Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1933, p. 40

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crn rier*Wv wa. wu uuDe wu. u> to nme ,mur. *ive uays a Week for fuve weeîc-june 19. to JuIY 21. Interspersed In the edu- Iminedlately foliowing the service cational program, there wili be per- there wiii be a speciai meeting of the lods for worshlp, songs, gapmes, and chureh and congregation, at the request handwork. The atmosphere of the qchool of the eiders and trustees. will *be Informai. and insl.piring. The sehool wili be finaniced by ^Vluntary The musical program for the rervice subscriptlon. wili beas foiiows: Prelude, "Romauze,. Schumann;, Solo, 'OLike As the Hart" B bs~ '. (Second settlng), Llddle, Mr. Otis: Solo, Ba tF't "Xature's Adoration," Beethoven, Mr Wle.teadFrs vne ,Oti$; Postiude, "Jubliate, Deo," 8Silver. WinteadForsaeue Mise Erma Rounds is pianlat Iind di- AC rcthtCe" rectr. 1ev.George D. Ailisof, pastor *The Sunday ichool wiil1 hoid sessions ail the summer as usuai. The time Is 9,30 o'clock. The two. aduit Bible ciass- es, one for women and one' fornien, *111 meet every Sunday at 9:45ocli. We Invite you to mneet wIth ils. *ABleealaureate to CG.rown-upq", is the ptstor'e theme Sunday niorning at the 1l o'ciock service. This. ta an an- fluai messae to those who have had another, year of post-gratduate work In the t7nversity of Expenience. The tests Th'le Session ef the church *Iil en îi ltreps eraot ' 1 leldstinuiating valueq for us ail. A Monday ýevening -at.- the home of the brIghti hiessed se rvie of oneý hour,* pastr a S 'Cick.filled with music .and gospel joy_ is open to ail. Mrs. Eulalie Kobel Stade Metz istChuch wll renderorgan as followas Wilmette Vesper Prayer by Dlggle. Rev. Oscar Thomas Oison,. D. ýD.1 Offertoryý: '"Andantinqv' by McDoweii. Children's day wili be observed Stin- Congratulations to al of our gradu-. day morning, June 18, at .11 o'clock in ates in the various departmeuts of the sanctuary. Baies wil l be baptlized our church sehool. eit was a great at that service,. andi it is requested that Church School commencement we hceld. the names of ail chiidieu to blie bap- The Young Peopie's soclety plans' a tized be given te the Minister before varled program for the summer. There Sunday. wil he Sunday morning activities for interested boys and girls, too. Watch Children from the varions depart-. for announcements this Supday inorn- ments will participate in a soug service ing' in the church. Best wishes to Our as a part of the Cbldreu's day service. New Trier I-ligh sehool graduates~, too, The church wiii be béautifully decor- andi welcome home to coliege youth. ated with fiowers contributed by mem- bers, and' frienda 0f the church. Those The Choir Gullal, under the leader- wishing to make such a contribution are. ahip of .Alfred,.Heerens, wil have sum- asced- to léave the fiowers at the church mer Interests this year, looking for-. on Saturday morntug. Thé songs of ward te' new plans for the comlng sea- canaries. wili add mnuch to the spirit of son. Ail singérs are reniinded to par- Chldren's day.. ticipate In the services of June. 18 and - 25, coming eariy for rehearsal in the T[hle ergan and choir muisc for the GIuild room. The antheni this Sunday Sunday niorning service w.111 beas.foi- wlll lie *"AÉ,Torrents. iii Sunmer" hy laws: ýSir Edwin Elgar., Ura rcuç- 'ountain 1 Reverie",............... Fletcher "Berceuse"............ Guilmant Introit: "Lord, for Thy Tender Mercys Sake" .......... Farrant Otfertory Anthemn:. "Cherubic Hynin"e,*--. * *.. .* .. Bortniansky Organ Pestlude-«'Pomnp and Cireunistance"........Elgar The -minister wiil speak brIefly onp the therne Tomorrow. Friday, iS the *Garden Tour planned' by the Woman's sooiety. This will lie an, unusual treat, weli pianned and i.nteresting. Mrs. A. V. Gruhu Is ln charge of transportation. Mrs.« W. A: Kendrick. of the 'gardena programn. This 15s the second "Summer Afternoon" of the..n6w series. Geneva Assembly. July 8 ta 15, now service, wflie the Suflaay schooI Rit- tendance bas gone- well over the 100 miark every, Spuday. That Is encnurag-, ingand wë. want to keep it up. the 'Ladies' aid and Mis'sioinnar-Y o- clety of St. John,.s Is making a trip to the Lutheran orphanage tt Addisnon. 1111, Wednesday afternnon with the two- foid object rof vlewing the Institution, aria of zlving the 130 Ilittie lnmates a treat. Cakes and cookles and: other goodies wili be taken. there ln profu- sion. to be taken Wlth à heaping plate of Ice creamn, the latter aiso to be sup-, plied by the visitors. St. John's Is beginning to :have more thalmIits. ordlnary .share of -visitors. as iq usual ln the summer. ILast 'Sunday morning visitors from the Pacifie coast e q weil as from the Atlantice saboard attended our services. There was also afamiy from Ohio. You are. aiways '~Joeat our church. The Wilimette WVelfare, board bas ;4,light the Interest and cooperation of ev\ery organIzationi with aur village, iiarticularly 'as regardls the charitable wierk that must be done in these t1mes of needl.- St. John's has appointed as Itè representative Edwin Fromm, 1330 M4aple avenue. First Con gregational1 John G. Hindley, ininister Continuing the "Century of Progress"' series of sermons, Mr. lndley willl preach next Sunday on "The Century of Progres In Europe: Russia and the Wonld Challenge of Communism." The service Is held at il o'clock. The music for. the service next Sun- day will lie as fêllows: P>relu<de: "Sunimer Meditation" .... Rosseter Cole Solo: "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto the His",........ ..Stoughton Offertory: "Echo" .............. on Postlude: ."Toccata"........Tombelle >Mrs. Ethel 'Heide' Wlshover will be the moloiet. An interei will be pro sten of our gins next Sij Juiy. The 1 naritmntsu.i ]>rogramn for children l'u lthé summer ses- irch school, which lie- l ud continues through mes ndl Pr~irv de ,as arranin~hg for cars ta De at the church ait 2 o'ciock to take you out toj the plcnlc grounOs. We Invite everyone to couic and Join us. Tee creamn and lenmonade for ail. Balloons, balles, and many. other noveities for the' klýdies. The program commjittee has many, sur- prisesin store for ail. Forest presmrve-, 1H arnîs Woods. Sundayi June là is "Luther an ])ay" ait "A Century of Progress." 'A'"rvc wi Il be held at Soidiers' field at ? p.m.' Those who wish. to begin the Sab-ý baith day rigit by attendinig a service of worship wil. be giveh this oppor- tunity, through our early xnorning serv- ice at l cock. We Invite you to wor- ehip with us.- Attending a service of worship on Sunday wilI make your week more joyous. Invite Chilren to Join Treasure Hunt at LibrÉiry Monlday, june 19, wvil1 bring the opening of the Treasure Hunt aLt the ýWilmnette public library. This wilI be the third year that. the &immer Read-. ing club bas taken the form 'of a Treasure Hunt, and- for the past few' weeks would-be treasuire h unters'havýe. been besieging the childreul's roomi with requests to hold it agkain thîs In, general, the same rules governi- ing the treasure hunt for the past twc years wili prevail this summer. Any boys and girl living in Wilrnette, or visiting -here for the sutnme~r months may join. He will need a library carcl. obtainable for the asking in the Chul- dren's rooni plus a desire to read. There will be three groups of treasure' seekers:- 7-8 graders, '5-6 graders, ýand 3-4 graders. ,There wil' be fifty books on each list, and n books appearing on 'previous lists have been repêated this year; this means that readeirs hiave.a new'set of reading th rills in store for.them.' This year, as in the past, certifi- cates will be awarded at the end of the sunimer to those rnemhé.r. ni thek 9 :45 a.m. ig aionday, iune 19. uelleve mat the gospeli-of Christ lé anti-- 1 ec...virnig er..eil atm. 1and Betty' Sc "A Century of Pro- quated. It le celnforting andl assuringjTeW ansoctywi idtsdthhell ruBuldng" hi Ithat It 1s net out of date nar divested IJune ork meeting this. aftern 'nzen badges. se three groups, cor- o f Its pewe.r. You are invlted te heara Thur r tth oee n rhu o wneeso iwinner andl junior citi- She is moving.;to mil- with her Parents. s I I c I acilool wiil

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