contest and the beat had telling ef- fect on botb players and spectators. Schlueter started for Minmette andi Rogers Park opened the first inning witb a barrage of hits. that netted six ru ns and gave them a lead which they beld throughout the entire con- test. Schlueter then beld tbe oppojsi1- tioni check until the fourth inning. Wilmett_ç came» back in the second and third innings te score four runs and, Rogers1 Park retaliated witb three runs in.the fourtb. At this point Schluet'er witbdrew in favor of Lind- quist,*'goinig to rigbt field to replace E)avidsoni,. Walters started for Rogers Park ýand stayed until. the fifth inning wben hie lost his effectiveness and *Is control began to waiver and jobnny Roemer, formerly witb Wil- mette,, was, rushed tO. the rescue. Roemer fiinshed the' contest and managed, to, hold the lead that had been. gained in the early inningÊ 'of the contest. Kilby, Wahl, and Rudolph did the heavy' hitting~ for Wilrnetie supported by Nord wbo collected the longest hit of the day witb a bard drive in% to left field which was good for a triple. No games have been scheduled for the comingý Sunday and -July 4' as traveing games are being contem- plated for these- dates. ALBERT FLESCH DIES Albert Flesch, 516 Lake' avenue, died at bis~ home Sunday morning. He was 56 years old. Mr. Flesch was owner of the Central Camera com- pany, 230 South Wabash avenue, Chicago. For the past. six years he had made bis home in Wilmette. Sur- viving hini are bis widow, Mrs. Sel- ma Flescli,, two sons, Stanley and' .Harold, and two daughters, Alice and Lucille, ail of Wilmette. The funeral services were beld Tuesday afternoon at tbe chapel at 4911 Broadway, Chi- cago. Burial, was at Free Sons cerne- etry.,Waldheim. Mr.« 804Foi ,nd Mrs. F. J. Scheidei Unis singer, who is still in her early twenties, to the very top of the musi- cal ladder in this country during thé past season. 'Engagements with the leading opera, oratorio, and sym- phony organizations in 'America have been hers. During ber Chicago, stay,, Miss Bampton wiIl be the guest* of the Ernest,,,Fleischmanns of Leicesicr road,. Kenilworth. STUDIO Te] ST FWD MI"W à. Let 'Us ostimat. rjob. Rveorything Etuectrical :NE BcXM RANDLEV'S boxe W .t 31165 Wilmnette Ave. I R G EPhomo Wihinette 214 Imile north of GInview on Waukegon Rood. living, for PuBUC SEVzCI.COUPANY OF' NOILTHIERN kUNois Otbet lump values ame nov bcing féatured by odiet LOCAL DEALERS 4% 'I j: