and G. H. Flan- ing ,am, tennis coach; will' be on band to supervise the tennis a ctivities.ý> The sumnmer school will be conducted on, a tuition basis again'this sumfmer, as it was last year. Classes will be held in the morning. The ichool will con- tinue for eight weeks. Piano.Pupils in Recital on Sunday Myrtie M. Hopkins, will -present. ber piano students in recital this Sun- day afternoon at 3 o'clock, in ber studio at 1322 Greenwood avenue. Thôse taking part are: Warren Rapp, Mary Louise Hall, Marilyn Sharre. Suianne Clark, Wilma Knoop. Marian Tones, Maririte Petersen, ni e rs lk. 186 r;P.EAT~ Op paýi 6eoiqJ L4Inco.in paRrnicZOO.- Each1 vt nsoain mebr is to bing ber own lunch. InvieEicoàin 1Further details may be bad by cail- ing Mrs. R. Johnson, Wilmette 3175. to St. Luke's Meeting - St. Luke's Pro-Cathedral in Evans-r The regular sewing meeting will tonwllb0os o h atbccu be bheld Thursday (tonight) at Mrs. of Chicago (Episcopal) 'and. visiting, -0. G., Daily's,. 618 Tenth street. cUrc e adwme oACentury of Progress Moniday evening, June Mrs. Tom Dixc of Seville, Ohio,. for- 19, it being the first of a series of merly of Kenilworth, spent the week- monthly summer and autumn din- end visiting thec John Law Wilds' ners beld by the club in varions par- family of 244 Oxford road, ICenil- ishes convenient.to the World's Fair worth. She. camne up to attend the The prograui follows: funeral of John Carpenter, who met 5 :30-re.ception to newly elected Fine, A ssortment for Sale joJ R. FOOT Winn. 914 51J111i m.Iekle tFood along Win- M,0u94g dom e nd opemongs ogb wlilcb ants comne and 4 Gu.ranteed t0 rld qufckly.> meIa. million houe, Incas. ana L*i.-à'V2 1; iifred' dai

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