COOL AGAIN- OVEN MEALS WILL NOT. IE. AMISS After.several days ýof ýtorrnd weather meals, a roast beef will be a* welcome treat. *It9s attrac- tively priced thisi week 'and, of eourse, we aire a vaiiety of: vegetables'f rom which to .imake selectioàs. Drewryle Dry GtltgerAle~c «61 soda, Stock the refrigerator et t 1 his new low price. No. 3 for,350 b6ttlé deposit.: doz. 1039 ambut steak. Whole, perfect segments--A treat for break. o ,cn 5 fast or in icombination fruit salad- gfe1 9Lfo es Dlp aun-eeog l'n or meaLl end frY brown, then serve wlth ereained pOltpoesand trled toinatoes. tea golden use for -beveirages lemons are llgi. now thgt KM ROAST OF DEEF so juicy and tender and se reasenably priced lb. 23. Sth and 7th rib, IL 19c Calvea' Sweetbveacd leat The real artiele, bread and« try IDlb.à piety.ofbutter. VaienciaOrang.m Small, ier> 'neet a4d Ju14,y. 4 doz. 690 HEÀVY WAX PAPER Picalc timo agan-and tha, o f course, mnigs 1US-h. rail evrything lbas te b. wrap- witlm cutter. ped in wax paper te b. kpt fresh and cool- 190 Here'. a refl valuê- The youflg on@% are so sweet and tender. 3bmchbes 100 Atiehokes DigSweet chewe Extra larce, dellclonsly sweet. Wbite Cobbler Potatoes New crop, a woierful -bny at peck 39e For saIads, frylng, brollig. 2.I.tray 9 Green ppe F111 tieni' wlth eream eheese ()r erimn ip nw. WiLMMEI 402 Uindoln Ave. Wflmett. 166-161 m'St LAKCE YIEW 3959 Broadway ROGERS PARK 1 Me javu sAve. zowïs Parx éli COLLEGE INN SONED CHICKEN U. S. Governwent In- spected- Deliciously 5S3mdL .jar tender nmeat-Keep-, ît on hand for sand- .1 wiches, salads- or2fo89 creamiig- lr 90 ndbef orï retirint 0 wil keep yen won. Dn derfully fit- 2 2