for the HOU DIAY Golf set for be. ginners; heavy, duck bag, dr iver, Midiron, mashie, put ter .$.8 J Picnic jug s to keep food or heverages cold;'eitlier. gallon or half-gallon. 89c lland trunk with sheet steel covering and solid- leather handie; 26 inches long. . . . $1.95 TO, DRESS. CORRECTLY AND COMFORTABLY FOR SUMMER A Jantzen swim suit for the Sunmner sun; in lido b lue, yellow' black and navy; sies 34io 42. Price . $5 Rubberbelt .. .28c (Above, Lef t) Cool,, comfort - able and .-nrt. is this backlesswlIite tennis dress; Sizes14 to 20. andt irc isjust $. Forth Floor I ~ One of a collection of bats for sports and S'treet wear; inen, pique, crepe;. in white and colors.; narro-w or wide brims;. ail head- sfres . . . $1.9,9 Foutrth Floor Su.n back pique dress with bow tie of s triped line.n; ' novelty pique wi th square neck; 14,to20 19 M'AR RS}IL TO AT. Croqi the wi jt;j FIEL Tf RubI) dren; green