Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1933, p. 28

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i- c 200 members' and' their guestf %eri expected for the buffet bridge, whicl was the premiere of. a series oi mornthly cvents of the. saine kind Table prizes arc '.awarded. andà tenipting buffet,,supper is serveci Westmoreland, is inaugur ating.à juniorîd ce ,ridy evening of thiâ week for members' chi-Idren only, be. tween the* ages of 15 and 20. A large crowd is anticipated. D)uring the samne evening, one af the members, of the club,,'MWrà. E. C Warnpler, is entertainifig betWeen 6ff- ty and. sixty guests in *celebration of bier. flfteenith, wedding anniversary. A three-tiered crystal cake Will mark the occasioni. The social activityote than the usual round. of members' attendance and entertaining at the club, -then jumps to the Fourth of july itself, when, while the men have their 5pe- cial golf matches, the women will have their regular afternoon game of pivot bridge, commencing at. 2:30 o'clock.' Prizes will be given and tea. will be served at 4:30 o'clock. About two-hundred members and guests are expected to be present. During the bridge and tea time, and on their own playground, a spé- cial entertainment will be given. the cbildren.. "Clowns, marionettes and ventriloquist acts are being brought out from Chicago. to 'delight the boys and girls,' and then, as a climax to their fun, they wilI be' servedc cake, and sandwiches and other refresh- ments' in' the out-of-doors. Mrs. Thomas Ream is in charge of the children's afternoon. The evening of the Fourth a dinner' dance will divert members and guests, commenc 'ing at 7:30 o'clock. The Fourth -is really men's day as far as golflng', is concerned at most of the clubs,. but at North Shore, while their husbands play, their wives may invite guests to the bridge luncheon the club is having Tuesday. The next summer formal Anne'r on~ a dress st wearyour: o' ýd "Folks can pop corn. over coals on e the beach, pull taffy, or stir off maple h~ sugar and.there will be bridge tables f for city folks. "Cet ,your tickets' f rom: any of the a. folks -who go to Preacher Allison's Meeting House. a "The proceeds, go to Gilderoy. SScôtt's- choir," according to the, an- -nouncement ,sent telling of the jolly e and inforffai evenang planned for:resi- dents of Wilmette. f *Old-Fashioned 4th. f Entertainment Plan Teat Vista del Lago Fh ourtb of July at the Vista del Lago willi be, celebrated in old- fash- ionied, manner, with. swimrning,. beach sports, boating, water basebali, water sports, a buffet dinner and dancing to. keep aIl members OfÉ the club faux- ilies joyously diverted tbroughout the entire day. For the evening's finale when members. and theji- guests dine and dance, Blih Lytton's Purpie Syn- copators have been engaged to play. .Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Baker are in charge of the evening. Assisting them as bosts and hostesses are Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Ladensen, Miss Godie Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Allen. The. jun- ior hostess is Margaret Cobb, and the junior hosts, Douglas Srnith, Jr., and Harold Terry. Other. events at Vista del L-ago dur- ing the anonth are the bridge lunch- eon Monday, July 10, at which Mrs. joseph Kuttten and Mrs. J. H. Wen- del will be hostesses; the second bridgée luncheon, which will be given two weeks, later, and -the informaI dances taking place every , Satur- day during July. The Thurs-day eve- ning fam.ily dinners, always popular events at the club, continue each week. Lew Sat'ett on Today's Mrs. Alfo E. Nessier, the formner Minerva Kraft of Wilmette, was chairmtan of the banquet which,' on Monda y evening, opened the..cur- rent convention of Delta Zeta' sorority in Chicaigo. Garden Club to Picnic at Fairu>ays on July 71 The W«imette Garden club is again to be' entertained at Fairways, the. studio, home of Mrs. Bert L. Davis, for its annual picnic, which, this year, is to be on Juy 7. A buffet luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Members are urged to cali Mis. Walter Gore Mitchell of 1009 Oakwood a'venue, if they will go and if they will drive. The meeting trne for those going en masse is 12 o'clock and members are asked to mgfet ai* 1320 Green- wood avenue, the home of. Mrs. c. P. B erg. The afternoon prograrn is in charge of Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut, who 3 and 4 be designated as-the days for the 6th Corps Area Horse show, the committee announces. The show is to be heId on the beautiful new horse show ena just completed, last faîl at the *_sàutheast limits of Foýrt Sheridan. With the: new bor-se. show ring and grandstand located on 'the bluff.overlooking Lake Michigan,.the cool breezes. from the lake and the scenic beauty surroundinig this ring make as- colorful a. setting for an. event of- this k 'ind as can be imagined.' Announicement of this event in horse loving circles b as :been. met with great acclaimi, and already inquiries and tentative. entries are comning ini byý mail, wire, and telephone. The equestrianevents are open to civilian and mnilitary entries begininig Mon- day mornitlg, July 3, at 10:00 o'Clock. The afternoon show begins at 1 :30 o'cloick.. The Fourth of july morning, show begins at 10:00.o'clock, and the afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock. There will, be classes of ail kinds incluiidùg chli- dren's events, intermingled with the adult classes. A list of events f ol1- lows: M'Onday Mornlng, Juiy, 3 Class l1ý-10 .00 Seat and Hands (Chil- dren). Class, 2-10 :20 Neovice Hunters;. Ciass 3-10 :40 Enlisted Men's Jump-> ing.u Class 4-il1:0 Officer's Chargers (Hunt- er Hacks). Class :5-11:20 Jumpers (Sporting). Monday *Afternoon 0ls - 1 :30 Seat and Hlands (Chil- Class 7- 1 :50 Lightweight Polo Po- nies. Class 8- 2:10 Lightwveight Ilunters. Class 9- 2:30 Trooper's Mount. Class 10- 2 :50 Touch and Out. Class Il- 3 :10 Children's Jumnping., Class 12- 3 :30 Triple Bar- Jump. .Class 1- 3:50 Ladies' Jumiping. Class 1- 4î:10 Hufters-Any Weight.. Cas15- 4 :30 Hunter .acks. Class 16- 4 :50 Jumpers.' Tueda Monig, uy 4 Class 17-10 :00 Chiidren's Jumping. 'Ciass 18-10 :20,Heavyweight Polo Po-. Class 19-10 :40 Hùnter Hacks. Class 20-11 :00 Enhisted ien's.,Jumping. cluSs 21-Il :2 Jumpers (Sportlng). TÈuësday Afternoon Ciass 22- 1 :30 Children's Hunters. Class 21- 1:50 Polo Poniesý-Any Weiglht. The foliowi1pg day the women at Indian Hill will have a driving "con- test on the first hale, with prizes for law net for the first, second, and third -L tic xcituin c ,rc 'ilvet Hostess Todag ' day, july 3, at the home Shelby M. Singleton, 1104 F Mrs. Willis Hutson bas invited eight nue, at' 2 o'clock. The' of ber friends to corne in informu lly a r e' reading togetherj for luncheon and bridge- at ber home' Franklin Roosevelt's book, at 1112-Elmwood avenue today.. Forward." em ~ ar clnner at the 'club last Sunday ting Mon- Mr. McGibbon's six' district managers of Mrs. and their wives of the Eli Lilly and o'rest ave- company, chemists. The men were rnembers here on a conference with Mr. Mc- President Gibbon i the afternoon., Some came. "Looking from' Omaha, Minneapoh6is and1 Mil-. -wuke e. * 'I

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