Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1933, p. 12

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bunply made along princess lines, its 1Ln'urgday morning, june 15, and ai-- long siceves were puffed above the 1rived in hicago about noon. The elbow. A cap of the sanie lace fitted afternoonCwas spent at the Fair. closely oCier the bride's dark har and Then various niembers of Auxiliary, held, at, the back, with clusters, o units met tbe girls and took the ones' orange blossomi, the long tulle ,veil. assigned to their bornes for dinner Baby's breat h and wbite ro ses W ere and, the nigbt. Friday was spent at caugbt into ber arm, bouquet, wbicb tbe Fair. Mrs. Russell Jobinson, Sev- was tied with.wbite gauz-e ribbon., entb district Cbîld Welfare cbairman, The maid of honùor, Miss Betty packed a box supper (financed bythe Marshal and the bridesmaid, tbe district) for each member of,,tbe par- bridegroom's sister, Miss Jane Engel ty and late in the àfteenoon they were gowned. alike 'in blue organzsarddte u oi- rimal each frocks,' whose bigb-waisted bodices one bappy witb ber experience.. The and. large sîceves witli double puifs endý of this montb tbe above plan will were made with wide tucks. Double be repeated for the, remaining girls, ruching trimmed the flaring skirts.ý of tbe. group. Tbey wore . picture b ats of white string'lace and carried ai-m bouquets GIVE MORNING 'MUSICALE of delpbinium, pinkroses, and baby'sý The fi-st of a series of summer breatb,. tied witb' pale gi-cen gauze morning musicals was held thisweek ribbon. by Miss Editb Ray Young at ber stu- George Butler Martin gave bis sis- dioý, 1133 Central aveu.Té io ter, ýin mnar-iage. Harold Regelin gram included duets, solos, and two served as.best man and Victor Dauber piano numbers by the following pu-. and Malcolmi rewer .were ushes. pils: Edwin, Roberts, Olive Dabvce, .After the cerenuony the bridaI par- Marianne Strauch, Chai-les. Rock- ty received the guests in the Parisb castie, Barbai-a Barrett., Tom Hull, bouse tbrougbout wbicb gai-den flow, Betty Beck , Timrny Johnson, Dolores ei-s were arrangcd. Miss' Mai-ieI Di-essel, Bill. Lane, Raymond Arn-. Wîlhoite of Winnetka and Miss bler, Jeanne Ann Edwards, Sally Maiion Kirtley of Wilmette poured Edwards, Rosemary McDaniels, Fi-an-t coffee at the long table with its bowî ces Dahncke, Doris Trego, Dorothy of pink roses, delphinium, and baby's Wieland and Luci-etia Decker. brcath, and its large wedding cake wbose decorations bad been on the AT CLASS RELINION bridai cake of the bridegroom's Mr.,and Mrs. Beniamin A. Pol zn 1 and son Bill, of 1241 Foi-est avei i-eturned Tuesday evening from MI ieved to have been responsible for bis. death. He was 50 years old. Since April Mi-, Crawford had been a resident: of. Wilmette. *Prior to. that he lived for a numüber of -years ini Evanston. %He *was a mRember of the Union League.clubiii Chicago, the Adirenturers' club and .the Evans- ton Golf club. .Surviving hiw are a son, John Blair Crawýford, Jr., and a daughter, Mrs. C. W. Bowers'of Wilmette. NuresReturn romn Holiday; Resume Work Miss Milclied. Belden and -Miss Mildred- Knowles.. nurses at the Bat- tie Creek batbs in Wilmette, ba ve i-e- s.umcd.their work at the batbs'after a sevejn wecks' vacation. Tbey .tra-_ veled in the East, visiting the Walter Reed bospital in Washington D. C. and the Johns H1opins liospital in Baltimore. At the last bospital tbey particularly visited the Colon- Therapy departments. On tbe way home Miss Belden stopped ini Toledo, ber home, for tbree weeks, and Miss , Knowles visited her sister in Hinsdale. Dur- ing their absence Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Belden had charge of the batbs,> and the latter wilJ now remain in Wilmette to continue their nursing. t 55Afl~U ~f es witb men on base that lctpt thein from overtaking 'their rivais, although outhitting their opponents by 14 to 9 hits. IPhi1lips started for Wilmette and cornpleted two innings, allowîng only thrc hits which, coupled with a walk and an error, yiedcd four zuns. Atîtbs point bis control began to slip and he. retired in f avor of Linquist wbo car-f ried on until tbe seventh, allowing four bhits wbich, ne tted. fiveê runs. At this point the intense heat began to sbow >its effect and:Linquist retired in f avor oi Scblueter who, finisbed the contet. * Wilmette EV.MB. Couat Wilmette evened the score in-the first inningr but failed to bold, thé Chicago Cardsin the second inningwben tey counted three i-uns. Wilmette came back in the third 'when b its by Linquist, ICilby and YuI'e scored two runs. Tbe Chicago'Cards came back, in' the,.foui-ti to.add two i-uns and again in the fifth with -t hree more.to increasé their Iead. Wuhuaette rallieci in the ninth when. bits by Ru4olph, Schlueter mnd Berol netted two runs, but the rally died at this point wben the next two bitters flied out.~ Kilby, Yule, Rudolph and Scblue.- ter divided the bitting bonors for the, day collecting 10 of Wilmette's 14 bits. Next Sunday the Skokie7 Cardinals are scbeduled to play the fast Rogers Park team. Invite Tryouts Ail players wishing to try out for tie team will report on T.hursday nigbts for practice at the field located at Lake aveniue and Harms road. mette, after three wecks. * Monday. evening preceding the wedding the bridegroom's parents, *Mi-. and Mrs. Rudolpb Engel, enter- tained the bridai party at dinner pi-e- ccding the- rebearsal. Following tbe .Miartin-Engel w e&- dng Tuesday, Mi-. and Mrs. Josepb; B ai-shah of 1040Ehnwood avenue, beld open bouse for the biide's neigh- borhood friends wbo were guests at. *the wedding. Wîscnsj ofwbic heis -meber- Mcl)aniel, son Of Mr. and Mrs. More than forty members of the * McDaniel of Wilmette, took plaàce clas ?ssmbed i-uiaIlpats f heSaturday morning, june 17, at 9 United States to answer i-oll caîl forococtS.Ncolscuic.o- this occasion.. lowing the ceremny the young couple Ieft on a wedding trip. Mrs. Claude C. Burnham, 536 Ros- SOC ETN lyn road, Kenilwoi-th,:'bas as ber guest, PK METN ber sister-in-Iaw, Mrs. Arthur Barnes, poke 12 of the Presbyterian of St. Paul, Minn. This Saturday she church of Wilmette is meeting next is exipectinoe ber sons.flDavidand 'ul .z ,Tuesday morninoe atiIl o'clnck uitl Melben b. 1 0h. M5hetten,2b 3 O 0 Schuett,2b... A O2O Yule,s .-5 2 2 Yudl.ss ..3. 1,23 Silterp,fp3 i 3' Llnquist,ib 4 *1 1 N**Ord lb. ... Oi .eo ,c . 3 .2 O , Philips.lp . .1 0 O iLinquist,p .2 O0 Hohs,rf . 1..0i O0 38 7.14 Chicago Cards ab. r. hj. 0oeeary.cf.55.S 4 O'DonIl1,Sb 3 1 1 Dinazoss .. 6 O0.1 Gount,rf - ..4 0O0, Howlett,2b' 5 .0 1 B3aumn'tn,lb 4 0O I Chorivas,If 3 i i Cadigan,c .5 l 0 JIlekp -_3 ..2 0O 3810 9 Mrs C.W.Williams of Kankakee, - Fred M. Coxon. 1538fCntral ave- IIl, is the bouse gueut for several snue, bas been called to Granton, -weeks of Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. *Canada by the 4cath of his'father.. Smnith; 13e Greeuwod avenue. at aj i

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