solve these tie-lonord lster questions, or a nentality with th peculiar quirk essential to such soli tions, you . might attempt to g( something like definite information c the present tax.muddle-with only Chinaman's chance of success. Fû muddling ýaround, in the tax muddl is what:ail offiiais having to do wit the problem,. and many, citizens o NTew Trier township as well, -are. do ing these days. In many. inquiries coni ing to us from tax-c 0nscious, citi zens, we have attempted to gatîteý such information. as might be o value to the average persôn in deter. mining "where he is at" in tax mat& ters. Inormation Not There Traversing the gloomy labyrintliý cf the, county, building, hot-footing from one officeto, another'and mus- dling into the private sanctum< higher ups , which, resuits in jusi nothing at ail in authoritative ýinfor- mation, is <useess. And the conclti- sion unavoidably .reached is that the reason no information can be.secured' is that they do not possess any. Fromn the big chief to the lowliest clerk they are "Up in the air." And this 19 no reflection on the personnel. of either the assessor's or collector's of- fice. Causes were probably beyond: their control. A "Lamne Duck" Decision Into a situation tijat was alreadyi sufficiently complicated. a lame A,,pl percent blanket reduction on the 1931 assessment against homes and smail fat buildings. which the county as- sessor refused to allow, on the greuîid that computations had been com- pleted and buis sent out, therefore il would cost the -ceunty $500,000 'te do the work>over againp., There was a judicial election on june 5. and three new mnembers were. elected to the supreme court. Now this new court bas allowed a petition. y '~ tothe bsic re, a d t e auu('u coilector. However, he is acceptin ' Lmue(IlAtn o theeb sch ayens, ndfôwading thexm Convention of Sorority Ljùmped to $7 per square foot instead down town. Mary Catiieryn Niestacit, daughter et of $4.,50. The tax-worried owncr Malte Fild Check of Nlr. and Mrs. George W. Niestadt, n naturally thinks that the hoped-f or The lôcal, assessor, -George R. Har- ?OGenefaeue slaigti a 15 percent reduction will apply to the buh s aîghis w roubles week for. Bemidji, Minn.,,, she ~' 7basic rate, but he is 'doomed to with the personal property. schedue.will be delegate from the North- le another of, life' li ttie disappoint- fa oado oe hn1100 schd western. univerity chapter -t the Ëh ments. It does'not. It appliesol oules sent out by1 mail,. only 5,000 haebiennial convention' of Kappa, Delta f that portion of the tax bill represe nt- been returned. The county assessor sorority. 'ing the $4.50 basic..rate. That covers i e, iin ht hseb erfedb is anticipated that four hundred the bouse. Ail those otheir thingsý area edchkwchmnstta members of the sorority will gather iextras" and must be computed atreeenaiefo the assessors at, the SirchôtBahRsro ithe established additional rates. See office must go toeach home and, i.- forc the w iIl havJ e exluiveus ,r how easy, it is to .figure "where o s1 ec the !furnishingsad ctt rtheee osJe 6-uIy 1. f are 'at ?" g a ns Miss Olga Achtenhagen of Apple- -a job that would require several me. ton, Wis.., national president. of the Pai Tae.Dont ount fo a period of ait least two months. sorority,,Will. preside at the conven- - Also, itis asserted, the 15 percent1 At preseit two men from the countytin Mrs. C. I. Pohîlson cf Minne- reduction, if any, will, apply only in assessor's office,, cooperating with apolis is convention marshal. Miss cases where objecions were flled to Mr.; Harbaugh's local office, are- en- Bernhiardine Leemhuis of Davenport,, Sthe 1931 assessmenit, and. where the gage in this work in New Trier 1oa0 rsdn f h ots rv r. taxes' have net yet been Paid. If you township. ince, has> anneunced that the conven- failed te file an objection, or filedole, The modus operandi, of tliis ýfield tion will incluide,:besides the'business e and then becamne chicken-hçarted and check is extremely, interesting in its1 sessions, a boat trip to the head- tpaidi up, you are just out of luck. revelations of the, prefotind thought waters of thé Mississippi andIac it is rather dimfcut' for .the ordi- devoted te its .ereation. ýHere is hôw State Pa~rk., ndtsc *nary person to understand how the it -works: Returning from the convention, *proposed réduction of 15 percent, ap- How Field Checkc Works many of the delegates will visit the plying as it does to only two classes The field man calls ait your home. World's Fair in Chicago. of real estate, can be fair and equit- and seeks admission, asking tô be abl tothetaxpayng ublc.shown, the living room. This, gentle C. and N. W. Insures more -More more more more more reader, is because the value of per- N.ed'New Tax Laws sonial 'Possession is based upon the D s Free Traveling Sanborn Hale of Winnetka, tax. contents of the living room. If ' t Dust-free travel between Chicago collecter for New Trier township, looks lîke a. million dollars, bingo!l and St. Paul-Minneapolis on the Chi- emitted a hopeless gasp when askcd ýou get a nice juicy assessment. Onx cago and North Western railway wiIV/' to offer some explanation, hope or the other hand, if it resembles an be a fact when work is finïshed en expectatien that would aid in clan- economy shop, you .may escape with the complete oiling of the roadbcct fying the problem for the befuddled a light sentence. Our idvice to thebètween' those points via Madison. citizenry. "We are just suffering the honest citizen, satisfied te pay a fair Many other portions of the North abuses and injustices of an antîqua- tax on the things he owns, is to find Western's rigt-of-way in sections ted taxing systeni," he said, "àa system out when the field check individual where itis needed will be oiled within that should and must be discarded, is coming, and then move ail his be- a short time. Almost aIl of the track if ail the people are to pay their just longings into the living room. Stocks in the suburban district will bc oiled. portion of taxes and no more. Many and bonds could bc pinned to tliè and that portion of the roadbed between people think that, because they have walls. Money c.ould be withdrawn Chicago and Omaha that is net' rock a modest home or inexpensive fur- f rom the bank and spread on the ballast, the line between Ogden and nishings, they should not bc coni- floor. Then yen would be assured Council Bluffs, lowa, will be oiled. pelled to pay a tax. This, c-f course, of an assessuient on ail personal -The North Western' s system forces lis. wrong. The man' with a two or property. For, if the che ck man can- atomized oil ento the roadbed under three room cottage should pày il not see what you posses s, and. he, is heavy pressure, the oul having been proportion te its value, and the mal, net permitted to go beyond the 1Wv- preheated almost te the boiling point. owning and enjoying a mansion ing roorn, it necessarily follows that This system eliminates dust and affords sbould do likewise. his findings must bc guesswork. Hcw dlean passenger travel. "The need in our own Iocality," he much better is that, we ask. thaù a sti à v .il Wi. yîmia W4IJ aliandreswtn n flôor. If the bath is cf ftue, order, a -h tile floor, 50 cents" would be lature p to the basic rate,. A lavatoryI from.a ,--- "ic uau Li a makîng any blanki ixup. that may be fcund. The cor eut of such errors may either reÈ gs-increase the amount cf the b eals .either case it is what it is. eut Mr. Harbaugh reports that eos li J---- -rection Mr.- and1 Mrs. Elton Brock f rom luce or Derango, N. M., are here for A Cen- eiil. Inj tury cf Progress and are visiting Mr, and Mrs. John W. Powers, of 307 sched-j Cumberland avienue,. KenilWoth. 1' r I ý , ý, :ý I If 13 i, 1 Wilmette -Girl Attend-m