Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1933, p. 34

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The usi proramfor the worship ,service la as follovs: Preiud., "The Prophet Bird,"> Schumann; Solo," $ought thei.Lord," .Stevenson;soo «'Recessional," De Koven; Mr. Bdar d Otis, soioist; Postlude, "March" (Her- cules), Handel. Miss Erma Rounds Is Pianist and director. Our Sunday. sciiool. meets every Sun- day thiroughout the summer at 9 :30 o'clock ln departments and classes. Our BibIle classes have combiniet for the summier and i vii meèt in- the EXec- utIveé board room 0of the, Woman's club. The. pastor vill be the teacher and the le0sons *iii be on "Ih. Principles of Jesus."' On Sunday we *Ill study, "The .1Pamily." We Invite you to j oin uùs in these studies. The pastor wiii ho availabie for serv- ic.e thiroughout the sunmmer. He may b. reacheti by phone, Wiimette 3876. Englisk Lutherais Greenleaf avenue anti Seventh, Wilmette 'AHoua. of Worship" unmrs ri tr1i.. E Jither thie church * gm v"' i office or the manse wi) b. the. point of - raigBwes contact with the parish and i vii re- . The Aokiya clase a edig oies sponti to ail Inquiries. The Master,"' each Sunday niorning at 10 o'clock in the Woman's room. Al t É-"LarChyoung woxnen Interesteti in reading ti Bapts qL ribook concerning the life-of Christ are Wil ete nd orin avenue cordiaily invited to attend next ,Sunda y. Rev. George D. Allison, pastor TeMnscaal othigisss WejIn in worshIÉp vih OurCoge sions throughout . the :summer, and gationaliat neBighbors Sunday rnorning mneets at 9:45 In, the Girl Scout rAÔm., at il o'ciock, In thie Flrst Congrega- tionai, church. Our, minister .*Il] have The Lake Geneva Summer Schooi 0f charge andi wiil preach on "Christian Missions is- now In session at Confer- Parits"ence 'Point. The folio*wing, girls, are In atendancerepresenitinig the Queen Es- Sunday 'evening at 6:15, Our yolung ther-Stadr err fti hrh people are, lnvited to a tea at ]Emmanuel Fern and June AhIstranti, and Jean l3aptIst churc17ï232U". Michgan ave- ÂAnn Moulding. Miss Isabe6l Haskin is nuae I viiere lin Dyis en cl representing our Wesleyan Service braetiinconecionwih their Century Guild. of Progiress programn. 1oung and oldir __________ alike are inviteà to the service at 7:45 o'clock, In which a choir of 12t5 ohns L t h ra viii Sing. Thi s the church htas t. oh -sLuhe n dons -Bo much lin feedIng the bungry.. Wiimüette, and Park avenues,, Wilmette The.-Choir guilt i vii hold the fliret of Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor a series of SUmmer Otnn ~ .. 406 Prairie avenueý,_Te1ephone 1396 6 .... *t8lai5x u0ay, Juiy Çhisla -to be a 'Moonight Froue" thel, honie of Mgr. and %Mrs. Dubbs. Dress up. in country 'style i .f you lke. Pôpcorn 'andi iemonwle. Taffy Pull andi "sugar stir2' Last call for the G(eneva, Summer As. deinby, Juy 8 to 15. We have a fine edYlneVisitor5 on SatUrday and Rev. David P_ Kabele, pastor . Sun ay arewelcorme SiJ!<AY -SERVICES Tornorrow, F'riday, June 30, 2pm. Eaàrly service..........8 a.m. there wiii be a Silver Tea at the home Sunday school .... :45 a.m. ()f Mrs. C. V. Clark, 2513 Park plic' Second servie.........lam Evanston. Mrs. Theodore Filitbrave, an ilndian lady, wili be the guest of honor. Choir rehears .al F'riday evening «it Refreshments viliib. served. 7 :30 o'clock. The Woman's soeiety wili meet Thurs- St. A ugustine's day afternoon, Juiy6,a2 o'clock a Sunday, Juiy 2, wiii be. the thirti the parsonage. Mrs. William Melbyte Sunday after Trin'ity, There wili be wiil present the topic "Mlsslonary Edu- Hoîy CommUnion at 8 A. M. andi Holy catlon-Through Study." Communion with address at Il A. Due to the regular monthly meeting xetSna bi of the Churcli council falling on July Nx udy b g the first Sunday 4, thie meeting will be postpon.ti until ln the month, wil be Corporat.e Cern-i .îuîy il. inunion Sunday for both Boys' andi Girls' Communicant. leagues. . The Lu Lner eague la planning to ac- coinpany the Luther league of Chicago on a moonight boat excursion Wednes- day evening, Ju ly 12. The boat leaves thie Michigan avenue docks at 9 o'clock, grolng southpast the beautlfully Illunil- nateti World's FaIr site. Make yçur reservations . through Marion Melbyb, Wllmette 1935, before July 8. Oui' early morning service la provlng to be a popilar service. We Invite you to worshlp vith us at thls early hour when the weather Io stWl cool. IHenry Fowier, seni or varden, Mrs. I 1owier, Mis$ Betty Fowler, Miss Phyllis ICarletojn, andtheii rector attendeti the reception andi dinner. to the presidlng blishop of the Episcopal' church, Bishop Perry , and' Mrs. Perry, at the Stevens hotel. June 23. The rector presideti at a' meeting, Tuesday night at tRie. Kenosha Church conterence -viien the.ý subJect vas, *'The Influence of the Movies9 on the Chilti." SERVICES. Thibrd Suadgy After ITrlalty 9 a.m., Confessional service for com- municants. 19 *15 a.m. Regitlar servrice andi Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Sunday school and Bible classes. Il a.m. Secn service and. sermon. The Lord's Supper Is té b. celebrateti in the first service on Suniday morning, the confessional or preparatory service for communicants beginning at 9 o'clock. Ail tiiose who vish té recelve the Sac- rament are requestedté tmnake this. known to thie pastor on Friday after- noon or evenlng at the parsonage. The sessions of the. District. of North- ern Illinois of thie Lutlieran Synodicai Conference of North Anierica are JIow being held at tRie gymnaium of the. Lutheran Teacliers college e.t River' Por- est 'This convention vill close on Sat- urday noon unless pressure of business make extension of, the time necessary. There viii be a meeting of the churchq council of St. John's on Tuesday eve- ning next at 8 o'clock at thie patorS study ln the parsonage. Ail the officers of the congregation ire requeste té t iverythin1g Ila-being don. tdl warm days to keep our churcli comifortabe. We invite the -thé 1andi )r to nd if area o( h Methodist Episcopal cburch wiii participate in the 74th season of Des Plaines camp meetings which opens Sunday, july 2, on the grounds at Des Plaines and wili con- tinue through July 16.. Nortb .shore leaders in Metbodism who,,wiii haveý an, active part in. the, sessions include Bishop Ernest Lynn Waldorf of Wiimette, of the Chi- cagfo area; Dr. Horace G. Smith of Wilmette, president of Garrett Bibli- cal institute, and Dr. Oscar T. Oison,' minfister of the, Wilmette Parish Methodist cburcb." Bisbop Waldorf wiii preacb at the moring and evening services at the camp. meeting Sunday., July 16. Dr, Smith will be the preacher at the rnorning services, Sunday, .July'9, and Dr. Oison wil-i preach that evening.. ,In additiohi to religious services during the week, the camp meeting provides various recreational facili- ties, including use of one of the finesi outdoor swriming pools ini the Chi- cago région. HERE FOR FAIR Mr. 'and Mrs. John F., Grater of Lebanon, Ind., spent iast Week-end with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Grater, 2049 Lake ave- nue, while attending A Century ofý Progress. The Graters wiil also have as their guests for several weeks rela-, tives from thle east-Mrs. A. I. Sea- man and ber daughter and two sons, and Mrs. A. V. Knigbt and ber son al of Madison, Conne REX FAIRS HAVE GUESTS Miss Leota Combes of Rochester, N. Y., anid Miss Helen Novak of .Wilber, Neb., were guests last weeký of Mrs. Rex Elton Fair, 510 Fifth street. Miss Combes, a pianist, is',a, teacluer in one of the music schools of, Rochester. She vas on. her ýway to visit ber family in. South Dakota. Miss Novak, from Wilmette, went to Denver, where she bas. charge of hiking at the Deer Grove Girls camp. Mr.- and Mrs. Frank C; Vincent ,me~ f rgdorn Builidi Theka.1 for seerai vecirs. Thumd Progrese in wrek .Mrs. Gathercoal .iis achooi in di-I at bridge for ber mother. iter- Mrs. Colin Morris of 'Vancouver, 1her Canada, is coming this Friday to ho of the guest for ten days of her ,sister- lier in-lawp Mrs. George Carrington. 1426 this Lake avenue. Mrs. Morris bas been ining visiting ber mother mi Londeù, Eng- land and 1 ls on ber. way.homie. oen o b e[ i tul7, Church teleehone -5879

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