Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1933, p. 14

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Easteran ink tO. 'IIMSMI S-19, Jp linir, Squirrel,<W I Rsçcons, $$0. Aisoe. td ~ 5, in-costeas io-w14 $Sç , $45s, MrierFür co 144 N.l*ga IveEX8cNtgg Te0n os@ Wue r . j& MOV INM I .IIL I i I M Meais! VRY FANCY These week- end meat spe- B .I f it1s it's gopd and I/ Loin s LBU ANY SIZE Yah z i lm~ub's home course Saturday, june 24. It was >an uphill fight for the wiilners tIlrQughoUt a Iengthy race, which was sailed in a moderate breeze three' times to the ýwindward mark" and return. Carol, winnier. of the "A" series picked up three boats- on the next to last leg to take second place,' and Fram held.-bler position -aniong the ýleadersto'take'third. lat,' GemmA-ýS. C. & L. M. Pirie: 2nd, Caroi-ElIlott & Morse. 3i-d, Framn-Manegold- and, Bowman. 4th, Walrus*-ýW. -T. & R. -C. Stockton. 5th, Fanny-H!aisted & Heyes. 6th, Humimer II-Denison &.G. JoneS. 7thI, Ail B aba - CIemetsen & Knight. 8th. rwin'kie Ditto-ýHayford & Whlt- teld. th, ider H. Jones, & Noble. lth Hermes-Blngharn & White, tied fo Oh place witth lOtb, Smack- Paýjeau & Ellis. 12th, "Bee' Reeve& Gibson. The Bee,' which was in first place at the fi rst mark, unfortunately hit a flat spot andI watehed the entire fleet sail by bier, a bandicap whichj she was unable to. overconie during the remainder of the race. The re- suits of Saturciay's race allowed -[ýrf1---o-inc-ease lier lead for thet hoe eries of races with a total of 65 points, while Wâlrus came up from 4th to second place with a totalE of 54 points. Smack dropped to third i place with 53 points, and Twinklec IFofurin, c in Whit, yellows and pinks. $7.50 to $1 7.50 Ï5OTHAM GOID STRIPE HOSIERY 75c AdjusftiIe. $1 .00 Prices *dvencing Hayford Wiîss Again Immediately after Saturday's race, six of, Sheridan Shore. Yacht club's rskippers, (Hayford, Pajeau, G. Jones, ,J., Halsted, W. Stockton and R. Ham-i. Llin) left- for the Illinois Valley Yacht club at Peoria to compete in tbe an- nuai team race betweeîe the two fleets oef Star class yachts. 'In. tbese races, only, boats of the home* club are' tsed. After a hi.larious stag party Saturday night, given by the. Peoria yachtsmen in theii customary regal mariner, iail skippers retired for a much néededsleep, and to at- ,terpt'to, get iiitrim, for the Sunday ,afternoon contest. This year skip- pers of both clubs together were di- vided into, a Red and Blue >teanl which was won Iby the Reds, 35. to 30, with Max. Hayford taking first plac'e well in, the lead of the fleet. The Blue team 'was handicapped by the' loss of Pajeau's boat, which lost a spreader, but. the skipper's skillful maneuvering saved the mast., The winds on'the Illinois River are ex- tremely fiuky, but this unfamiliar situation did net prevent the visit- ing sailors from taking Ist, 3rd, and 4th places. It should be nQted, however, that ail the Sheridan Shore skippers came home with prizes, earned and oth- erwise, testifying to the usual gen- erosity and hospitality of the Peoria- ites. Many of the Peoria power boat owners are expecting to, attend A Century of Progress exposition, cruising up to Chicago through the Comupote In Cheicago This week-end the Wilmette club will send its bQats to Chicago to compete in the Star class regatta for the "Sport" Herman trophy, where they will remain over july 4, to coin- pete also ini the annual regatta for al classes of sailing. craft, sponsored by teLake Michigan, Yackting Asso- ciation. These races will be held-over the new course established East of Northerly Island of A Century of Progress with the starting line op- posite the slcy ride towers. LB. WilMgt-cumes,1Aws Pou: WML S4 R idge-Làke Ave& Ph.. Wh..t.314 MiALED MilLK AND A TAST SANDWICH 'ter omly Ff'. Serve CuooxsughamW4s Ice Ct.... CONFE.CTIONERY M2>4CENTRAL AVE. Pke...WiL 5353 .1 %7estores

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