Choose WIHITE, For Holiday Hats' Piquesi Linensi Creposi Toyosl Miittery Salon-Second Floor WJEDOLDT m.EVANSTON On Davis Street WiIm.i*. [110 .il Save, IIALFOn Thisý 1933 KINGSBU19Y AUTO RADIO Take Your Basebail Games, Your Music, Your News, Your Amos -n" A ndy With You! complete Wltl& 'Tubes and Ail Accçeseoriea Regular,*39.95Vae *5 Tubes, * riving Wheel Control %~%44~3 starteci out from Highland Park the weather bas been ideal. There hàs been no extremely bot weatber, no excep- tionally cold weatber and only one rain. The rain came at just tbe right timeandJ everybody was glad to sec. it corne. The swimming water so far bas been deligbtfuil. kt basn't been cold at .al; in. fact it bhas been j ust exactly right.' Everyone wbo goes in stays> in as long as. be..can and then you almost have to use bodily force to get bim out SConerining tbe mosquitoes that ev- crybody was talking about beforecamp started, tberc bave been very f ewand tbere are lots legs than in former years -and tbey2 don't bite haîf as, bard. Last but flot least, there, is Chef Ross' cooking. There is more food than ever before and the chef seems to bave improved with age. Besides' that there. is "Ma" Ross who is j ust as good as the. chef. in the culinary art. 1AIl in ail, fellows, I think it would be better than ever to corne up second period, beca.usé next to first pcriod. it will be best.=Jiru Lytle, Troop 33, ýl % ý1U iwaterea spring iaice. It is fine for. fisbing and excellent for swimming. The water is surrounded by a nice growth of birch trees,' hem- lock and various other pine trees. These trees make a very good first impression on the scouts as tbey enter camp. The ncxt thing that you meet Wn cam is thé f ood put up by Chef Ross and Mrs. Ross. This food- is of the best quality and, there is plenty of, it. It bas, been estimated tht. esot drinik about two quarts' of milk a day. The dlean mess hall and shining tables are very sanitary.i In the, evening, the scouts get -to go canoeing and rowboating. By the .way, the waterf ront bas the best, of super- vision. It is under thé direction of, Mr. Hopkins and bis assistants, Dick Wich- man and Milton. Merner.. .The camp staff is one oôf experience and has knowledge of handling'a camp. This wonderful. staff of men is undeî the direction of Carl McManus with the help of George Bersch and Harold Boltz and the camp staff. AUlii aIl, Camp Ma-Ka-ja-Wan is ' thc best boys' igln Pak c.aap ftIiUwI.CIAII1Ijurjorian, Uanip iiîguani l'rk.Shawnee, Troop 4, Wilmette. Boys Describes TypicaL Day Enjoyed at Camp Weather Pieuses, First cail! And another wonderful at'1Ia-Ka-Jq- J'an day at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, the Bgdig nCm aKýa a North Shore Area Council Boy Scout 3ig oigs ein C wap Mîsa-- coola camp located in Wisconsin, about 290 at hisfrt crnd wcni ayti grea T coo miles north of Highland Park, andon ate nigtcat nd ampintim e.Therein a small lake full of fish. Theé dayarfitsctsncmptsprodi- starts out with a neat breakfast pre- cluding approximately twenty newc om- pared by Chef Ross, a great Scotcli'- ers. man, and bis wife. Besides preparing The camp is very active in the water- those swell meals be sings his native front passing tests and running of troop folk songs for us programs. Camps Chippewa, Shawne(à In the morning there arc menit badge and Delaware had individtial camp clasesforcvcy cmpe ofthe fir' ires recently. They startedwith Song S, class rank or over, with classes for and afterwards each patrol in camp other campers i their camps. The hour Put Onl two acts fé entertain, the -other and a haif' before lunch is'devotcd te troops. water activit ies. Thé ivaterfront directors have select- After lunch'there is a n hour of riest cd capable if c guard s. They have three in whicb you can write home or to your pools for non-swimmers, beginners aànd friends. The next two hôurs are uscd swimniers. The buddy system is a sys- in campr hikes, or sucb. At 4:15 o'clock temn in which each swimmer, whatever swinuning period commences, with the bis rank, must bave a boy for bis bud- iiininr lif fe a sisiL.te aedy. About every ten minutes the guards I 4' c <r n ( e c f c * g y d ir n p 'r F f. R w L * F s ai 't', w tc fi: * 11< s i IWUBDTOS.E'vANST<N On Davis)'StrelWilmetf. g1100 Mrs. bers, at lu June19 JHinners, 551 Rose- Homer Johnson, son of Mrs. H. H. Winnetka, entertained Johinson. 158 Melrose avenue, Kenil- Gamma sorority mcm- worth, left Sunday to spend tbe sum. ,on and bridge Monday. mer at Camp Owakonze,, Qntario, Canada. BDig Onesi Wè. nesi For Al I m m tu; ve Co an wc