VILLAGE AWAITS FROLIC ON 4T11 Wilmette Post No. 46 Outlines Proigam of Hoiday Events for Tuesday Afternoon Thirty races, and contests for Wil- mette residents of ail ages are in- cluded, in the complete program an1- nounced, this week by George: F. .Scherzer, chairnian of the' Patriotic Celebrations coniittee for the tenth annual community Fourth. of Juiy celébration, sponsoréci by Wilmette Post No. 46, American Legion,' and to be held- at the Minmette Village Green on Tuesday afternioon at 1 :30 o'clock. A complete program, listing the, events and the naines of mer- chants. who donated pnizes, will be found -on page 8 of this issue of The afternoon will open -with a patriotic prograin at 1 :30 o'clock, Wilmette Post No. 46, Arnerican le- gion, presenting and posting the colors. This will be foliowed bv a patriotic service in .charges of D). C. Leach, comimander of Wilmette post. The races 'ill start at 1 :45 o'clock, under the supervision of the X'ViI- mette Play-<grotiti( and Recreation board, Daniel M. l)vs.(irector. Legion menhl)ers servînig with Nir. Scherzer on the Patriotic Celebra- tions cornittee are C.ý P. Dahncke, *Russ Johnson, Marshall O'Connell, Steplien Brownlee, 1D. C. Leach, Dudley Stone, S. \,an Iinwageni, George Leal, 1). J. L. Walther, Leo Hassenauer anid Dr. G. A. Stone. Paul",Hoffmai, 1D. M. Davis and' Hap Gathercoal, wile not iembers of- the Legion, are following their civic. custom of past years by serving- on the Patriotic Celebrations comimittee and again contnibuting to the.success of the comnmuniity Fourth. The Patriotic Celebration .s coin- mittée is thanking the Wilmiette merchants for donating prizes and for. thus helping give the children as well as the adults a glcrious but 'sane Fourth of j.uly. IPreaches A broad I)r. Johit G. Hiiidlcv îîzwîinstc;' o! tMe First C'on g(rcgational ,chlit.(11h, w1(ho was rcciv clecicd p/icsidezt of IlecllViliiwetlc kolarY c1lub. tendiug Ille conention of Iotar-v> International in B ostoi,.11Mass., titis zocek as delegatc of Ille "' ihite( Club. Dr. Hindley will sail. froni Friday, june 30, for .England will engage in a preachinig summer covering various of. cipal cities,,in-the,empire.. Montreal whiere he tour this the prin- TWO NWEW CONTAGIONS. Two new cases of contagious dis- eases. one of scarlet fever. and. one of chi cken pox. were, re ported i n Wilmette for the mweek endinge Junie 24, the Health departnient records show.' Peer Situation Is Now in Stautu Quo *To be-er or not to be-er. That is thec question now agitating the minds of Wilmette's populace, both officiai and lay. Itis a sort.of now-you- have- it anti now-you-don't proposition- oneday beer is 0. K., the next taboo. However. there has been sonie clani- fiçationý of theý atmnospbere sincç thé order werit out to dealers last week, by authonity, it is said, of Village President C. P. Dubbs, te clear out their. stocks.. It is now explained that that order was -a courtesy warniin g for1 them .to keep stocks at a, miiii- mumn. so they would flot get stuckin, case something or other happened. At any rate, the order did flot meet with unanimous approval'of* the- deal- ers., of these merchants re- tained Attorney JoÔseph H. Heinzeni' wlîo plann'edto go, into court and ask for anin ijunction restraining the Vil- lage frorn interfering. with the sale of the 3.2 beverage. But the persu- asive qualities of Attorney Heinzen were brouglit into play instead in a. conference with village autho ri ties with the resuit that the word bas quietly gone out that the status quo will be, maintaineduti definite ac- tion is forthcoming. Take Registration Now for New Sehool Term Students planing to enter N\ew Tuier High schooI next fali who have ilotalready registered niiay dIo so at aniv time duriiig the summiier. it was anniounced at the hligh scliool office this week. This applies particularly to children fromi families who have moved to NeNv Trier township re- c ently andto students who have been attedmg private schools ad h plan to enter Nevv Triernext faîl, it is explained. 'New, Trier students register at the close (if. each school' vear for the term. that opeiis the fol- lowinr Septeniber. Varioùs BôardS Muat Le.vy> Trax; UrgeCitizons to Attend. Hearings This W e A. proposed budget of $272,769.72 for Village croaeepne for the fiscal year frorn May 1, 1933 to April 30, 1934. bas been prepared by the. Vil- lage board. At, the sainel time proposed budgets covering the, saine period of time have been prepared for. the Wil-. mette Free public. library, the Play ,Tonight,, Friday Public' hearings on the -proposed 1933-1934 budget will be held Thurs- day andi Friday nights, of this weék. The Thursday night hearing will be at the Stolp sehool o>n Tenth street near Central avenue, and the Friday nigbt bearin will be at the Howard- school on ieventeenth' street. Both hearings will start at 8 o'clock, it is announced. ground and Recreation board, thé Firemen's.pension f und and the Police- mneti's pension fund. The grand total of these proposed budgets is $301 ,8.35.72,, as compared to $315,954.97 forý the year 1932-1933. The proposed budget of $272,769.72 for Vil- lage corporate expenses is $14,102.53 below the 1932-1933 budget. The actual expenditures for 1932-1933, however, were $249,883.56 for Village corporate purposes. While the proposed, budgets of.'the various'boards for 1933-1934 are loiver than the. 1932-1933 budgets, the amounts that will ha ' e te be raised by taxes is considerebly higher, it is pointed out. enî insructionîs 10 bVCLMat. Mis5vil- lage has a safe and saîîe Fourtlî of July. The sale of fireworks within the villagelimnits is prohibiteti by a village ordinance. Shooting of fire- works is also banned in Minmette. Chief of Police' Henry Brautigam bas. warned that persons. violating these regulations wilI be prosecuted. WILMETTE LIFE for more thon 20 years thte home paper of the community ing actual incomes during the. past year, other thanl taxes, as well as the estimated inconie for the current year andi the amount necessary to raise for each board by the, sale of tax'anticipa- tion warrants.,