field meet held last Tuesday after- noon at the Wilmette Village Green, Out of the sixc existing records foi the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, only twô were Ieft standing at the end of the afternoon's program. The two surviving records were the running high jump for girls, made by Eleanor Burpee in 193-4 feet, .3 inches; and the 50-yard dash "For yS, miade by Frank Swirles in 1932. Ris time, 6.1 seconds, was equàlled, this. year by John Versino of H1oward school., SDaniel- M. Davis, director of recrea- tion. Who is îin' charge'.of the public scbopl athletic and physical éducation program, announced that new records were established. in the second,, thirit, fourth and fifth grades, .but that they were not available for publication- at the present time. Tbree Shatter Retorde The new records ere established by Dorothy Davis of Howard scbhool, Robert Steffens of Howard school, and James Versino of Howard school. Dorothy Davis smashed all-school broad jump records for girls by a lump of 16 fect, 4 inches, a leap aI- Most two feet farther than that mnade by any other Wilmette gram.mar school girl in prevbous years and the first time that a junip of 16 feet cùr more bas been registered in the local grammar scbool annals. In niaking the record jump,*she broke her old school record, held, since last year, whiçh was .14 feet, 10 inches. Luc asianc in .4 seconds, îwo sec- tierrow's1 onds less than the old record tie fert Geppt 6.6 seconds, hield by Dorothy Davis 40-yard, and Jane Brandt jointly. 1. Patsy Lowell Snorf of Stolp school.drew roMs Va the appause of the 500 spectators at 3. Eunice the meet When he -broea xsigHo*ard m broad jumîp records for boys and i. Dean1 leaped 18 feet, 6'inches, almnost a foot Logan, sel better than it had been done previ- Van Hor, ously in the Wilmette school meets. GrenS His lame, however, was only momen- 40yr tarv because RobertS tefpn., rof rH,,. 1- Nanicy1 ara scflooi. Hiiegft: 4 feet 2 inches. etlscoi.Dtace 6fet9 Running high jump for Class D) Inches. r bos, adeby ougassHuc of Standing broad Jump for lUfth grade Howard col egt 4 e,4 roor», Howard sehool; 2. Everett Mun- inches.0so, Miss Brown's room, Central. Runnng bgh jmp or Cass school; 3. Paul Rensch, Mr. Ball's rooni, boys, made by James Versino ut«H. war echo.Dsace. et ' Howard school. Height: 4 'feet, 8 Regalts r et0-Yrard, flah inches. 50-yarýd dash for Ciass F girls: 1. 50-yard dash for Class C girls, June Gonzalez, 6C Howard; 2.ý Edith Menduni, Mrs. Julian'a room1 Central made by Dorothy Davis of Howard school; 3. Marian. Mountain, ighcrest Sc hool.. Time:. 6.4 seconds. sehool., Time: 7.5 seconds.'lI 50-yrdd1hfo Cas -B irs, 50-yard 'dash for Clas Fboys: 1. -yad àsh or' CassA BgirsMurray- Triplett, SA Howard; 2. Jin! Made by.Alice Waglier of Howard Wolff, 2B Stolp; 3. Rudd Lippincott, ZA school. Time: 7 seconds. Stolp. Time: .7 seconds. das fo CassA- bos, 50-yard dash for. Class 'E girls: 1.ý 350-yard ahfrCas .ý os France. Akeley, 2A, Stolp; 2. Irene made. by John. Versino of Howard Baron, SB Howard;, 3. Imogene Kauf- school. Timne: 6.1 seconds.. mani, le Stolp. Trime: 7.2 seconds. 50-yard dash for Class E -boys: I.. Running broad jump for Class CJ.ack Norrîs, 2w Stolp; î. Robert Smith, girls, md by Dorothy.. Davis of 8B Howard; 3. Walford Johnson, $1B Hôward school. Distance: .16 feet, .4 Howard. Tirne: 6.7, seconds. inches.50.-yard dash for Class D girls: 1. inches. elen Harrison, 6A Howard- 2 Betty Running broad jump for Class F Ann Brenner, 2B Stolp; 3. Julia Booz, boyrs, made. by James Steen of How- 'B StolP.' Time: 7.4 seconds. 3.50-yard dash for Class D) boy: ard school. Distance: 14 feet,3 Robert DeVinny, 6B Howard; 2. Charles inches. Soule, 1B Stolp; 3. DIck Hall, 6B How-ý Running broad jump for Class C ard. Tume: 6.5 secon~ds. 50-yard dash for Clasa c girls: L. boys, mae by Tom Carney of How- fôrotihy Davis, 8AÀIHoward; 2. L~ois ard school. Distance: 14 feet, lOYz lCunzeimann, 7B Howard; 3. Beatricýe Leal, 8B Ho'ard. Tinie: 6.4 seconds. inches. &-yard. dash for Class C boys : 1. RunnÏng broad jump for Class A-B 1Harold Borre, 8C Howard; 2. John boys, made. by Robert Steffens of Welter, 8B Howard; 3. Rtobert Hull, SB Howad ihgol Ditane.ý 8 fetHoward. hnme . 66seconds. Howrd chol. isanc: 1 fet, 50yard dash for Class A-B girls:, 1. 92 inches.. Alice Wagner, SA Howard; 2. Helen Resuts fr M Grae. esv;ott, 1B Stolp; 3. Jarlé Solomon, lB Reaute fr Al GrdesStolp. 'Tlme: 7 .secQnds.-- Resuits.of the various events for ail 50-yard dash for Class A-B boys: grads ar asfollws:1. John. Versino, 8A Howard; 2. Robert 40-yesaredash forosecn gaegil:Steffens, 8C Howard; 3. James O'Neil, 1. Laurettai Schleier, Miss Petrle's room. BSop i,:61scns Howard school; 2.. Lu~cy MillerMiss- Runnlng -Bread Jamp tMiss Carmody'ls -rorn, A.rniold Araflis, 2B >tolp; *3. Cari ne: 6.8 :seconds. H-otze,- 2A Stolp' Distance:- 14 f'eett, 3 ash for third grade girls: inches. ymons, Miss Gunderson's. Running broad lump 'for ClasE rd school; 2. Patty Curîl, girls: 1. Frances Akeley, 2A Stolp; 2. orne's rooxn, Laurel schooi; tDoris Trego, 6B Howard; 3. Bonnie 4mons, Mrs. Joyce's' room, Lamb, 2B Stolp. Distance: 12 feet Il oo01. Tinie: 6.7, seconds. inches. ash for third -grade boys: Running broad Jump for Clans E ose, Miss Schriner's rooin, boys: 1. Kimbal Brown, SA Howard ;. A ; 2. John Palenske, Miss 2' Paul Casterline, Mm. Julian's rooin, s room, Laurel school; 3. Central ; 3. Don Berblinger, 2B Stolp. ,efgen, Miss Kurz' rooni, Distance: 13 feet, il inches. ,hool. Tume 6.3 seconds. Running broad Jump for Class .D .sh for fourth grade girls: girls: 1. Adelalde Koenen, 6B Howard-, nderson, Mrs. Jones' rooni, 2. Jane Penberthy, 7B Howard; 3. 1001; .2 BettyHuck,. Miss Marcia Smith, 7A Howard. Distance: 13 park. Thle piaygrounds wil be main- tained free of charge to the children of the village from 9 o'dlock until 4 oclock each day except Saturday when the playgrounds will close 'at noon. .They are urider t he jurisdic- tion of the Wilmette Playground.îand Recreation board. Daniel M. Davis, director of! recrea- tion, bas announced bis summer.staff which will include Miss Dee Rig**e,, instructor at Vattmin:park, Glen W. Gathercoal. instructor at Vattman park, Miss Jo Skidmore, instructor at the Village Green, and Dudley C. Stone-, instructor at'the Village Green in, the mornings,, and in charge of swimming instruction at the Wilmette beach in, the afternoons. . Mr. Gathercoal,: Mr.- Stone and Miss Skidmore are members of the year-'round Recreation, staff, and Miss Riggle is a formerý Wihnette playground instructor, having been employed at the Central playground in 1931. The playground season will bc shortened one week this . .year an d wilI1 close August 12. The usual term'. of the season is, nine weeks. The prograrn of activities off ered during the sumnmer will be games and athletic contests which will include playground baIl, kickball, borseshôes, and other highly organized games; story telling, dramatics, poster mak- ing, doil making, mug and baskett weaving, and various other handi- 1.. DicIC Moreau, 6A Howard; 2. Walter Baron, 6A Howard, and Jack' Norri, 2C Stolp. Height: 4 feet, 2 inches. Running hlgh lump for Clasa D girls: 1. Marcia Smith, 7A Howard, and Julia Booze, 1B Stolp; 3. Betty, Todd, 7A Howard. Height:- 4 feet.*- 4unning high junp. for Class D. boys: 1. Douglas Huck, 7B Howard.; 2. liow-, ard oulding, 18 StOlp, and Paul Wip- perÇ>lfurthi SA Howard. Height: 4 feet, 4 inches. Running high Jlump for Clans ÏC girls: 1. Katherine ýWenter, 1B Stolp;1 2.1 Lucilleý Heerens, 6C Howard; 3. Jean' Macdonald, SA Howard. I*eight: 4 feet, 2 inches. Rùnning high Jump for Clasaj C boys. girls. made1 ard schQol school. Hei Runnig girls, md L high jump for Class D g by Marci& Smith of How- ro and Julia'Booz of Stolp m, ight: 4 feet. . 3. high jump for Class C ro, by Katherine Wentér of inigbroad JOMP for fourth grade h ring higj JUrnP for Clans E girls:-.i ne ]Baron, 8B Howard; 2. Betty ) r, 6A Howard, and Mary Alice 1 r B. Stolp. Helght: 3 feet, 10 I i. I mning high Jumtp for Clasi E boy».: J gae., wna lt t UE raae.: ward. 7A Howard 4 i a I j: