.John W. Sinding of Kenilworth, who is chairman of the Norwegian American Committee for A Century of Progress, was the toastmaster. Through the efforts of Mr,. Sinding and his, associates the affair was a success: throughout. The square-r.iggker, Sorlandet, mad 'e the trip from Norway with a* crew of ninety .cadets ranging fromn 15 to 19, yeaes of age; ,the .entire voyage, atross the ocean being macle under the power of sals. North Shor. Represente. Many Norwegians friom the north. shore commnuntities made up the, offi-; ciai welconi-ng. party and, the day's activity wound upwith the banquet in, tbe evening.. On. the. programn were many. proin- mnent speakers including Rufus 'C. Dawes, presiden of the Fair; B-arry. S. New, former postmaster general; Minister H4. H. Bachke; Consul General Morgensierne; Consul 0. ~Brtts; Judge of Municipal Court John J. Sonsteby; Capt. Magnus Au- dersen, who piloted an, open Viking ship to the Fair of 1893; Rear Ad- mirai Wat T. Cluverius; Maj. Geti. Frank Parker of the United States Army; Col. T. A. Siqueland; Capt. H. Brunsvik, commander of the Sor- landet; the Hon. Ira Nelson Morris, president of the Chicago chapter of American Scandinavian Foundation, and the Hon. N. Tracclal, Royal Nor- wegian commissioner to A Century of Progress. 1Hear Cons~ul General Consul G e n e r a 1 Morgenstierne pointed out the fact that the Amer- ican who stood deepest ini the hearts ireceived a hearty laugh from- -this statement. As a conclusion to the festivities the national anthems of the United States and Norway were sung by. the assemblage. GUESTS HERE Mfiss Beth Chase and Carl Chase; thie. son and daughter, of' President Harry W. Chase of the University of Illnois, were the houseguests of, the J;osephA.V. Turcks for several days lastpW4eek. »Joseph, Turck, Jr., was at home from the. university at the saine time. If e graduated. there this month with a Bachelor of Science de- gree in chemistry, and Monday re- turned- to Champaign, to take up graduate work at the summer, ses- sion. He has been awarded a, fellow-_ ship at Iowa State university, and. will continue bhis graduate w*ork thére in the faîl. ÀITÊNb AtN1VERSARY Douglas Çrooks of Kenilworth and Percy W. Armstrong of Glencoe who are alumni of Morgan Park Military Academy, attended the special 6th anniversary exercises of the school last Saturday. Graduation exercises were held Sunday. Mr. Crooks is postmaster at Kenilworth, while Mr. Armstrong is postmaster at Glencoe. June and Fern Ahlstrand, 2109 Ken- ilworth avenue, are leaving next Mon- day for Camp Conference Point at Lakce Gerieva. While they are away, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel E. Ahlstrand, are going on, a short base fishing trip at Lake Geneva. - - ~ £% v ir al A £ u i A appreciation of life's cardinal virtues than by the training and natural character. building qualities gained in ,a camp of high standards., BUT -ARE WE BEING PAIR TOI OUR DAUGHTERS? Arewe etingthestain -and stress of,:our present economic situation cause an atmosphere of uncertainty to enter even our homes? We shrinik front final de- cisions.,Vie, the older generation,. seem to be at Lhe cross-roads. We hesitate, then let chance rule îinstead. of intelligence. And'our children may pay, the price of our indecision by unconsciously. forming habits. of instability--drifting.--of lacking aga r das IN FUTURE YEARS WE'LL CENSURE' THEM FOR IT AND I7ORGÈT OUR PRESENT RESONSIBILITY! WHY NOT DECIDE NOW ta give your daughrer. a month or tesummer in an atmosphere free from aduit worr 1ies where ahe caan learn to KNOW HERSELF and BE HERSELF-a happy,' joYful girl with other girls, learning to plan for tomorrow 1»' adapting herseif TODAY to a new life, new associations, new environment. CAMP IDYLE WYLD is weill known to North Shore families. Situated among the neyer- to-be-forgotten- hilis, lakes and sweet-scented pines of Wisconsin on the Eagle chain of lakes, just one- and three-quarters miles f rom Three Lakes, Wisconsin. YOUR DAUGHTER WILL LOVE, IT! Her stay at Camp Idyle -Wyld will forever become a part of a strong and finer character. She needs to leave her accustomed world behind her - for ber better development - it is superb for her! 'And it will be gooci for you. Mgsnber of Camp> Directers Associaion MR. and MRS. BISHO?, Directors Natuùre's. Vocation, Sp 'ot .*f 's nc. Grandeur * z'ISCON SIN