'Anundsmma Péoumimls WEST END FLORJSTS Near Westmorlmd Golf Club on Glemview Rd., Walmette Ko M SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work-Good Materlals LADIES' HEELS 25 LeatLer or Comnp@itiom '2 t WB CALL a£ BELIVER FILEE CENTRALSHOE REPAIR 1128 CentralAve. Wil. 53. Gnou , II@ MMWILMJETTE Servng Fresh, Delleki,. Food ICourne »lnuer lie H M A E~ At aJI hoirs O E B K R Complet. Club Steak 'mnd, Per.ronal Attention to Alil Odes Sping Chicken Dinfier,, 5c 113 PPOlte Vllage Hlli Breakfast Dinnler 193WiImou. Ave. WiL. 4Z9 -si__ 12 Ridge Rd.19 COFFEY'S AUTO REPAIR Put Your Car in Shape Now. RE- UINE BRAKES, GRIND VALVES Expert Mechaaleal Service 1207 WASHINGTON AVE. - iear of Telephou, Co. PHONE WILMETTE 3242 TJHNK 0F IT-Xash Tailoritig Ce. suits, lneludlng extra trous- ent, 0.17 $2290. Repalrimg, Re. mnodellngad .Alterationu--expert work and 10w prices. Try us> next finie. ?rhe o014 Tiie BONI~L Tailor 1117 Greeleaf Avo.-Ph. Wil. 1ii ComPlet. Radio Sm-vice Shawnee Service Garage AUTO REPAIRING GRRASING AND WASHING Relter Valites at «V' Terminal 515 FOURTH STREET Phono WuLmBTTe636 glon fot doting f riends, one of Wil- mtes two surviving veterans of the conflict between north and south, is stili on the march. With. form; erect and head, held high 'he is today, with sturdyi stride andi spirit undauinted, completing the, ninety~ first lap, of is march, on the highway of life. WJlMETTE Lir joins with al our people in wishing himi many happy returns, of the day. Mr. Hood and, Frank A. Alés, 1614 Wilmette avenue, the latter serving in Co. D, 39th Illinois Infantry, are said to be- the only- two, veterans of the civil warnowliv ing in Wilme tte. Near the little town of Lenoir.,down. in the wiid and rugged his,*of North Carol4na, where life was* as rugged as JOHN A. HOOD Mathew F4rancis Photo thecountry and almost as wild, "Daddy" Hood was born -on June 2Z2, 1842. Out of the, rocks and red clay bis ather had grubbed the necessities' of life for a growing family, andhad provided for them a borne that was then considered went Dack 11110 service, aiadwas witb General Sherman on bis Lamous rnarch to the sea. He was mustered out at Nashville, Terni., on Dec. 16, 1865, and received bis pay in full in real ,money, paying bis ýown railroad fare, to bis hom. Unlike aost soldiers, Mr. Hood saved money during the war, coming o ut without a scratch and .$275 to-the- good. Returm ste Faintg *Nosing around for, someëthing in- the nature of romance, the reporter asked. if,. when he marched away. to war, lie had left a sweetheart wbo was waiting to welcome him on bis, return. "'No," said the patriarch, "I neyer had a sweet-m heart before the war. 'You see, 1iùjst loved them ail a Ilittie bit." Then* be added, with a twinkie in bis. eye, "But do, you know what 1 did withthat mon- ey l saved. during the war? I took,$175 of it and bought a buggy, and my father gave me a- borse and, harness, and tben 1 couid get asmanygirls as After reaching home lie rented a farmn and set Up in business for himiseif. Soon afterward he niarried a neighbor girl, Amanda M. Sears, with whom, acouple of years later, he again wetWest," settiing on an 80-acre Larm in Carroll county, Iowa, for which be had traded the buggy bought with bis hard-earned, war money. He added to this f arm until it comprised 320 acres, which he stili owns and which he stili calis home, though most of bis time is -snent with Tells Abouit Biài.rd "Iowa was at that time a raw coun- try," said Mr. Hooci, "with deer and, eik roaminig the prairies. There were also plenty of Indians, 'al fr iendly though_ great beggars. Our' nearest neighbors. were three bachelors who ived, three miles rom our farm. We iived'witb them until I couid buiid a shack on our Larm and then we moved into our own home. In 1908," he contin- re ne ashort I (Continued on page 8 je A. WA»I FURRIER AND, TAILOR FREE STORAGE Fur cote md. to order'by experts et unusumi priees. 1122 Central Av. Ail Bedding- Plants at Reduced Prices Florist i -re he a shoft